1.192.14 (2023-12-28)
Minor tweaks
1.192.11 (2023-12-28)
1.192.2 (2023-12-27)
1.192.0 (2023-12-26)
Developer experance improvments and changes
- add support for hidden shaped recipes (106e521)
Minor tweaks
- buf fluix_smart_cable of bnwRedstone trade (497313d)
- buff fluix_smart_cable output of bnwRedstoneFixedRates (8dd21be)
- buff mechanical device output of bcfPlates2 trade (e872b0a)
- Gold ore drops more gold (6bd7d63)
- hide anvil repairing from EMI (fb8d744)
- increase dye output of carrots (961fc55)
- increase yellow dye output of elven trade from glowstone (715a1c8)
- Overhaul wooden chips recipes (6cf3685)
- Reduce mana price of manasteel. to 1000 from 3000 (02fc6b3)
- simplify quartz processing and production. Including an earlier entry point by dying quartz blocks. Also made budding quartz drop itself instead of degrading (3dc3b58)