Немного изменненое меню
Да, я опять вернул FancyMenu, и это связанно с тем что мне скинули фотографии иконок DMC без фона.
Больше никаких скрытых ресурпаков!
Теперь на ModRinth вы сможете увидеть все ресурпаки находяшиеся в модпаке, а также больше никаких блокировок ресурпаков.
Наконец то, нормальная оптимизация!
Да, оптимизация сложная штука...
Стандартные оптимальные настройки для игры
Теперь вам необязательно лазеть в настройки игры :)
Slightly modified menu
Yes, I returned FancyMenu again, and this is due to the fact that they sent me photos of DMC icons without a background.
No more hidden resource packs!
Now on ModRinth you can see all the resource packs that were in the modpack, as well as no more resource pack locks.
Finally, normal optimization!
Yes, optimization is a difficult thing ...
Standard optimal settings for the game
Now you don't have to go into the game settings :)
Был удален мод FancyMenu, а также была проделанна работа по оптимизации сборки, и также я заменил PlasmoVoice на SimpleVoiceChat.
The FancyMenu mod was removed, and work was done to optimize the build, and I also replaced PlasmoVoice with SimpleVoiceChat.
Redesigned optimization
Unnecessary mods have been removed, only the necessary ones have been left, and those that are needed for the atmosphere.
The background has been changed
Instead of the usual boring picture, there is now a cool panorama!
The music has been changed!
No more tension in the assembly, just peace of mind. Soundtrack:Downtown Binary - Atlantis
The Plasmo Voice mod is configured
I hope there won't be any more problems with the microphone.(If there were any, of course)