Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
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Published last year
Updated 2 months ago
This Modpack features modifications that enhance gameplay and world generation in Minecraft, offering numerous improvements and new items. Despite these changes, it retains compatibility with Vanilla Servers, ensuring that players can seamlessly join them without encountering any issues.
Join the Official Server - 100 Players
Create your own Server!
- Buy a Server on G-Portal.
- Set the Minecraft Version to use Fabric - 1.21, Fabric Loader 1.21 - 0.16.9 and Java Version 21.
- Start the Server to load all the files and wait until the Initialization is finished.
- In the Filesbrowser you must add the mod's content and the config folder from the Modpack. Create the Folders "config" and "mods". Add the Files with the Upload button.
- Restart the Server and enjoy!
Rethinking Voxels
- Pixelated Shadows & Stylized Lighting: This shader creates a unique visual style with pixelated shadows and lighting that mimics the look of stylized game trailers.
- Voxelized Dynamic Lighting: Utilizes voxelized lighting techniques to provide dynamic and realistic lighting effects, enhancing the overall depth and atmosphere of the scene.
- Customized Environmental Effects: Various settings for ambient lighting, fog distance, bloom strength, and other atmospheric elements.
- Fabulously Optimized for the performance mods collection.
- Bare Bones by robotpants for creating the awesome resource packs.
- All the other mods included that made this Modpack possible.
Full Modlist
- Accurate Block Placement Reborn
- All Loot Drops
- AmbientSounds
- Amplified Nether
- Amplified Nether Height
- Animatica
- Animated Doors
- Antique Atlas 4
- AppleSkin
- Auditory Continued
- Auto HUD
- Backpack Attribute
- Balm
- Bare Bones
- Bare Bones x Eating Animation
- Bare Bones x Fresh Animations
- Bare Bones x Redstone Torch Backport
- Barebones Bossbars
- Barebones X Moss Overlay
- Better Babies
- Better End Portal Frame
- BetterF3
- Better Flame Particles
- Better Mount HUD
- Better Ping Display [Fabric]
- Better Sodium Video Settings Button
- Better Third Person
- Biome Moss
- Blur+ (Fabric)
- Boids
- Cape
- Cave Dust
- Charm of Undying
- ChickensShed
- Clickthrough 2.0
- Client Tweaks
- Cloth Config API
- Collective
- Comforts
- Comfortable (Bare Bones x Comforts)
- Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Fabric)
- Continuity
- Controlify
- CreativeCore
- Creeper Overhaul
- Cubes Without Borders
- Custom Biome Saplings
- Data API
- Debugify
- Deeper and Darker
- Despawning Eggs Hatch
- Diagonal Fences
- Diagonal Windows
- Dynamic FPS
- Duckling
- Dungeons and Taverns
- Dungeons and Taverns Desert Temple Replacement
- Dungeons and Taverns End Castle Standalone
- Dungeons and Taverns Jungle Temple Replacement
- Dungeons and Taverns Nether Fortress Overhaul
- Dungeons and Taverns Ocean Monument Replacement
- Dungeons and Taverns Pillager Outpost Overhaul
- Dungeons and Taverns Stronghold Overhaul
- Dungeons and Taverns Swamp Hut Overhaul
- Dungeons and Taverns Woodland Mansion Replacement
- Easy Anvils
- Easy Elytra Takeoff
- Easy Magic
- Easy Shulker Boxes
- Eating Animation
- e4mc
- Enhanced Block Entities
- Enhanced Mob Spawners
- Entity Culling
- Entity Model Features
- Equipment Compare
- Essential Mod
- Explosive Enhancement
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- FabricSkyBoxes
- FabricSkyBoxes Interop
- Fabrishot
- Fadeless
- Falling Leaves
- FallingTree
- FerriteCore
- Firorize
- Fire Overlay Controller
- Forge Config API Port
- Formations (Structure Library)
- Formations Nether
- Formations Overworld
- Friends&Foes (Fabric/Quilt)
- Friends&Foes - Flowery Mooblooms (Fabric/Quilt)
- Fresh Animations
- Geckolib
- Him
- Hostile Mobs Improve Over Time
- Iceberg
- ImmediatelyFast
- Indium
- iChunUtil
- Iris Shaders
- Kiwi 🥝
- Language Reload
- Leash Villager
- Let Me Despawn
- Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
- Lithium
- Lootr
- Main Menu Credits
- Make Bubbles Pop
- Manure
- Map Tooltip
- MidnightLib
- Missing Wilds
- MixinTrace
- Model Gap Fix
- Mod Menu
- Mooshroom Spawn
- Mooshroom Tweaks
- Moonlight Lib
- More Chat History
- More Mob Variants
- More Zombie Villagers
- ModernFix
- NetherPortalFix
- No Chat Reports
- No Hostiles Around Campfire
- No Resource Pack Warnings
- Nullscape
- Nyf's Spiders
- Not Enough Animations
- OptiGUI
- Owo-lib
- Paginated Advancements & Custom Frames
- Panoramas of updates🌅
- Particle Rain
- Polytone
- Presence Footsteps
- Puzzles Lib
- Puzzle
- Random Mob Sizes
- Reacharound
- Realistic Bees
- Replanter Plus
- Remove Reloading Screen
- Remove Terralith Intro Message
- Repurposed Structures - Quilt/Fabric
- Resourceful Config
- Resourceful Lib
- Riding Partners
- Rethinking Voxels
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Screenshot to Clipboard
- Ships
- Slot Customization API
- Smarter Farmers (farmers replant)
- Snow! Real Magic! ⛄
- Snuffles (Fabric)
- Sound Physics Remastered
- Sodium
- Sodium Extra
- spark
- Spectra Better Chests
- Spiders Produce Webs
- Surveystones
- Survey Map Framework
- Terralith
- Terralith structures suppressor
- Trinkets
- Visual Overhaul
- Visual Workbench
- Visuality
- Wakes
- Waystones
- Wavey Capes
- World Preview
- Yeetus Experimentus
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- YUNG's Menu Tweaks
- Your Options Shall Be Respected (YOSBR)
- Zoomify