- Updated Cubes Without Borders and Dynamic FPS
- Updated Magically Fixed resource pack - Removed bug fixes that negatively impacted performance (primarily entity-based bug fixes).
- Removed Krypton - Optimizations determined to be too similar to Starlight in terms of client-side benefits in that it doesn't seem to benefit the client enough to be considered useful for any individual user.
- Removed Block Entity Extended Rendering - Minor conflicts with other mods that obsolete some optimizations.
Mod Notes:
- Fixed bugs and increased mod compatibility
Resource Pack Notes:
- Increased performance
- Removed several problematic entity-based bug fixes
- Removed variated textures
Modpack Notes:
- Fixed bugs and optimized configs
- Updated Cubes Without Borders, Dynamic FPS, ModernFix, Polytone, and Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks
- Updated Magically Fixed resource pack - Removed bug fixes that negatively impacted performance (primarily entity-based bug fixes).
- Removed Krypton - Optimizations determined to be too similar to Starlight in terms of client-side benefits in that it doesn't seem to benefit the client enough to be considered useful for any individual user.
- Removed Block Entity Extended Rendering - Minor conflicts with other mods that obsolete some optimizations.
Mod Notes:
- Fixed bugs and increased mod compatibility
Resource Pack Notes:
- Increased performance
- Removed several problematic entity-based bug fixes
- Removed variated textures
Modpack Notes:
- Fixed bugs and optimized configs
- Updated Cubes Without Borders, Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Indium, and Sodium
- Updated Magically Fixed resource pack - Fixed 33 more Minecraft bugs
Mod Notes:
- Borderless windows are now recognized by OBS Game Capture and have reduced input latency
- Fixed bugs, prevented crashes, and increased mod compatibility
Resource Pack Notes:
- Primarily fixed grammatical errors & reduced z-fighting
- Added Block Entity Extended Rendering, Cubes Without Borders, Entity Sound Features, Main Menu Credits, OptiPainting, Particle Core, Polytone, ServerAddressSpaceFix, and YeetusExperimentus mods
- Added custom "Magically Fixed" resource pack - The primary focus of this resource pack is to fix bugs and optimize block models.
- Updated Animatica, CIT Resewn, Clean F3, Cloth Config, Continuity, Dynamic FPS, Entity Culling, Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, FabricSkyBoxes Interop, fast-ip-ping, FerriteCore, ImmediatelyFast, Indium, Iris, Language Reload, ModernFix, More Culling, OptiGUI, Reese's Sodium Options, Remove Reloading Screen, Server Pinger Fixer, Sodium, Sodium Extra, Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks, Stack Deobfuscator, YetAnotherConfigLib
- Removed Fadeless mod - Features included within Remove Reloading Screen mod.
- Updated Dynamic FPS, Entity Culling, Entity Model Features, Fabric API, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyBoxes Interop, ImmediatelyFast, Indium, Iris, Language Reload, ModernFix, Server Pinger Fixer, Sodium, Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks, and YetAnotherConfigLib
- Removed EBE Models OptimizedPack resource pack - The changes from this pack have been implemented into the latest versions of the Enhanced Block Entities mod for versions beyond 1.19.3.
- Updated Dynamic FPS, Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, ImmediatelyFast, Memory Leak Fix, ModernFix, Remove Reloading Screen, StackDeobfuscator, and YetAnotherConfigLib
- Updated Dynamic FPS config
- Updated Fabric Loader
- Reverted to an older version of Indium, Iris, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium, Sodium Extra, and Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks (The reasoning for this is stability and compatibility)
- Added Animatica, CIT Resewn, Continuity, Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Fabric Language Kotlin, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, ModernFix, OptiGUI, Puzzle, Server Pinger Fixer, StackDeobfuscator, YetAnotherConfigLib, and Your Options Shall Be Respected (YOSBR)
- Removed More Culling Extra - Continuity adds glass pane culling
- Updated EBE Models OptimizedPack resource pack
- Updated mods and config
- Fixed some bugs