Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
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Published 5 months ago
Updated 2 weeks ago
Picked up the modpack again and modernized it. Most mods aren't supported beyond 1.21.1 yet so we are staying with this version for now.
- AddonsLib
- Alcohol Only
- Aquaculture Delight
- Fish of Thieves
- Fishermen's Trap
- GuideME
- Inventory Tweaks: ReFoxed
- Stellaris
- Vegan Delight
- WayFix
- Clean F3
- Client Sort
- Cloth Config API
- Concentration
- Global Options
- Industrialization Overdrive
- Kirin
- Lightweight Inventory Sorting
- Realistic Bees
- Stfu
- YetAnotherConfigLib (YACL)
- [Let's Do] Farm & Charm
- 3D Skin Layers
- AE2 QoL Recipes
- Advancement Plaques
- Almost Unified
- AmbientSounds
- Amendments
- Applied Energistics 2
- Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals
- Applied Energistics Delight
- Applied Mekanistics
- Areas
- Arts & Crafts
- Backpacks!
- BadOptimizations
- Balm
- Better ModList
- Better Spawner Control
- Block Runner
- Bookshelf
- CC: Tweaked
- Chat Heads
- Chococraft
- Client Tweaks
- Collective
- Common Network
- Controlling
- CorgiLib
- CraftPresence
- CraftTweaker
- Crafting Tweaks
- CreativeCore
- Creeper Overhaul
- Cucumber Library
- Custom Machinery
- Deeper and Darker
- Diagonal Fences
- Diagonal Walls
- Diagonal Windows
- Dismount Entity
- Do a Barrel Roll
- Double Doors
- Dynamic Crosshair
- Dynamic FPS
- EMI Loot
- EMI Ores
- Easy Elytra Takeoff
- Edibles
- Ender IO
- Entangled
- Entity Culling
- Expanded Storage
- Extended Industrialization
- Falling Leaves (NeoForge/Forge)
- FallingTree
- FancyMenu
- Farmer's Delight
- First Join Message
- Fish On The Line
- Fixed Anvil Repair Cost
- Forge Config API Port
- Forgified Fabric API
- Friends & Foes (Forge/NeoForge)
- Fruits Delight
- Full Brightness Toggle
- Fusion (Connected Textures)
- Fzzy Config
- Geckolib
- Grass Seeds
- Healing Campfire
- Ice Prevents Crop Growth
- Iceberg
- ImmediatelyFast
- Improved Sign Editing
- Industrial Foregoing
- Industrial Foregoing: Souls
- Infinite Trading
- Inventory Totem
- Iris Shaders
- Iron Jetpacks
- Jade 🔍
- JamLib
- Just Mob Heads
- Just Player Heads
- Katters Structures
- Katters Structures - Dungeon
- Katters Structures - Village
- Keep My Soil Tilled
- Kotlin for Forge
- Ksyxis
- Lighty
- Lithium
- Lootr
- M.R.U
- MEGA Cells
- MI Tweaks
- Macaw's Biomes O' Plenty
- Macaw's Doors
- Macaw's Trapdoors
- Mekanism
- Mekanism Additions
- Mekanism Generators
- Mekanism Tools
- MidnightLib
- Mineral Chance
- Modern Dynamics
- Modern Industrialization
- ModernDeco
- ModernFix
- Modonomicon
- Moonlight Lib
- Mooshroom Tweaks
- More Culling
- Name Tag Tweaks
- Naturally Charged Creepers
- No Hostiles Around Campfire
- Not Enough Animations
- Occultism
- OctoLib
- Oh The Biomes We've Gone
- Oh The Trees You'll Grow
- Ok Zoomer
- Omega Mute
- Open Parties and Claims
- Packet Fixer
- Pet Names
- Polymorph
- Powah!
- Presence Footsteps
- Puzzles Lib
- Quad
- Random Mob Effects
- Random Village Names
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Relics
- Relics: Artifacts Compat
- Replanting Crops
- Repurposed Structures - Neoforge/Forge
- Resourceful Config
- Respawning Shulkers
- SecurityCraft
- Selfexpression
- Shulker Box Tooltip
- Silent Gear
- Silent Lib
- Simple Voice Chat
- Sinytra Connector
- Skeleton Horse Spawn
- Smaller Nether Portals
- SmartBrainLib
- Sodium
- Sodium Extra
- Sounds
- Stack Refill
- Starter Kit
- Sticky Enchanting Lapis
- Storage Drawers
- SuperMartijn642's Core Lib
- TerraBlender
- Tesseract API
- The Bumblezone - NeoForge/Forge
- Titanium
- TrashSlot
- Traveler's Backpack
- UniLib
- Useful Slime
- Vanilla Constructs
- Village Spawn Point
- Villager Names
- WATERFrAMES: Multimedia Displays
- Waystones
- Weaker Spiderwebs
- World Host
- Xaero's Minimap
- Xaero's World Map
- YUNG's Better Desert Temples
- YUNG's Better Dungeons
- YUNG's Better Jungle Temples
- YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses
- YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments
- YUNG's Menu Tweaks
- You're in Grave Danger
- Zombie Horse Spawn
- [EMF] Entity Model Features
- [ETF] Entity Texture Features
- moonstone
- notblue's Vegan Recipes
- oωo (owo-lib)
- Neoforge (mod loader)
- Mods config
letsdo-farm_and_charm-neoforge-1.2.0-beta-release.jarAdded via overrides
Release channel
BetaVersion number
Game versions
42Publication date
February 16, 2025 at 12:40 AMPublisher
