First release for MC version 1.21.3. May have some bugs. Please report them at
- Added Distant Horizons
- Added ThreadTweak
- Removed Gamma Utils (Fullbrigt)
- Removed Fancy Menu
- Removed Melody
- Removed Konkrete
- Removed Craftify
- Removed Continuity
- Removed Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Fabric)
- Removed Debugify
- Removed Particle Core
- Removed Fzzy Config
- Removed Sound Physics Remastered
This release removed some mods, such as Fancy Menu, in an attempt to keep the pack in its vanilla roots. I also have added Distant Horizons as I think that it is in a stable enough state to use in the pack. The rest of the changes were from mods being available/unavailable for the MC version.
- Added Textile Backup
- Added Enhanced Block Entities
- Added Particle Core
- Added Krypton
- Added Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Fabric)
- Added Language Reload
- Added FerriteCore
- Added Sodium Extra Information
- Added FancyMenu
- Added Konkrete (library)
- Added Chunky
- Added Fzzy Config (dependency)
- Added StutterFix
- Added Lithium
- Added Noxesium
- Added Melody (dependency)
- Added Video Tape
- Added Noisium
- Removed Lazy DFU
- Removed WI Zoom
- Removed Memory Leak Fix
This is the first official release of HyperCraft QOL for MC 1.21. The mod removals were as follows: WI Zoom was removed because it was no longer needed because of the Essential Mod's zoom and Lazy DFU and Memory Leak Fix were removed because they weren't yet updated to 1.21. Another note, the Distant Horizons mod was not added becuase of glitches that some times occured when loading into a world.
- Added Chunky
- Added Distant Horizons
- Added Enhanced Block Entities
- Added Paticle Core
- Removed Bookshelf (Library)
- Removed Exordium
- Removed Lazy DFU
- Removed Memory Leak Fix
- Removed More Culling
- Removed Noxesium
- Removed Replay Mod
- Removed Starlight
- Removed Thread Tweak
- Removed Tips
This is the first HyperCraft QOL release for Minecraft 1.21. The removed mods above were all disposed of because they hadn't been updated to the new Minecraft version yet. I have intentions of adding them a future update.
- Removed Plasmo Voice
- Added Simple Voice Chat
- Added Controlling
- Added Searchables (Dependency)
- Updated Mods
We replaced Plasmo Voice with Simple Voice Chat because Plasmo Voice is more designed for being implemented in a server with set settings, rather than for playing with friends. Simple Voice Chat has a nicer method of enabling proximity and being able to chat with friends than Plasmo Voice in my opinion. If you dislike this change, you can always feel free to go into the settings of the modpack, unlock it down at the bottom, and add Plasmo Voice instead of Simple Voice Chat yourself.