barce's vanilla experience

barce's vanilla experience


mods that enhance the vanilla experience, compatible with multiplayer servers

Client Optimization

1 follower
Created3 months ago
Updated3 months ago

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barce's vanilla experience

barce's vanilla experience (bve) is a modpack consisting of all of my client-side mods i've used for years. i'm uploading this out of conveinence for my viewers and my friends.

this modpack will work on vanilla multiplayer servers, but i do recommend disabling some mods if not approved by the server (freecam mostly).

some mods and their function

most of these mods enhance the vanilla experience. i like how minecraft looks, and i really lean into it. mods like betterclouds, simple fog and bobby allow you to really feel immersed in your minecraft world without seeing chunk borders.

in addition, there are a few mods that help with building. i've added litematica and tweakeroo to aid in building, although i get more use out of tweakeroo for its block placing features that are just immensely underrated.

i've also added my custom config for betterf3. feel free to use it outside of this modpack, i dont really care. i've put a lot of time into making the f3 screen nice to look at and not be such a cluttered mess of everything. most information you'll need is right there.

the cinematic mods, such as camera utils and freecam are used for my youtube content primarily. i also use replay mod, but i did not include it in this modpack since it's fairly advanced and not everyone is going to use it.

mod list

  • architectury
  • bee viewer
  • better clouds
  • betterf3
  • bobby
  • camera utils
  • chat heads
  • cherished worlds
  • clickthrough
  • cloth config
  • dynamicfps
  • entity model features
  • entity texture features
  • entity culling
  • fabricapi
  • fabric language kotlin
  • ferritecore
  • freecam
  • horsebuff
  • indium
  • iris
  • itemswapper
  • litematica
  • lithium
  • malilib
  • memory leak fix
  • minihud
  • mod menu
  • mouse wheelie
  • notenoughitems
  • particle rain
  • raised
  • reese's sodium options
  • shulkerbox tooltip
  • simplefog
  • simple voice chat
  • sodium
  • sodium extra
  • sound physics remastered
  • status effect bars
  • tweakeroo
  • visuality
  • wakes
  • yetanotherconfiglib
  • worldedit
  • worldeditcui

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID