- Platforms no longer move boats horizontally unless not made of ice
- Players with ghost effect should pass though blazes instead of deleting the blaze
- Apply changes in platform velocity to the boat, even on ice platforms
- Can no longer roll a Vex if there are vexes in the world, also reduced chance of Vexes in general
- Shields play sounds when blocking TNT
- Made fireballs faster
- Show horn bar even when F1 toggled
- Swap + and - on scoreboard time diffs
- Spectators can now see lap and time diffs
- More of a fanfare when u finish a race
- Kinda replay mod support (for viewing anyway, nod not included as can still cause issues. Can also only record other ppl's boats not your own)
- Don't do moving platform checks on server side
- Ghost power-up!
- Utilize track camera positions during the race grid cutscene
- Clear spawned power-up collectables server side on world unload (for single player)
- E-Track bee
- Extra clear track calls
- Change what entities are killed on race start
- Fireball only goes for what's in the player's direction of travel, or boat direction if stationary
- Lock on indicator of whom the fireball will hit
- Send messages to both players when a fireball is blocked with a shield
- Change how starting grid is randomised
- Don't render power-up debug outlines
- Change camera debug outline to orange
- Hide power-up UI when F1 is on
- Hopefully fix server crash on grid
- Music set 4
- Reduce hitbox size for getAboveIceBlocks check (used to check when is safe to exit warp)
- Time trail scoreboard has colors for lap in progress, best lap, and worst lap
- Balanced honk volume and range
- Custom status effects instead of vanilla ones
- Render checkpoint numbers when hit-boxes are on