Horror modpack

Horror modpack


A horror modpack with a 1.12.2 feel All mod credits go to their respective owners.

Server AdventureChallengingMultiplayer

Createda month ago
Updated25 days ago

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Have you ever felt like minecraft is too easy? Ever felt like you want to be watched while you sleep? Well, we have mods for that!

For a simple explanation, this modpack is meant to make your game harder by adding 3 mobs to your game the one who watches, the man from the fog and weeping angels

I've also decided to include multiple mods to increase performance and even a mod to play with your friends!

If you have nice beefy computer i've also included BSL shaders, complementary shaders reimagined, complementary unbound and Rethinking voxels !


DO NOT use this modpack on a public server it is not client side whatsoever.

Mods (performance mods not included)
  1. appleskin
  2. Biomes o' Plenty
  3. Connectedness
  4. Doctor Who - Weeping angels
  5. Dynamic Crosshair
  6. Dynamic Trees
  7. ESSENTIAL mod
  8. Jade
  9. JEI
  10. Just Hammers
  11. Mouse tweaks
  12. Oculus
  13. Rubidium
  14. Quark
  15. The Man From The Fog
  16. The One Who Watches
  17. Xaero's World map
other mods and such
  1. EMF
  2. ETF
  3. ImmediatleyFast
  4. Modernfix
  5. Mouse tweaks
  6. No Chat Reports
  7. Smooth Boot
  8. Sound Physics Remastered
  9. Starlight
  10. Very Many Players
  11. Architectury API
  12. AutoRegLib
  13. BadOptimizations
  14. Cloth Config API
  15. Connectedness
  16. CreativeCore
  17. Dynamic Crosshair
  18. Dynamic Fps
  19. Entity Culling
  20. Ferritecore
  21. GeckoLib
  22. Fresh animations (this is a resource pack)

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID