Expiration of the Day

Expiration of the Day


Expiration of the Day (EotD) is a hardcore survival modpack packed with content and optimized for low-end PCs.


Created3 months ago
Updated13 days ago

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disabled cavernous geysers bc they uhhhhhh dont work

i fixed like every major bug yipee

  • reduced zombie swim speed by 98.25% (dont ask)
  • updated all mods including shield library which fixes iron shield bash being broken
  • removed like half of the artifacts from the game because they were op (via item obliterator)
  • non-thanos-snapped trinkets were given the natural_soulbound tag
  • poison zombies and flesh zombies (from ashen's zombie apocalypse) dont spawn anymore because the poison zombie just stands there and the flesh zombie has storm trooper aim
  • added new hunger overhaul mod
  • removed green and orange spider textures
  • fixed the thing where you spawn in the middle of an ocean
  • replaced 3d crops with 3d crops revamped

added trinket lantern to natural soulbound. probably gonna do this for all the other trinkets next update maybe


  • removed logical iframes (death)
  • fixed wrong dimension message when entering void

erm what the eotd

  • removed tectonic and terralith because they are kinda unfun and cause issues with cavernous (x patched is not an option for me unfortunately)
  • added ftb teams
  • added dimension travel messages
  • added better ruined portals
  • added explorify
  • added lantern trinket


  • atlas no longer crashes the game and is rebound to the backtick/tilde key

QoL update, no new content

  • removed nutrition z temporarily due to it being not fun. i will likely configure this and thorougly playtest it to ensure a fun experience with the mod
  • remove ctov and all related compatibility mods. this will be re-added when i balance villagers and re-enable trading (probably not soon)
  • update cavernous
  • remove moogs voyager structures
  • updated a bunch of mods. i think tectonic fixed the crash bug
  • ferns, large ferns, and tall grass will now drop plant fibers (as they should)

The Tricky Dixon update!

  • added saturated.

more stuff planned for the next update tho (soon tm)

hotfix for spider texture also check out ncrp its a really good gmod darkrp server

progress on the first beta release is like 95% and this update in particular is pretty much feature complete. custom quests inc next update

  • added mildly startling spider texture
  • added you're in grave danger (YIGD)
  • added my own datapack which serves the purpose of telling YIGD which items that a player will keep when they die. the tag is called "natural_soulbound" and if the item name contains any of the following strings ["helmet", "leggings", "chestplate", "shield", "boots", "_axe", "pickaxe", "torch", "_sword", "medievalweapons", "_shovel", "trident", "sophisticatedbackpacks"] then it has the tag and you will keep it when you die. now that i think about it, i probably should've added artifacts. oops!
  • readded terralith (its grown on me)
  • added shoulder surfing for epic soulslike pve
  • added shield overhaul (bashing seems to be broken on the iron shield. oops!)
  • removed snow magic. im ok with snow biomes being ugly if it means that i can see sticks and flint shards
  • you can see other players on maps. kinda forgot which mod that is tho
  • added towers
  • removed c2me because it is incompatible with shield overhaul. it will be re-added asap though
  • removed advanced archery temporarily because getting obliterated by skeletons early-game is not fun and i have yet to fix this
  • respawn obelisks!

hotfix 2 (rotn moment)

there was an issue with the crafting table recipe >:( so i just reverted it to vanilla (for now). for some reason the axe has to have full durability which is dumb and makes the early game more tedious

otherwise i think this release is actually ok

wait also im getting rid of terralith because i hate it


unnamed gambling boy is addicted to gambling also i fixed the crafttweaker recipes and there is NOTHING wrong with being addicted to gambling (says unnamed gambler man) SO WHAT?????

quick Q and A:

Q: What happened to v0.1.5?

A: ኃጢአተኛ ነፍስህ ከመዳን በላይ ናት እናም ሰላምን ወይም ሥቃይን አታውቅም ፣ የንስሐ ቅዝቃዜ ብቻ አብቅቷል ፣ ምክንያቱም ኃጢአቶችህ ከማንኛውም ተልእኮ የላቀ ስለሆነ ፣ መጨረሻው ቀርቧል ፣ የኃጢአት መርከቦች

changelog time!

  • early game is more annoying
  • replaced JEI with REI
  • replaced anvilfix with another mod that does the same thing because the original one caused problems with create
  • added create
  • added integrated stronghold which is super cool btw
  • added magnum torch
  • added supplementaries (needed by integrated stronghold)
  • removed better laddering (create errors)
  • added explosive enhancement
  • added CTOV and compat mods
  • added villagersplus
  • added true ending
  • removed ysns added friendly phantoms
  • removed primalstorage (redundant)
  • removed spiders create webs because it does not work
  • remove extra alchemy because it was spewing garbage in my console
  • added moogs end structures
  • added bosses of mass destruction
  • removed bettershields (redundant)
  • added krypton (network optimizations)
  • added legendary tooltips
  • changed some other stuff
  • nerfed the skibidi sigma rizzlers

meme modpack look good?????

bug fixes

  • fixed weird zombie pathing chicanery
  • fixed broken bvb overlays


  • added antique atlas 4
  • added better f3
  • removed apocalypse (redundant)

eye candy

  • added bvb connected textures
  • added bvb fancy leaves
  • added bvb freshanimations compatibility pack
  • added dark sky
  • added better sky
  • added cubic sun and moon
  • added pixelated sky for better end


  • added ferritecore

stuff planned for the next release

  • triumph for custom advancements
  • proper gravestone mod with partial keepinventory

zombie pathing hotfix

  • zombies, which are immune to sunlight, will no longer avoid sunlight when pathing to a player/villager/whatever
  • added death finder
  • removed cavernous chat spam
  • added e4mc
  • removed sound physics bc it doesnt play well with other sound mods in the pack
  • removed biomeinfo temporarily, i gotta add names for the cavernous and betterx biomes
  • removed jagged peaks from spawn biome whitelist
  • removed bvb pack ui textures for the crafting table and furnaces

im almost done fixing saturated. i really want it to be part of this pack but it has 2 game-breaking bugs (i've only been able to fix one of them)

  • removed saturated because i need to make my own data pack to fix it
  • updated fabric loader and a bunch of mods
  • fixed curated biome spawns (this was not properly configured before because i have brain worms)
  • removed duplicate data packs for cavernous
  • removed nullscape bc the funny:boring ratio skews heavily towards boring
  • nerfed herobrine

dont enable cheats it will mess things up

  • remove infinity cave until it adds more content or becomes compatible with cavernous
  • add cavernous
  • remove better leaves texture (was kinda bugged in some biomes)
  • add noadvancements
  • remove advancement plaques (planned to be readded later)
  • removed darkpaintings
  • removed sculk depths (compatibility issues)
  • added saturated

the update in which leaves look better

  • leaves look better
  • no more annoying experimental/custom world warning
  • removed snowy biomes from spawn biome whitelist
  • added herobrine

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID