Genuine 1.20.1 - Client AND Server - Fabric
Download the following and add to "mods" folder for the best experience! (they aren't able to be included because they are from curseforge and patreon (free though!))
- look for physics-mod-pro-v158a-fabric-1.20.1.jar
Remember to enable the shader in-game!
Patch Notes:
Updated Complementary and Complementary Reimagined to Complementary Unbound!
Replaced Vanilla Stylized with Complementary Unbounds Integrated PBR
Set default shader settings to high instead of ultra to not overload everyone's PCs when they boot :) - if your gpu can handle it though, go ultra for sure!
Added Yung's Structure Mods!
Added Yung's Traveler's Titles!
Adjusted some default options
Removed Chunks Fade In - I started to find it distracting fading too close to the player
Genuine 1.20.1 - Client-Side - Fabric
Download the following and add to "mods" folder for the best experience! (they aren't able to be included because they are from curseforge and patreon (free though!))
- look for physics-mod-pro-v158a-fabric-1.20.1.jar
Remember to enable shader in-game!
Patch Notes:
Updated Complementary and Complementary Reimagined to Complementary Unbound!
Replaced Vanilla Stylized with Complementary Unbounds Integrated PBR
Set default shader settings to high instead of ultra to not overload everyone's PCs when they boot :) - if your gpu can handle it though, go ultra for sure!
Added Yung's Traveler's Titles!
Adjusted some default options
Removed Chunks Fade In - I started to find it distracting fading too close to the player
Genuine 1.20.1 - Client AND Server - Forge
Download the following and add to "mods" folder for the best experience! (they aren't able to be included because they are from curseforge or patreon (free though!))
- look for physics-mod-pro-v158a-forge-1.20.1.jar
- look for OptiFine HD U I5
Remember to enable shader in-game!
Patch Notes:
Updated Complementary and Complementary Reimagined to Complementary Unbound!
Replaced Vanilla Stylized with Complementary Unbounds Integrated PBR
Set default shader settings to high instead of ultra to not overload everyone's PCs when they boot :) - if your gpu can handle it though, go ultra for sure!
Added Yung's Structure Mods!
Added Yung's Traveler's Titles!
Adjusted some default options
Genuine 1.20.1 - Client-Side - Forge
Download the following and add to "mods" folder for the best experience! (they aren't able to be included because they are from curseforge or patreon (free though!))
- look for physics-mod-pro-v158a-forge-1.20.1.jar
- look for OptiFine HD U I5
Remember to enable the shader in-game!
Patch Notes:
Updated Complementary and Complementary Reimagined to Complementary Unbound!
Replaced Vanilla Stylized with Complementary Unbounds Integrated PBR
Set default shader settings to high instead of ultra to not overload everyone's PCs when they boot :) - if your gpu can handle it though, go ultra for sure!
Added Yung's Traveler's Titles!
Adjusted some default options
Genuine 1.19.4 - Client AND Server - Fabric
Download the following and add to "mods" folder for the best experience! (they aren't able to be included because they are from curseforge and patreon (free though!))
- look for physics-mod-pro-v152-fabric-1.19.4.jar
Remember to enable the shader in-game!
Patch Notes:
Updated Complementary and Complementary Reimagined to Complementary Unbound!
Replaced Vanilla Stylized with Complementary Unbounds Integrated PBR
Set default shader settings to high instead of ultra to not overload everyone's PCs when they boot :) - if your gpu can handle it though, go ultra for sure!
Added Yung's Structure Mods!
Added Yung's Traveler's Titles!
Adjusted some default options
Removed Chunks Fade In - I started to find it distracting fading too close to the player
Genuine 1.19.4 - Client-Side - Fabric
Download the following and add to "mods" folder for the best experience! (they aren't able to be included because they are from curseforge and patreon (free though!))
- look for physics-mod-pro-v152-fabric-1.19.4.jar
Remember to enable the shader in-game!
Patch Notes:
Updated Complementary and Complementary Reimagined to Complementary Unbound!
Replaced Vanilla Stylized with Complementary Unbounds Integrated PBR
Set default shader settings to high instead of ultra to not overload everyone's PCs when they boot :) - if your gpu can handle it though, go ultra for sure!
Added Yung's Traveler's Titles!
Adjusted some default options
Removed Chunks Fade In - I started to find it distracting fading too close to the player
Genuine 1.19.4 - Client AND Server - Forge
Download the following and add to "mods" folder for the best experience! (they aren't able to be included because they are from curseforge or patreon (free though!))
- look for physics-mod-pro-v152-forge-1.19.4.jar
- look for OptiFine HD U I4
Remember to enable the shader in-game!
Patch Notes:
Updated Complementary and Complementary Reimagined to Complementary Unbound!
Replaced Vanilla Stylized with Complementary Unbounds Integrated PBR
Set default shader settings to high instead of ultra to not overload everyone's PCs when they boot :) - if your gpu can handle it though, go ultra for sure!
Added Yung's Structure Mods!
Added Yung's Traveler's Titles!
Adjusted some default options
Genuine 1.19.4 - Client-Side - Forge
Download the following and add to "mods" folder for the best experience! (they aren't able to be included because they are from curseforge or patreon (free though!))
- look for physics-mod-pro-v152-forge-1.19.4.jar
- look for OptiFine HD U I4
Remember to enable the shader in-game!
Patch Notes:
Updated Complementary and Complementary Reimagined to Complementary Unbound!
Replaced Vanilla Stylized with Complementary Unbounds Integrated PBR
Set default shader settings to high instead of ultra to not overload everyone's PCs when they boot :) - if your gpu can handle it though, go ultra for sure!
Added Yung's Traveler's Titles!
Adjusted some default options
Genuine 1.20.1 - Client AND Server - Fabric
Download the following and add to "mods" folder for the best experience! (they aren't able to be included because they are from curseforge and patreon (free though!))
- look for physics-mod-pro-v158a-fabric-1.20.1.jar
Remember to enable the resource packs and shader in-game!
Patch Notes: Unless otherwise noted, anything removed or replaced was only because the mod wasn't updated to 1.20.1 yet :(
Complementary Reimagined as the new default shader! Complementary is also still included, just switch to it in settings!
clean tooltips - more consistent tooltips, plus max level enchantments are gold
adaptive tooltips - fixes tooltips running offscreen - fabric only
drip sounds
amecs for layered keybinding! - fabric only
chunks fade in - fabric only
sit - sit on stairs!
double doors - open at the same time!
chat heads
Vanilla Stylized replaces Weed Eater and AVPBR - since it is updated to the latest version of Minecraft, looks great, and can be included without any manual setup! If you still want reflective tools, feel free to add Weed Eater and the from my Weed Eater tutorial on top of Vanilla Stylized (but under Fresh Animations)!
Physics Mod Pro replaces Immersive Portals - cause the ocean is epic! Feel free to switch them back or even add immersive portals and use physics mod pro without the ocean feature!
Entity Model Features replaces YoungSoulluoS' Fresh-Animations cem Fork - so that Fresh Animations works natively now without manual installation - fabric only
ambient sounds replaces charmonium
stylish effects replaces status effect timer
easy feed and breed replaces easy breeding - fabric only
cycle paintings replaces Paintings+ - now right click a painting while holding a painting to cycle
replanting crops replaces replanter
better advancements replaces advancement info because its available on both forge and fabric
model gap fix replaces item model fix
idwtialsimmoedm replaces enchantment descriptions
Slot Cycler replaces Inventory Hotswap
fabric only:
diagonal panes
Scout - the creator took it down :(
jumpy boats
forge and fabric:
another_furniture mod
Yung's structure mods
traveler's titles
smooth boot
easy feed and breed
aquatic torches
adaptive tooltips
Genuine 1.20.1 - Client-Side - Fabric
Download the following and add to "mods" folder for the best experience! (they aren't able to be included because they are from curseforge and patreon (free though!))
- look for physics-mod-pro-v158a-fabric-1.20.1.jar
Remember to enable the resource packs and shader in-game!
Patch Notes: Unless otherwise noted, anything removed or replaced was only because the mod wasn't updated to 1.20.1 yet :(
Complementary Reimagined as the new default shader! Complementary is also still included, just switch to it in settings!
clean tooltips - more consistent tooltips, plus max level enchantments are gold
adaptive tooltips - fixes tooltips running offscreen - fabric only
drip sounds
amecs for layered keybinding! - fabric only
chunks fade in - fabric only
chat heads
Vanilla Stylized replaces Weed Eater and AVPBR - since it is updated to the latest version of Minecraft, looks great, and can be included without any manual setup! If you still want reflective tools, feel free to add Weed Eater and the from my Weed Eater tutorial on top of Vanilla Stylized (but under Fresh Animations)!
Physics Mod Pro replaces Immersive Portals - cause the ocean is epic! Feel free to switch them back or even add immersive portals and use physics mod pro without the ocean feature!
Entity Model Features replaces YoungSoulluoS' Fresh-Animations cem Fork - so that Fresh Animations works natively now without manual installation - fabric only
ambient sounds replaces charmonium
stylish effects replaces status effect timer
better advancements replaces advancement info because its available on both forge and fabric
model gap fix replaces item model fix
idwtialsimmoedm replaces enchantment descriptions
fabric only:
forge and fabric:
traveler's titles
smooth boot
adaptive tooltips
inventory hotswap
Genuine 1.20.1 - Client AND Server - Forge
Download the following and add to "mods" folder for the best experience! (they aren't able to be included because they are from curseforge or patreon (free though!))
- look for physics-mod-pro-v158a-forge-1.20.1.jar
- look for OptiFine HD U I5
Remember to enable the resource packs and shader in-game!
Patch Notes: Unless otherwise noted, anything removed or replaced was only because the mod wasn't updated to 1.20.1 yet :(
These notes are changes from the 1.19.2 version, since 1.19.4 and 1.20.1 are being released simultaneously.
Complementary Reimagined as the new default shader! Complementary is also still included, just switch to it in settings!
clean tooltips - more consistent tooltips, plus max level enchantments are gold
drip sounds
model gap fix
chat heads
Vanilla Stylized replaces Weed Eater and AVPBR - since it is updated to the latest version of Minecraft, looks great, and can be included without any manual setup! If you still want reflective tools, feel free to add Weed Eater and the from my Weed Eater tutorial on top of Vanilla Stylized (but under Fresh Animations)!
Physics Mod Pro replaces Immersive Portals - cause the ocean is epic! Feel free to switch them back or even add immersive portals and use physics mod pro without the ocean feature!
snow! real magic, which works for forge now as well as fabric! replaces layered snowfall
stylish effects replaces status effect timer
cycle paintings replaces Paintings+ - now right click a painting while holding a painting to cycle
replanting crops replaces replanter
double doors, sit, and slot cycler replace quark
better advancements replaces advancements tracker
forge only:
gilded armor
smooth swapping
Easier Villager Trading
eating animations
shutup experimental settings
horse combat controls
Realistic Explosion Physics
Throwable Explosives
forge and fabric:
Yung's structure mods :(
traveler's titles
smooth boot
aquatic torches
another_furniture mod
Genuine 1.20.1 - Client-Side - Forge
Download the following and add to "mods" folder for the best experience! (they aren't able to be included because they are from curseforge or patreon (free though!))
- look for physics-mod-pro-v158a-forge-1.20.1.jar
- look for OptiFine HD U I5
Remember to enable the resource packs and shader in-game!
Patch Notes: Unless otherwise noted, anything removed or replaced was only because the mod wasn't updated to 1.20.1 yet :(
These notes are changes from the 1.19.2 version, since 1.19.4 and 1.20.1 are being released simultaneously.
Complementary Reimagined as the new default shader! Complementary is also still included, just switch to it in settings!
clean tooltips - more consistent tooltips, plus max level enchantments are gold
drip sounds
model gap fix
chat heads
Vanilla Stylized replaces Weed Eater and AVPBR - since it is updated to the latest version of Minecraft, looks great, and can be included without any manual setup! If you still want reflective tools, feel free to add Weed Eater and the from my Weed Eater tutorial on top of Vanilla Stylized (but under Fresh Animations)!
Physics Mod Pro replaces Immersive Portals - cause the ocean is epic! Feel free to switch them back or even add immersive portals and use physics mod pro without the ocean feature!
stylish effects replaces status effect timer
slot cycler replaces quark
better advancements replaces advancements tracker
forge only:
smooth swapping
Easier Villager Trading
eating animations
horse statistics
shutup experimental settings
forge and fabric:
traveler's titles
smooth boot
Genuine 1.19.4 - Client AND Server - Fabric
Download the following and add to "mods" folder for the best experience! (they aren't able to be included because they are from curseforge and patreon (free though!))
- look for physics-mod-pro-v152-fabric-1.19.4.jar
Remember to enable the resource packs and shader in-game!
Patch Notes: Unless otherwise noted, anything removed or replaced was only because the mod wasn't updated to 1.19.4 yet :(
Complementary Reimagined as the new default shader! Complementary is also still included, just switch to it in settings!
clean tooltips - more consistent tooltips, plus max level enchantments are gold
adaptive tooltips - fixes tooltips running offscreen - fabric only
drip sounds
YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses!
amecs for layered keybinding! - fabric only
chunks fade in - fabric only
sit - sit on stairs!
double doors - open at the same time!
chat heads
Vanilla Stylized replaces Weed Eater and AVPBR - since it is updated to the latest version of Minecraft, looks great, and can be included without any manual setup! If you still want reflective tools, feel free to add Weed Eater and the from my Weed Eater tutorial on top of Vanilla Stylized (but under Fresh Animations)!
Physics Mod Pro replaces Immersive Portals - cause the ocean is epic! Feel free to switch them back or even add immersive portals and use physics mod pro without the ocean feature!
Entity Model Features replaces YoungSoulluoS' Fresh-Animations cem Fork - so that Fresh Animations works natively now without manual installation - fabric only
ambient sounds replaces charmonium
stylish effects replaces status effect timer
easy feed and breed replaces easy breeding - fabric only
cycle paintings replaces Paintings+ - now right click a painting while holding a painting to cycle
replanting crops replaces replanter
better advancements replaces advancement info because its available on both forge and fabric
model gap fix replaces item model fix
fabric only:
diagonal panes
Scout - the creator took it down :(
jumpy boats
forge and fabric:
Visual overhaul - visual overhaul and fabrication are mutually exclusive for now due to a keybinds menu crash. I chose to include fabrication because it changes more, but feel free to replace it with visual overhaul!
another_furniture mod
river redux
Nyf's spiders
Genuine 1.19.4 - Client-Side - Fabric
Download the following and add to "mods" folder for the best experience! (they aren't able to be included because they are from curseforge and patreon (free though!))
- look for physics-mod-pro-v152-fabric-1.19.4.jar
Remember to enable the resource packs and shader in-game!
Patch Notes: Unless otherwise noted, anything removed or replaced was only because the mod wasn't updated to 1.19.4 yet :(
Complementary Reimagined as the new default shader! Complementary is also still included, just switch to it in settings!
clean tooltips - more consistent tooltips, plus max level enchantments are gold
adaptive tooltips - fixes tooltips running offscreen
drip sounds
chat heads
chunks fade in (fancy chunks on forge)!
Vanilla Stylized replaces Weed Eater and AVPBR - since it is updated to the latest version of Minecraft, looks great, and can be included without any manual setup! If you still want reflective tools, feel free to add Weed Eater and the from my Weed Eater tutorial on top of Vanilla Stylized (but under Fresh Animations)!
Physics Mod Pro replaces Immersive Portals - cause the ocean is epic! Feel free to switch them back or even add immersive portals and use physics mod pro without the ocean feature!
Entity Model Features replaces YoungSoulluoS' Fresh-Animations cem Fork - so that Fresh Animations works natively now without manual installation
ambient sounds replaces charmonium
stylish effects replaces status effect timer
better advancements replaces advancement info because its available on both forge and fabric
Slot Cycler replaces inventory hotswap
model gap fix replaces item model fix
fabric only:
forge and fabric:
Visual overhaul - visual overhaul and fabrication are mutually exclusive for now due to a keybinds menu crash. I chose to include fabrication because it changes more, but feel free to replace it with visual overhaul!
Genuine 1.19.4 - Client AND Server - Forge
Download the following and add to "mods" folder for the best experience! (they aren't able to be included because they are from curseforge or patreon (free though!))
- look for physics-mod-pro-v152-forge-1.19.4.jar
- look for OptiFine HD U I4
Remember to enable the resource packs and shader in-game!
Patch Notes: Unless otherwise noted, anything removed or replaced was only because the mod wasn't updated to 1.19.4 yet :(
Complementary Reimagined as the new default shader! Complementary is also still included, just switch to it in settings!
clean tooltips - more consistent tooltips, plus max level enchantments are gold
drip sounds
YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses!
model gap fix
chat heads
Vanilla Stylized replaces Weed Eater and AVPBR - since it is updated to the latest version of Minecraft, looks great, and can be included without any manual setup! If you still want reflective tools, feel free to add Weed Eater and the from my Weed Eater tutorial on top of Vanilla Stylized (but under Fresh Animations)!
Physics Mod Pro replaces Immersive Portals - cause the ocean is epic! Feel free to switch them back or even add immersive portals and use physics mod pro without the ocean feature!
snow! real magic, which works for forge now as well as fabric! replaces layered snowfall
stylish effects replaces status effect timer
cycle paintings replaces Paintings+ - now right click a painting while holding a painting to cycle
replanting crops replaces replanter
double doors, sit, and slot cycler replace quark
better advancements replaces advancements tracker
forge only:
Easier Villager Trading
eating animations
horse statistics
shutup experimental settings
horse combat controls
Realistic Explosion Physics
Throwable Explosives
forge and fabric:
Visual overhaul - visual overhaul and fabrication are mutually exclusive for now due to a keybinds menu crash. I chose to include fabrication because it changes more, but feel free to replace it with visual overhaul!
another_furniture mod
river redux
Nyf's spiders
Genuine 1.19.4 - Client-Side - Forge
Download the following and add to "mods" folder for the best experience! (they aren't able to be included because they are from curseforge or patreon (free though!))
- look for physics-mod-pro-v152-forge-1.19.4.jar
- look for OptiFine HD U I4
Remember to enable the resource packs and shader in-game!
Patch Notes: Unless otherwise noted, anything removed or replaced was only because the mod wasn't updated to 1.19.4 yet :(
Complementary Reimagined as the new default shader! Complementary is also still included, just switch to it in settings!
clean tooltips - more consistent tooltips, plus max level enchantments are gold
drip sounds
Slot cycler - scroll up and down through your inventory without opening it!
chat heads - see who you're talking to!
model gap fix
Vanilla Stylized replaces Weed Eater and AVPBR - since it is updated to the latest version of Minecraft, looks great, and can be included without any manual setup! If you still want reflective tools, feel free to add Weed Eater and the from my Weed Eater tutorial on top of Vanilla Stylized (but under Fresh Animations)!
Physics Mod Pro replaces Immersive Portals - cause the ocean is epic! Feel free to switch them back or even add immersive portals and use physics mod pro without the ocean feature!
stylish effects replaces status effect timer
better advancements replaces advancements tracker
forge only:
eating animations
horse statistics
shutup experimental settings
forge and fabric:
Visual overhaul - visual overhaul and fabrication are mutually exclusive for now due to a keybinds menu crash. I chose to include fabrication because it changes more, but feel free to replace it with visual overhaul!