Ariadne: All of Modrinth/Quilt

Ariadne: All of Modrinth/Quilt


An attempt at a cohesive kitchen-sink pack

Client and server Kitchen SinkMagicTechnology

Created2 years ago
Updated2 years ago

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Ariadne: All of Modrinth/Quilt has been archived. Ariadne: All of Modrinth/Quilt will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
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Banner yet another kitchen-sink pack, featuring 200+ mod .JARs as of the time of writing.

What sets it apart from others?

  • The list of balance changes will be kept very small, which is not unusual for a modpack of this kind. However, when we improve mod compatibility, we prefer to contribute these changes directly to mod developers themselves, for the benefit of the whole Modrinth/Quilt ecosystem.
  • This pack has been playtested to some extent, though full stability is still not guaranteed.
    • Embrace little imperfections and accept impermanence of the world~
      • What we mean by that is, expect bugs, and make backups regularly. We also recommend that you play with cheats enabled in case of item loss caused by glitches.
  • Custom advancement trees for mods, based on different mod categories, as a lightweight alternative to "quests".
    • Nothing too fancy here, typically just a single advancement for crafting a specific item for each mod.
  • Ariadne is Modrinth-exclusive! And runs on Quilt!
  • Ariadne does not compromise: the only non-Modrinth mods shipped at this moment are some library mods and Pling, all of which are free software.

Prism Launcher (and other MultiMC forks)

You can use the auto-updating Prism Launcher instance hosted on my website.

Just click "Add instance", then "Import from ZIP archive", and copy-paste this link:

(powered by packwiz-installer)


We try to include most decently high-quality Modrinth/Quilt mods but we may have missed some gems. You can join the Discord to offer suggestions, no need to be shy even if you're advertising your own mod!

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID