⚡ Performance & Optimization
- Alternate Current (Optimises lag created by redstone dust)
- BadOptimizations (A collection of mostly micro optimizations)
- Cull Leaves (better leave culling)
- Dynamic FPS (Reduces resource consumption when the game is unfocused, more free resources)
- Enhanced Block Entities (ever enter konigsberg chest room and feel the lag? say no more!)
- Entity Culling (Uses async path-tracing to skip rendering Block/Entities that are not visible)
- FerriteCore (major memory optimisations so your pc doesnt crash out :>)
- ScalableLux (Optifine's starlight alternative, since they discontinued it)
- GPU Memory Leak Fix (A mod that fixes some bugs which leak resources within GPU memory)
- ThreadTweak (reliable fort of SmoothBoot)
- ImmediatelyFast (rendering optimisations)
- Krypton (optimises minecraft network stacking)
- Lithium (mutli-purpose optimisation mod)
- ModernFix (an all-in-one optimisation mod_
- MoreCulling (A mod that changes how multiple types of culling are handled in order to improve performance)
- Sodium (powerful rendering engine and optimisations)
- Sodium Extra (additional options however also allows particle management-disabled uneccessary particles to improve performance in sieges)
- VMP (very many players, probably tries to save your pc in pvp regions)
🎨 Graphics & Visual Enhancements
- AnimaTica (adds support for resource packs that use custom animated textures)
- CITResewn (supports custom armor and item texture on nations)
- Clumps (optimises your average spawner experience)
- BetterMountHUD (improves the ingame HUD while riding a horse, donkey or other mount)
- BetterShields (adds shield disable sounds which sorta are inaccurate for high pinged players as this is client based, however colors shield for self if they are disabled or held)
- Capes (supports for capes :3)
- Continuity (connects block textures)
- FancyMenu (shwos stereoIm and Fqrtex in menu and some useless splash texts and a random lofi mc song)
- Reeses Sodium Options (more options for sodium)
🛠 User Interface & QoL
Mods that improve the game's UI and general quality of life features.
- AppleSkin (shows player saturation, good for pvp)
- Mr. Dynamic Torches (dynamic lights, carry a torch in your main hand for client side light area)
- ResourcePackCached (Tired of reloading pack everytime you join CCNet? Say no more we cache it for you!!)
- BetterPingDisplay (shows ping on TAB)
- BetterStats (better-compiled statistics cough cough Mojang)
- GammaUtils (Click N to toggle Night Vision)
- HorseStatsMod (Ride your horse to see their statistics)
- Mod Loading Screen (cool loading screen idk)
- Mod Menu (list of all modifications active, allows tweaks and changes)
- Status Effect Bars (Shows a line thick bar on the bottom of effects icon)
- Status Effect Timer (Adds time to the effects icon so you can re-buff on time!!)
- UKUs Armor HUD (track your armor dura so you don't have to quickdrop)
- Zoomify (zoom in using C)
🌐 Multiplayer & Chat Enhancements
Mods designed to improve multiplayer interactions and chat functionality.
- AuthMe (dont relaunch your game when you can relog, thanks to authme)
- MoreChatHistory (unlimited chat history)
- NoChatReports [:)]
- RRLS (removes the reloading screen for ADHD users like me)
🔩 Fabric & Core Dependencies (remove these and your modpack dies)
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Fabric Loader
- Konkrete
- MixinTrace
- TCDCommons
- Yet Another Config Library
- ukulib
🎮 Gameplay Tweaks & Miscellaneous
These mods add general gameplay improvements and useful tweaks.
- Fabrishot (take high-res screenshots using F9
- KTNilcks
- ModelFix (fixes model gaps)
🗺️ Map & World Editing
- WorldEdit 7.3.8+6939-7d32b45
- Xaero’s Minimap 25.1.0
- Xaero’s World Map 1.39.4
🌅 Shaders
- Iris 1.8.1+mc1.21.1
- BSL Shaders (Click K to toggle)
Facing Issues/Bugs? Have Suggestions?
Contact @contt on Discord, or join the CCNet Discord
⚡ Performance & Optimization
- Alternate Current (Optimises lag created by redstone dust)
- BadOptimizations (A collection of mostly micro optimizations)
- Cull Leaves (better leave culling)
- Dynamic FPS (Reduces resource consumption when the game is unfocused, more free resources)
- Enhanced Block Entities (ever enter konigsberg chest room and feel the lag? say no more!)
- Entity Culling (Uses async path-tracing to skip rendering Block/Entities that are not visible)
- FerriteCore (major memory optimisations so your pc doesnt crash out :>)
- ScalableLux (Optifine's starlight alternative, since they discontinued it)
- GPU Memory Leak Fix (A mod that fixes some bugs which leak resources within GPU memory)
- ThreadTweak (reliable fort of SmoothBoot)
- ImmediatelyFast (rendering optimisations)
- Krypton (optimises minecraft network stacking)
- Lithium (mutli-purpose optimisation mod)
- ModernFix (an all-in-one optimisation mod_
- MoreCulling (A mod that changes how multiple types of culling are handled in order to improve performance)
- Sodium (powerful rendering engine and optimisations)
- Sodium Extra (additional options however also allows particle management-disabled uneccessary particles to improve performance in sieges)
- VMP (very many players, probably tries to save your pc in pvp regions)
🎨 Graphics & Visual Enhancements
- AnimaTica (adds support for resource packs that use custom animated textures)
- CITResewn (supports custom armor and item texture on nations)
- Clumps (optimises your average spawner experience)
- BetterMountHUD (improves the ingame HUD while riding a horse, donkey or other mount)
- BetterShields (adds shield disable sounds which sorta are inaccurate for high pinged players as this is client based, however colors shield for self if they are disabled or held)
- Capes (supports for capes :3)
- Continuity (connects block textures)
- FancyMenu (shwos stereoIm and Fqrtex in menu and some useless splash texts and a random lofi mc song)
- Reeses Sodium Options (more options for sodium)
🛠 User Interface & QoL
Mods that improve the game's UI and general quality of life features.
- AppleSkin (shows player saturation, good for pvp)
- Mr. Dynamic Torches (dynamic lights, carry a torch in your main hand for client side light area)
- ResourcePackCached (Tired of reloading pack everytime you join CCNet? Say no more we cache it for you!!)
- BetterPingDisplay (shows ping on TAB)
- BetterStats (better-compiled statistics cough cough Mojang)
- GammaUtils (Click N to toggle Night Vision)- Mod Loading Screen (cool loading screen idk)
- Mod Menu (list of all modifications active, allows tweaks and changes)
- Status Effect Bars (Shows a line thick bar on the bottom of effects icon)
- Status Effect Timer (Adds time to the effects icon so you can re-buff on time!!)
- UKUs Armor HUD (track your armor dura so you don't have to quickdrop)
- Zoomify (zoom in using C)
🌐 Multiplayer & Chat Enhancements
Mods designed to improve multiplayer interactions and chat functionality.
- AuthMe (dont relaunch your game when you can relog, thanks to authme)
- MoreChatHistory (unlimited chat history)
- NoChatReports [:)]
- RRLS (removes the reloading screen for ADHD users like me)
🔩 Fabric & Core Dependencies (remove these and your modpack dies)
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Fabric Loader
- Konkrete
- MixinTrace
- TCDCommons
- Yet Another Config Library
- ukulib
🎮 Gameplay Tweaks & Miscellaneous
These mods add general gameplay improvements and useful tweaks.
- Fabrishot (take high-res screenshots using F9
- KTNilcks
- ModelFix (fixes model gaps)
🗺️ Map & World Editing
- WorldEdit 7.3.8+6939-7d32b45
- Xaero’s Minimap 25.1.0
- Xaero’s World Map 1.39.4
🌅 Shaders
- Iris 1.8.1+mc1.21.1
- BSL Shaders (Click K to toggle)
Facing Issues/Bugs? Have Suggestions?
Contact @contt on Discord, or join the CCNet Discord
- Removed Freelook (Declared as an unfair advantage as per Global Rule 1 on CCNet Rules Page
The pack motive has been switched to being more Lightweight than fancy, unnecessary modifications were removed and were replaced by better optimization mods and some QoL mods.
- Fixed Gamma spreading unevenly due to resource pack loadings and breaking the scenes
- Replaced FBT with GammaUtils
- Added Sodium Extra to manage particles (User Side)
- Fixed freezes when opening inventory (FancyMenu)
- Added Noisium (Optimises worldgen performance for a better gameplay experience)
- Added BetterShields (smaller and optimised shields)
- Added ViaFabric+
- Added CIT Resewn
- Removed Nvidium for breaking compatibility with 1.21.x
Found a bug?
Message @contt on discord for bug reports
The pack motive has been switched to being more Lightweight than fancy, unnecessary modifications were removed and were replaced by better optimization mods and some QoL mods.
- Fixed Gamma spreading unevenly due to resource pack loadings and breaking the scenes
- Replaced FBT with GammaUtils
- Added Sodium Extra to manage particles (User Side)
- Fixed freezes when opening inventory (FancyMenu)
- Added Noisium (Optimises worldgen performance for a better gameplay experience)
- Added BetterShields (smaller and optimised shields)
- Added Enhanced Block Entities (increases the performance of block entity rendering, as well as offer customizability via resource packs)
- Added ViaFabric+
- Removed Nvidium for breaking compatibility for sodium for 1.20.6+
Found a bug?
Message @contt on discord for bug reports
The pack motive has been switched to being more Lightweight than fancy, unnecessary modifications were removed and were replaced by better optimization mods and some QoL mods.
- Fixed Gamma spreading unevenly due to resource pack loadings and breaking the scenes
- Replaced FBT with GammaUtils
- Added Sodium Extra to manage particles (User Side)
- Fixed freezes when opening inventory (FancyMenu)
- Added Noisium (Optimises worldgen performance for a better gameplay experience)
- Added BetterShields (smaller and optimised shields)
- Added Enhanced Block Entities (increases the performance of block entity rendering, as well as offer customizability via resource packs)
- Added ViaFabric+
Found a bug?
Message @contt on discord for bug reports
- Added BetterPingDisplay
- Added MoreChatHistory (so your chat doesnt get wiped after your craft is blocked by LIGHT_GRAY_TERACOTTA)
- Fixed Compatibilty with Reeses Sodium Display
- Gave the Menu a pridey theme :)
The following Mods have been added:
- ukulib
- uku's armor hud
- konkrete
- badoptimizations
- fullbright toggle
- collective mod library
- polytone
- fzzy config
- capes
Bug Fixes
- Fixed UI Layout being puzzled when resolution is changed, it is recommended to play in full screen for optimal experience
- BetterPvP Fairplay 1.20.6 is yet to be released. Once it is released, it will be added to the Modpack for this version.
- For Bugs or any other issues, contact @contt on Discord