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Removed some unneeded recipes now that world gen is better.

Updated all mods

Testing experimental performance increases

Elytras may still not work as expected :(

This is a beta because the Elytra slot is currently causing crashes, so it is disabled for now. This shouldnt break anything.

Added Chunk Loaders

Updated all of the mods that could be.


by LegendarySpy on Mar 5, 2024

Cleaned Up Configs

Updated Mods

Fixed a very specifc Mac Crash

Add Lucky's Spelunkers Charm 2 - Makes caves more spooky

Updated all mods

Fixed Cristel Lib Crash Updated Mods

Fixed terrain glitches Cleaned up the configs

Updated all mods. Fixed alot of wierd crashes and issues.

(Sorry for the lack of updates, modrinth's API was very broken)

Join the discord:


  • Comforts
  • Tetra Extras


Added Recipies for dripstone, kind of broken sometimes for world gen so might as well ad a balanced recipe.

Fixed somethings


  • CC:Tweaked
  • Tom's peripherals
  • cut through - cut through grass

Updated all da mods, fixed somethings

Prolly broke somethings


  • Quark


  • Fixed a couple of crashes and other things. Updated mods.
  • Removed Unneeded duplicate mods
  • Currently there is still one noticable annoying bug, caused by Beans Backpacks - If you join a server you will get an error, just join again and it will work :)

Beta 8

by LegendarySpy on Jan 28, 2024

Fixed several bugs, Backpacks crashing, Goggles crashing, etc

temporarily removed No Telemetry

Beta 7

by LegendarySpy on Jan 21, 2024

Added Backpacks

Overhauled Structures

Very Close to release!

Beta 6

by LegendarySpy on Jan 14, 2024

Optimized & downsized the mods - got rid of unneeded ones

Fixed Euphorium

Added Better F3

Beta 5

by LegendarySpy on Jan 13, 2024

Removed the zombie related mods added previously

Removed enhanced Celetials

Updated mods :) Swapped some mods for better efficency

Create Missions and Create Additions have been removed, before updating break any create additions blocks or liquid blaze burners (the ones with straws) Create Missions has been removed because the developer kinda keeps breaking it and its also no longer needed :)

Oculus Is currently broken :(


  • Zombie AI - Zombies can break in to your house :(

  • Enhanced Celestials

  • Added Create Connected

  • Things and Misc

Other stuff

Fixed bugs and improved performance

Beta 2

by LegendarySpy on Dec 30, 2023

Updated Mods & Configs :)

Beta 1

by LegendarySpy on Dec 25, 2023

First Beta!

please report any issues to the guilded

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID