The "I Forgot That Some Mods Have Copyright!" Update!
So basically, I forgot some mods have certain copyright requirements. We are reverting back to an older version for this pack that has 147 mods added in. All ARR and other forms of copyrighted mods removed until I can get permission for use from the devs of said mods.
[If you are a site moderator reading this for approval, please list exactly what mods are copyrighted so I can remove them quicker if there are any issues with this current upload :) ]
Mods Removed Due to Copyright: [x] Additional Structures [x] Anvil Restoration [x] Balm (Fabric Edition) [x] Better Spawner Control [x] Better Villages [x] Bigger Sponge Absorption Radius [x] Bottled Air [x] Collective [x] Cycle Paintings [x] ESSENTIAL Mod [x] EffectsLeft [x] End Portal Recipe [x] Expanded Storage [x] Explorify [x] Farsight [x] Faster Crouching [x] Furnace Recycle [x] Grass Seeds [x] GravelMiner [x] Healing Campfire [x] Infinity Water Bucket [x] Inventory Totem [x] JourneyMap [x] Just Mob Heads [x] Library Ferret [x] Macaw's Bridges [x] Macaw's Windows [x] Mine Treasure [x] Name Tag Tweaks [x] Random Sheep Color [x] Roughly Searchable [x] Runelic [x] Softer Hay Bales [x] TNT Breaks Bedrock [x] Trash Slot [x] Village Spawn Point [x] Villager Death Messages [x] Weaker Spiderwebs
Enjoy, -Drome