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Copper 3.0(FL)

by Encore on Jun 10, 2024


  • The build has been fully updated to version 1.20.4
  • Some mods from version 2.6 were not added such as animatica/screenshot viewer and also some since not updated to this version .
  • new mods were added: Particular, Immersive Winds, Smooth Scrolling Refurbished, voxy.

- That's it, enjoy the game!

How to download modpack?

To install the modpack automatically, use .mrpack. This works in lunchers like for example:

  • MultiMC
  • Modrinth Launcher
  • Prism Launcher

Alternative download method

Click the "Alternative Download" button on the main page of the modpack. This link will take you to download the current version of the modpack in .zip archive format.This method will be suitable for launchers that do not support the automatic method of unpacking .mrpack files.Or for those lunchers that do not support downloading directly from the modrinth.

  • required fabric version 0.15.11
  • required version 1.20.4


  • Some mods have been removed due to their uselessness.
  • Resourcepack was customized
  • An alternative way to download modpack was added

How to download modpack?

To install the modpack automatically, use .mrpack. This works in lunchers like for example:

  • MultiMC
  • Modrinth Launcher
  • Prism Launcher

Alternative download method

Click the "Alternative Download" button on the main page of the modpack. This link will take you to download the current version of the modpack in .zip archive format.This method will be suitable for launchers that do not support the automatic method of unpacking .mrpack files.Or for those lunchers that do not support downloading directly from the modrinth.

  • required fabric version 0.15.10
  • required version 1.20.1


  • Due to the fact that many mods have not yet been released on version 1.20.6. it was decided to make a small update for 1.20.1 (the current version of the build).
  • Many mods have been updated and some mods from older versions of modpack.
  • Fresh Moves (addon to Fresh animations) resourcepack was added.

How to download modpack?

To install the modpack automatically, use .mrpack. This works in lunchers like for example:

  • MultiMC and
  • Modrinth Launcher
  • Prism Launcher

Alternative download method (will be added later)

Copper 2.4(FL)

by Encore on Jan 20, 2024

Final Update(No)

  1. Some mods have been updated

  2. Were added:Starlight,Sounds,Theard tweak,What are they uo to,Euphoria Patches,Enchantment Reveal

  3. Also some mods have been removed.

  4. This was the last update for this version

  5. Resource pack has been updated

Micro update

  • Bugs related to fish models and other mobs have been fixed.

  • Some mods have been updated

  • Added credits to the resourcepack

  • And also other small things were fixed

Copper 2.2(FL)

by Encore on Nov 18, 2023

Micro update

  • Configured configurations of controls and sounds of the game.

  • Also configured one of the shaders (Complementary Shaders - Reimagined).

  • Techutils was updated

Copper 2.1(FL)

by Encore on Nov 17, 2023

A little update

In this update some bugs related to mods have been fixed. Also some removed functions have been returned and new features have been added to the resource pack.

Huge update to the build!

Optimisation has been improved many times as well as the whole visuals of the build has reached a whole new level. I will not describe everything that has changed as it will take a lot of time for this.Downloading the build you will see everything that has been named :)

•Update some mods>

•Now in the replay mode, conversations will be heard through the plasma voice mod.

•Symbolchat has been removed and replaced by stendhal

•Essential is back in the build.


•Небольшое улучшение оптимизации

•Effective and Wakes были добавлены. Они улучшат и добавят эффекты взаимодействия с водой.


•Slight optimization improvement

•Effective and Wakes have been added. They will improve and add the effects of interaction with water.


Description [ENG]

•Now in the replay mode, conversations will be heard through the plasma voice mod.

•Now the sound physics mod works with plasma voice.

•Added chat animation and chunk loading animation.

•Essential is back in the build.

•Carpet was added with some of its addons.

•Symbolchat has been removed and replaced by stendhal

•A mod has been added to customize your character (mod: ears)

•Some mods have also been removed

•A mod has been added showing the items being picked up

Описание [RU]


•Теперь в реплей моде будут слышны разговоры через мод plasma voice.

•Теперь мод sound physics работает с plasma voice.

•Добавлена анимация чата и анимация прогрузки чанков.

•Essential снова в сборке.

•Был добавлен Carpet с некоторыми его аддонами.

•Symbolchat Был удалён вместо него теперь stendhal

•Был добавлен мод на кастомизацию своего персонажа(mod: ears)

•Были также удалены некоторые моды

•Был добавлен мод показывающий подбираемые предметы



•Feytweaks and Smoothswaping have been removed, some mod configs have also been tweaked


•Feytweaks и Smoothswaping Были удалены,также были настроены конфиги некоторых модов.



•A bug was fixed related to the non-display of the texture of the things in the frame.that were unnecessary and loaded the game were removed.Optimization has also increased due to the update of sodium and other mods.Noxesium and nvidium was deleted


•Исправлена ошибка, связанная с не отображением текстуры предмета в рамке.Моды такие как sodium,sodium extra,reese's sodium,iris,immediately details fast, были обновлены на последние версии. Noxesium и nvidium были удалены.



•A bug was fixed related to the non-display of the texture of the things in the frame.


•Исправлена ошибка, связанная с не отображением текстуры предмета в рамке.



•A lot of mods that were unnecessary and loaded the game were removed.Optimization has also increased due to the update of sodium and other mods.The number of mods has become below 100 (there were 113). Here are the changes that have occurred in the assembly:

•Too many players has been replaced by very many players

•Mods such as sodium,sodium extra,reese's sodium,iris,immediately details fast, have been updated to the latest versions.The libraries for mods have also been updated

•Unfortunately, so far the bobby mod has been removed due to crash issues


•Были удалены множество модов, которые были ненужными и нагружали игру. Также оптимизация выросла из-за обновления sodium и других модов. Количество модов стало ниже 100(было 113). Вот какие изменения произошли в сборке:

•too many players был замен на very many players

•Моды такие как sodium,sodium extra,reese's sodium,iris,immediately details fast, были обновлены на последние версии. Библиотеки для модов также были обновлены

•К сожалению пока что мод bobby удалён из-за проблем с крашем

•Были добавлены некоторые моды и пофикшен баг с невидимым текстом на табличках. Оптимизация выросла.

•Mods were added and a bug with invisible text on the plates was fixed. Optimization has grown

•Exordium was added

•Seaborgium was deleted

Copper 1.8(FL)

by Encore on Jul 27, 2023

•Optimization has grown

•Seaborgium and EBE was deleted

•Exordium was added

This is a build to optimize the game and a small improvement in the game

Dependencies не актуален

•Bug with legendaryToolTips was fixed

•Essential was deleted

•BetterThirdPersow was added

•sodium blendingregistry was added

•Carpet fix and Carpet was added

•Several mods have been updated

•The configs of the game and several mods were configured

Dependencies не актуален

Project members





Technical information

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Project ID