Clientside Cobblemon

Clientside Cobblemon


A client modpack for Cobblemon, comes with both basic and advanced versions, this being the latter. Requires 4gb RAM allocated to run, recommended 5gb.

Client AdventureMultiplayerOptimization

1 follower
Createda year ago
Updated9 months ago

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CoolMad's Cobblemon is a clientside modpack designed to work on any Cobblemon server. If a server has a required modpack, this won't work. It includes Mod Menu to showcase all mods and allow configuration.

NOTE: After installation, go to Resource Packs. It has some automatically added from the mods, and they act as configuration. You can use them to enable/disable food consumption sprites, change piston animations, and more.

Disclaimer: This isn't truly clientside, as it requires the server to already have the mod "Cobblemon" If it has that, you're good to go. This is obvious as it IS a Cobblemon modpack, but I feel I should state it.

Modrinth Advanced Page:

Modrinth Basic Page:

Curseforge Advanced Page:

Curseforge Basic Page:

External resources

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID