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Actium is a Fabric-based Minecraft modpack that will take your gaming experience to the next level. It combines the best mods for FPS boosting and graphics enhancement, giving you a smooth and stunning gameplay.


Get higher FPS thanks to mods that optimize the game engine, reduce lag, and fix bugs. Enjoy faster chunk loading, smoother animations, and less memory usage. Play with more mods without sacrificing performance.

🥨 Features


Use shaders to make your game look more realistic and beautiful, with dynamic lighting, shadows, reflections, and more. Choose from a variety of shader packs or create your own. Customize the shader settings to suit your preferences and system capabilities.

Useful tweaks

Actium has many useful tweaks that don't change the vanilla feel, for example: Longer chat history, Zoom, Anti-Chat Reporting, Bug and utility fixes and much more..

Up to date

Actium is mostly up to date so people can use it on the latest minecraft version! In the maintime new minecraft updates are being worked on, We work on optimizations for the pre-releases! and there is no need for making for older versions thanks to ViaFabric!

⚪ Want it simple?

Do you want a simple version of actium? Well try out one of our other projects called Delium. Since actium is named after the war in greece (I didn't mean it to be that) Why not make the simple version's name to be "Delium" which is the Peloponnesian War.


Q: Do I need the modpack on the server to work?
A: No, This modpack works on any server!

🤝 Sponsor

Want a amazing minecraft server provider? Well, Netherhosting is here! Nether Hosting is a freemium (both free and premium) Minecraft server provider. You can support me by signing up in netherhosting with this link, and If you want to know more Click the image below!


Project members





Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID