Version 1.2.0:
- Added Version 1.21.1
- Removed Version 1.20.1 from further mod versions due to mod incompatibility
- Updated Fabric Loader Version from 0.16.2 to 0.16.7
- Changed "ClickThrough 2.0" to "ClickThrough Plus"
- Added Architectury API
- Removed "Memory Leak Fix" Because it is not avalible in 1.21+
- Changed "Music Delay Remover" to "Music Delay Reducer"
- Added "Entity Culling" to reduce entity lag
Version 1.1.0:
- Added Version 1.21
- Without "Memory Leak Fix" because it won't be updated for a while
- Without "Deepslate MENU Background" because 1.21 dosn't use this texture
- Changed "Clickthrough" to "Clickthrough 2.0"
- Changed "Complete Config" & "Ugly Scoreboard Fix" to GUI Scale Splitter
- Scoreboard moved back to right side
- Removed "Appleskin" to keep vanilla feel and functionality with servers such as Wynncraft
- Added and Disabled In-Game "Xareo's Minimap" so Waypoints would function on world map as advertised in Feature List
Version 1.0.0:
- Added Game Version 1.20.1
- Removed "Shulker Drops Two" because it didn't fit the Vanilla Gameplay theme
- Removed "Vanilla Experience +" because of copyright
- Removed Xaero's Minimap
- Added more performance boosting mods
- Changed "Double Doors" to the version by Serilum
- Added "Falling Leaves" for better visuals