Ashie's Essentials

Ashie's Essentials


A personal client-side performance and QoL modpack that I use for my SMP server. More details in description about included mods and what I use them for and whatnot.

Client MultiplayerOptimization

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Createda year ago
Updateda year ago

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Ashie's Essentials


This is just a personal modpack to document the mods that I like using on my SMP server. Everything is client-side and should function normally on servers. I don't really intend on updating this list/page religiously, because again: this is just for personal use.

Included mods

This modpack is split into two sections: QoL/HUD mods, and performance mods. I've been told that my minecraft HUD "looks like the inside of Iron Man's helmet"-- do with that information what you will.

Quality-of-life mods


Food/hunger-related HUD improvements

Overlays golden bars over your hunger bar, to indicate saturation.

Auto Clicker

Quick and Dirty Auto Clicker mod for Fabric(mc)

Exactly what it says on the tin. I use this to AFK at mob farms-- right now I'm using it to mine cobblestone on Skyblock.

Do note that this mod should be used with discretion; some servers do not allow autoclickers.


Adds a blur effect to all GUI backgrounds - now for Fabric!

I just think it's neat to blur out the bg when I open a chest, a crafting table, etc.


Small mod that adds fancy and useful information on screen.

I use this to display FPS, coordinates, etc in the top left, and my armor and tool durability on the center left. Also displays pointed entity info on top center, but I'd prefer to replace this with ToroHealth.

Inventory HUD+

Adds your main inventory, potion effects and your equipments to your HUD. And few other features.

I use this to display my inventory in a little window in the top right and potion effects right below it.

Inventory Profiles Next

Take control over you inventory. Sort. Move matching Items. Throw all. Locked slots. Gear sets! And much more.

There's a lot going on here... just read the documentation. I use it to lock my hotbar slots and sort chests, but there's so much that you can do with this mod. I really need to do more with it.

Mod Menu

Adds a mod menu to view the list of mods you have installed.

Reload Audio Driver (RAD)

Reload the audio driver by simply pressing F3 + R

I think this one also lets you change your audio device? I'm not sure.

Simple Voice Chat

A working voice chat in Minecraft!

Features proximity chat, or just normal VC if that's what you prefer. I use it for my SMP server.

Performance mods

A lot of these are copied from the "Simply Optimized" modpack.

Fabric API

I mean, duh.

Dynamic FPS

Improve performance when Minecraft is in the background


Using async path-tracing to hide Block-/Entities that are not visible


Render the GUI and screens at a lower framerate to speed up what's really important: the worldrendering.


Speed up immediate mode rendering in Minecraft


A mod to optimize the Minecraft networking stack


Makes the game boot faster by deferring non-essential initialization


No-compromises game logic/server optimization mod

Memory Leak Fix

A mod that fixes random memory leaks for both the client and server

More Culling

A mod that changes how multiple types of culling are handled in order to improve performance

Smooth Boot

Improve Minecraft CPU scheduling


Modern rendering engine and client-side optimization mod for Minecraft

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID