- Added back a default options.txt that fixes zoomify zoom key (it's c, which conflicts with the creative hotbar hotkey)
- Turned off distance horizons by default (enable by unlocking the instance in the options tab, and then turning it on (that's also how you add more mods!)
- Added both Xaeros Mods disabled by default
- Enabled BetterF3 by default
- Turned distance horizon LOD down to the mid, 32
- Added Litematic and MaLiLib (required for Litematic), disabled by default
- Added Remove Reloading Screens to help with server resource pack loading
- Enabled More Chat History by default
- Changed multiplayer server named to AtriocSMP (was Atrioc SMP)
New Mods
- Added Distant Horizons (render simplified terrain past your view distance for better experience with low server render distance)
- Added Better Statistics Screen (adds easier to use statistics screen)
- Added Better Mount HUD (displays both food & health of mount; XP bar only replaced with jump bar while actually jumping)
- Added Capes (adds capes from Optifine/LabyMod/MinecraftCapes mod)
- Added Controlling (adds searching features in keybinds menu)
- Added ImmediatelyFast (improves immediate mode rendering performance)
- Added LazyDFU (makes game boot faster by deferring unnecessary initialization work)
- Added Not Enough Crashes (if game crashes, go to title screen instead of crashing whole client)
Mod Updates
- Updated Architectury API to v10.1.19
- Updated 3D Skin Layers to v1.6.2
- Updated Dynamic FPS to v3.4.2
- Updated Fabric API to v0.91.6+1.20.2
- Updated Fabric Language Kotlin to v1.10.18+kotlin.1.9.22
- Updated Krypton to v0.2.6
- Updated More Chat History to v1.3.0
- Updated Simple Voice Chat to v1.20.2-2.5.7
- Added a default Voice Chat Config with Noise Suppression enabled (I've had no issues with it and it should make other people's experiences better).
- Added a default options.txt (all Minecraft settings) with music set to 50%, and the Save Creative Hotbar Activator key set to backtick (`) because the default key (c) conflicts with Zoomify's primary zoom key.