LifeMC 1.0.9+1.21.4-alpha.1
on Feb 3, 2025LifeMC 1.0.9+1.21.1
on Feb 3, 2025LifeMC 1.0.9+1.21
on Feb 3, 2025LifeMC 1.0.9+1.20.6
on Feb 3, 2025LifeMC 1.0.9+1.20.4
on Feb 3, 2025LifeMC 1.0.9+1.19.4
on Feb 3, 2025LifeMC 1.0.9+1.18.2
on Feb 3, 2025👋 Hello everyone,
Here's the latest news! 🚀 This update introduces many significant improvements and updates to our project. The following are the highlights:
feat: ✨ Start of development v1.0.9 feat: ✨ Migrated all files to v9 of Modpack Update Checker feat: 📦 Updated packages for 1.18.2
3D Skin Layers
Dynamic FPS
Drippy Loading Screen
Fabric Language Kotlin
Modpack Update Checker
Not Enough Animations
Wavey Capes
Reimagined GUI (Dark)
Reimagined GUI (Light)
Translations for LifeMC
feat: 📦 Updated packages for 1.19.4
3D Skin Layers
CIT Resewn
Cloth Config API
Fabric Language Kotlin
Modpack Update Checker
Not Enough Animations
Wavey Capes
Reimagined GUI (Dark)
Reimagined GUI (Light)
Translations for LifeMC
feat: 📦 Updated packages for 1.20.4
3D Skin Layers
Better Statistics Screen (Fabric/Forge)
Cloth Config API
CIT Resewn
Cubes Without Borders
Dynamic FPS
Drippy Loading Screen
Entity Model Features [CEM]
Entity Texture Features
Fabric API
Fabric Language Kotlin
Language Reload
Modpack Update Checker
Not Enough Animations
Wavey Capes
Reimagined GUI (Dark)
Reimagined GUI (Light)
Translations for LifeMC
feat: 📦 Updated packages for 1.20.6
3D Skin Layers
Architectury API
Better Statistics Screen (Fabric/Forge)
Cloth Config API
Cubes Without Borders
Drippy Loading Screen
Dynamic FPS
Entity Model Features [CEM]
Entity Texture Features
Fabric API
Fabric Language Kotlin
Gamma Utils
Language Reload
Modpack Update Checker
Not Enough Animations
Reese's Sodium Options
TCDCommons API
Wavey Capes
Reimagined GUI (Dark)
Reimagined GUI (Light)
Translations for LifeMC
feat: 📦 Updated packages for 1.21
3D Skin Layers
Architectury API
Better Statistics Screen (Fabric/Forge)
Blur (Fabric)
Chat Patches
Cloth Config API
Cubes Without Borders
Dynamic FPS
Entity Model Features [CEM]
Enhanced Block Entities
Entity Texture Features
Fabric API
Fabric Language Kotlin
Gamma Utils
Iris Shaders
Language Reload
Mod Menu
Modpack Update Checker
More Culling
Not Enough Animations
No Chat Reports
Paginated Advancements & Custom Frames
Reese's Sodium Options
Sodium Extra
Symbol Chat
TCDCommons API
Very Many Players (Fabric)
Wavey Capes
Reimagined GUI (Dark)
Reimagined GUI (Light)
feat: 🔥 Removed versions 1.20.1 and 1.20.2 feat: 🔥 Removed old method of updating via lifemc.json from 1.18.2, 1.19.4, 1.20.4 feat: 📦 Added Raised mod to newly supported version 1.21 feat: 📦 Reinstated CIT Resewn mod to 1.21 feat: 📦 Added the UniLib mod required by recent versions of the CraftPresence mod feat: ⚡ Added View Bobbing Options mod from 1.19.4 and up feat: 🔥 Removed Exordium mod and all its files feat: ✨ Re-added mods LambDynamicLights and CIT Resewn to 1.21 feat: ✨ Re-added Dynamic FPS mod to 1.19.4 feat: ⚡ Updated the fabric version to 0.16.7 feat: ✨ Switch 1.20.6 and 1.21 from Beta to Stable feat: 🔥 Removed AntiGhost mod feat: 🔥 Removed Boat Item View mod feat: ✨ Added TCDCommons API mod for 1.20.4 feat: ✨ Added BetterGrassify mod from 1.19.4 and up with config on FAST feat: 🔧 Disabled the FancyMenu welcome screen by default for 1.18.2, 1.20.4, 1.20.6, 1.21 feat: ⚡ Replaced MidnightControls mod with Controlify for 1.19.4 feat: 🔧 Enabled quiet mode in the Controlify config for 1.19.4, 1.20.4, 1.20.6, 1.21 feat: ✨ Starting porting for 1.21.1 feat: 🔧 Porting version files for 1.21.1 feat: 📦 Updated packages for 1.21.1 feat: 🔖 Fabric version upgrade to 0.16.9 for 1.21.1 feat: ⬆️ Update fabric version in dependencies to 0.16.9 for 1.21.1 feat: ✨ Updating the version number in the options.txt file for 1.21.1 feat: ✨ Starting porting for 1.21.3 feat: 🔧 Porting version files for 1.21.3 feat: ✨ Updating the version number in the options.txt file for 1.21.3 feat: ✨ Change Porting from 1.21.3 to 1.21.4 (1.21.3 will be skipped) feat: 🔧 Porting of version files from 1.21.3 to 1.21.4 (1.21.3 will be skipped) feat: ✨ Update version number in options.txt file from 1.21.3 to 1.21.4 (1.21.3 will be skipped) feat: 📦 Updated to v1.0.2 of Translations for LifeMC feat: 📦 Updated packages for 1.21.4 feat: 🔖 Fabric version upgrade to 0.16.10 for 1.21.4 feat: 🔥 Temporarily removed some mods from 1.21.4
CIT Resewn
FabricSkyboxes interop
Satin API
fix: 🐛 The MC-22882 patch for 1.21, 1.21.1, 1.21.4 is enabled by default in Debugify feat: 📦 Re-added the Blur+ mod (v5.0.2, Satin API is no longer required) in 1.21.4 feat: 🔨 Improved CLI tools docs: 📝 Changed the date in the CLI tools docs: 📝 Improved .md files feat: 🔥 Removed the CLI tool to update languages, no longer required
Languages are now updated and maintained in a separate repository
fix: 🐛 Fixed command and message issues for CLI Tools fix: 🐛 Fixed resource pack issues in options.txt file in 1.21.4 fix: 🐛 Fixed the issue with the selection number in the CLI Tools fix: 🐛 Changed tag from stable to alpha for 1.21.4 in Modpack Update Checker feat: ✨ Changed the description of the Modpack Update Checker
We are excited about these changes and hope that they will improve the experience of our project overall. 🚀 Please take a moment to review the changes and share your feedback or suggestions.
A big thank you to all contributors! 🙌
Sincerely, The team at LifeMC Studios
What's Changed
- ✨ v1.0.9 is out! by @Nukecraft5419 and @MasterMC5801 in
Full Changelog:
LifeMC 1.0.8+1.21-alpha.1
on Jul 28, 2024LifeMC 1.0.8+1.20.6-alpha.2
on Jul 28, 2024LifeMC 1.0.8+1.20.4
on Jul 28, 2024LifeMC 1.0.8+1.19.4
on Jul 28, 2024LifeMC 1.0.8+1.18.2
on Jul 28, 2024👋 Hello everyone,
Here's the latest news! 🚀 This update introduces many significant improvements and updates to our project. The following are the highlights:
- feat: ✨ Beginning development v1.0.8
- feat: 🔥 Removed IMBlocker mod causes problems on Linux
- feat: ⚡ CraftPresence mod added
- feat: 🔥 Removed Simple Discord RPC mod
- feat: 🔥 Removed CraterLib mod for 1.20.4/1.20.6
- feat: 🎨 Migration of configs from Simple Discord RPC to CraftPresence
- feat: 📦 Package Updates:
- 1.18.2:
- Mod Updates:
- 1.18.2:
- 3D Skin Layers
- CraftPresence
- Dynamic FPS
- e4mc
- ModernFix
- Modpack Update Checker
- Not Enough Animations
- PaperDoll
- Resourcify
- Wavey Capes
- Reimagined GUI (Dark)
- Reimagined GUI (Light)
- skipped ShulkerBoxTooltip 3.4.4
- 1.19.4:
- Mod Updates:
- 3D Skin Layers
- CraftPresence
- e4mc
- Modpack Update Checker
- Not Enough Animations
- PaperDoll
- Resourcify
- Wavey Capes
- Reimagined GUI (Dark)
- Reimagined GUI (Light)
- 1.20.4:
- Mod Updates:
- 3D Skin Layers
- Animatica
- Controlify
- CraftPresence
- Cubes Without Borders
- Dynamic FPS
- e4mc
- Enhanced Block Entities
- Entity Model Features [CEM]
- EntityCulling
- Entity Texture Features
- Fabric API
- ImmediatelyFast
- Indium
- Iris Shaders
- Mod Menu
- Modpack Update Checker
- Not Enough Animations
- PaperDoll
- Polytone
- Resourcify
- Wavey Capes
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- Zoomify
- Reimagined GUI (Dark)
- Reimagined GUI (Light)
- 1.20.6:
- Mod Updates:
- 3D Skin Layers
- Animatica
- Architectury API
- Better Statistics Screen (Fabric/Forge)
- Chat Patches
- Controlify
- CraftPresence
- Cubes Without Borders
- Dynamic FPS
- e4mc
- Entity Model Features [CEM]
- EntityCulling
- Entity Texture Features
- Fabric API
- ImmediatelyFast
- Indium
- Iris Shaders
- Lithium
- ModernFix
- Mod Menu
- Modpack Update Checker
- No Chat Reports
- Not Enough Animations
- Polytone
- Resourcify
- Satin API
- ShulkerBoxTooltip
- Sodium Extra
- Sodium
- Wavey Capes
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- Zoomify
- Reimagined GUI (Dark)
- Reimagined GUI (Light)
- 1.21:
- Mod Updates:
- Better Statistics Screen (Fabric/Forge)
- Cubes Without Borders
- e4mc
- Fabric API
- ModernFix
- More Culling
- PaperDoll
- Reese's Sodium Options
- ShulkerBoxTooltip
- Symbol Chat
- TCDCommons API
- Visuality
- Translations for LifeMC
- feat: ✨ Added TCDCommons API mod required by 1.20.6 for Better Statistics Screen mod to work
- feat: 🔥 Removed dark and light background from settings menu causes problems
- feat: ✨ Achieved Enhanced Block Entities and Raised mods for 1.20.6
- feat: ✨ Start of development of v1.0.8+1.21-alpha.1
- feat: 🎨 Updated the tag and version of packwiz for v1.0.8+1.21-alpha.1
- feat: 🔧 Updated fabric_loader_dependencies.json for v1.0.8+1.21-alpha.1
- feat: ✨ Updated Modpack Update Checker for v1.0.8+1.21-alpha.1
- feat: 📦 Updated all packages for 1.21
- fix: 🐛 Removed Borderless Mining mod from 1.20.4, 1.20.6, 1.21 not removed in the past after it was replaced by Cubes Without Borders mod causing incompatibility issues
- feat: 🔥 Removed LazyDFU mod from 1.19.4 to 1.21 no longer needed, will remain only for 1.18.2
- feat: 🔧 Changed the data version in the options.txt file of 1.21
- feat: 🔧 Change the active resource packs in the options.txt file of 1.21
- feat: 🔥 Temporarily removed mods not yet available for 1.21
- AntiGhost
- Boat Item View
- Cosmetica
- FastQuit
- ThreadTweak
- Raised
- Seamless
- Screenshot Viewer
- feat: ✨ Modified options.txt to block menu editing and make it better in case of changes
- fix: 🐛 Fixed settings menu bugs for 1.20.6
- feat: ✨ Enabled modpack mode in fancymenu for 1.18.2, 1.20.4, 1.20.6, 1.21
- fix: 🐛 Fixed settings menu bugs for 1.21
- fix: 🐛 Fixed menu paused bugs for 1.21
- fix: 🐛 Minor bug fixes in the CraftPresence config
We are excited about these changes and hope that they will improve the experience of our project overall. 🚀 Please take a moment to review the changes and share your feedback or suggestions.
A big thank you to all contributors! 🙌
Sincerely, The team at LifeMC Studios
What's Changed
- ✨ v1.0.8 is out! by @Nukecraft5419 and @MasterMC5801 in
Full Changelog:
LifeMC 1.0.7+1.20.6-alpha.1
on Jun 6, 2024JDK 21 required for 1.20.6
👋 Hello everyone,
Here's the latest news! 🚀 This update introduces many significant improvements and updates to our project. The following are the highlights:
- feat: ✨ Beginning development v1.0.7 (including 1.20.6)
- chore: 🎨 Improved the bug_report.yml
- Removed PolyMC and added LifeMC Launcher, GDLauncher and improved the layout in the Launcher options
- feat: 🔥 Removed GitLens from the recommended extensions on vscode and replace it with Git Graph
- feat: 🔥 Removed auto-saving of files when changing windows in vscode to avoid problems
- feat: ✨ Updated the version of Fabric and the required version to 0.15.11
- feat: 📦 Package Updates:
- 1.18.2:
- Mod Updates:
- 1.18.2:
- 3D Skin Layers
- Entity Texture Features
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- FancyMenu
- Not Enough Animations
- Resourcify
- Wavey Capes
- Reimagined GUI (Dark)
- Reimagined GUI (Light)
- 1.19.4:
- Mod Updates:
- 3D Skin Layers
- Continuity
- Entity Model Features [CEM]
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Language Reload
- Not Enough Animations
- Resourcify
- ShulkerBoxTooltip
- Wavey Capes
- Reimagined GUI (Dark)
- Reimagined GUI (Light)
- 1.20.4:
- Mod Updates:
- 3D Skin Layers
- Chat Patches
- Continuity
- Entity Model Features [CEM]
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- FancyMenu
- ImmediatelyFast
- Language Reload
- No Chat Reports
- Not Enough Animations
- Polytone
- Resourcify
- Screenshot Viewer
- ShulkerBoxTooltip
- Wavey Capes
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- Zoomify
- Reimagined GUI (Dark)
- Reimagined GUI (Light)
- fix: 🐛 fixed the problem of resource packs in the options.txt file of 1.20.4
- feat: ✨ Start of development of v1.0.7+1.20.6-alpha.1
- feat: ✨ Updated the tag and version of packwiz for v1.0.7+1.20.6-alpha.1
- feat: 🔥 Removed lifemc.json file from 1.20.6 that will not be used
- feat: ✨ Updated fabric_loader_dependencies.json for v1.0.7+1.20.6-alpha.1
- feat: ✨ Updated Modpack Update Checker for v1.0.7+1.20.6-alpha.1
- feat: 📦 Updated all initial packages for development 1.20.6
- feat: 🔥 Removed the mod Mod Detection Preventer considered unsustainable by the developer himself
- feat: 🔥 Removed mod Map Compass has not been updated for 9 months
- feat: ✨ Lengthen the version tag in all menus
- fix: 🐛 Fixed the version tag bug in the loading screen
- feat: ✨ Improved the list of included servers
- feat: 🔥 Transferred the crowdin-sync bot to the repository Translations for LifeMC
- feat: ✨ Switched from the LoadMyResources mod to the Translations for LifeMC pack.
- feat: ✨ Updated the Data version of 1.20.6
- feat: 🔥 Temporarily removed some mods from 1.20.6
- CIT Resewn
- Enhanced Block Entities
- Exordium
- LambDynamicLights
- Raised
- Simple Discord RPC
We are excited about these changes and hope that they will improve the experience of our project overall. 🚀 Please take a moment to review the changes and share your feedback or suggestions.
A big thank you to all contributors! 🙌
Sincerely, The team at LifeMC Studios
What's Changed
- New Crowdin translations by @github-actions in
- ✨ v1.0.7 is out! by @Nukecraft5419 in
Full Changelog:
LifeMC 1.0.7+1.20.4
on Jun 6, 2024LifeMC 1.0.7+1.19.4
on Jun 6, 2024LifeMC 1.0.7+1.18.2
on Jun 6, 2024👋 Hello everyone,
Here's the latest news! 🚀 This update introduces many significant improvements and updates to our project. The following are the highlights:
- feat: ✨ Beginning development v1.0.7 (including 1.20.6)
- chore: 🎨 Improved the bug_report.yml
- Removed PolyMC and added LifeMC Launcher, GDLauncher and improved the layout in the Launcher options
- feat: 🔥 Removed GitLens from the recommended extensions on vscode and replace it with Git Graph
- feat: 🔥 Removed auto-saving of files when changing windows in vscode to avoid problems
- feat: ✨ Updated the version of Fabric and the required version to 0.15.11
- feat: 📦 Package Updates:
- 1.18.2:
- Mod Updates:
- 1.18.2:
- 3D Skin Layers
- Entity Texture Features
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- FancyMenu
- Not Enough Animations
- Resourcify
- Wavey Capes
- Reimagined GUI (Dark)
- Reimagined GUI (Light)
- 1.19.4:
- Mod Updates:
- 3D Skin Layers
- Continuity
- Entity Model Features [CEM]
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Language Reload
- Not Enough Animations
- Resourcify
- ShulkerBoxTooltip
- Wavey Capes
- Reimagined GUI (Dark)
- Reimagined GUI (Light)
- 1.20.4:
- Mod Updates:
- 3D Skin Layers
- Chat Patches
- Continuity
- Entity Model Features [CEM]
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- FancyMenu
- ImmediatelyFast
- Language Reload
- No Chat Reports
- Not Enough Animations
- Polytone
- Resourcify
- Screenshot Viewer
- ShulkerBoxTooltip
- Wavey Capes
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- Zoomify
- Reimagined GUI (Dark)
- Reimagined GUI (Light)
- fix: 🐛 fixed the problem of resource packs in the options.txt file of 1.20.4
- feat: ✨ Start of development of v1.0.7+1.20.6-alpha.1
- feat: ✨ Updated the tag and version of packwiz for v1.0.7+1.20.6-alpha.1
- feat: 🔥 Removed lifemc.json file from 1.20.6 that will not be used
- feat: ✨ Updated fabric_loader_dependencies.json for v1.0.7+1.20.6-alpha.1
- feat: ✨ Updated Modpack Update Checker for v1.0.7+1.20.6-alpha.1
- feat: 📦 Updated all initial packages for development 1.20.6
- feat: 🔥 Removed the mod Mod Detection Preventer considered unsustainable by the developer himself
- feat: 🔥 Removed mod Map Compass has not been updated for 9 months
- feat: ✨ Lengthen the version tag in all menus
- fix: 🐛 Fixed the version tag bug in the loading screen
- feat: ✨ Improved the list of included servers
- feat: 🔥 Transferred the crowdin-sync bot to the repository Translations for LifeMC
- feat: ✨ Switched from the LoadMyResources mod to the Translations for LifeMC pack.
- feat: ✨ Updated the Data version of 1.20.6
- feat: 🔥 Temporarily removed some mods from 1.20.6
- CIT Resewn
- Enhanced Block Entities
- Exordium
- LambDynamicLights
- Raised
- Simple Discord RPC
We are excited about these changes and hope that they will improve the experience of our project overall. 🚀 Please take a moment to review the changes and share your feedback or suggestions.
A big thank you to all contributors! 🙌
Sincerely, The team at LifeMC Studios
What's Changed
- New Crowdin translations by @github-actions in
- ✨ v1.0.7 is out! by @Nukecraft5419 in
Full Changelog:
LifeMC 1.0.6+1.20.4
on May 17, 2024LifeMC 1.0.6+1.19.4
on May 17, 2024LifeMC 1.0.6+1.18.2
on May 17, 2024👋 Hello everyone,
Here's the latest news! 🚀 This update introduces many significant improvements and updates to our project. The following are the highlights:
- fix: 🔥 Removed the name Nukecraft5419 accidentally happened in the Fancymenu files
- feat: 🔥 Removed BoatHud mod causes problems with HUD and is obsolete
- feat: ✨ Menu overhaul with lighter Penpot texture design: increased flexibility, usability, and performance
- feat: 🔥 Stopped development support for 1.20.1 and 1.20.2
- ci: 🚀 Stopped development support for 1.20.1 and 1.20.2 for CLI tool
- feat: ✨ Added Polytone mod for 1.18.2 and 1.20.4 for optifine color features and other features for resource packs
- feat: ⚡ Migration from Borderless Mining mod to Cubes Without Borders mod for 1.19.4 and 1.20.4, for 1.18.2 in future.
- feat: 📦 Package Updates:
- 1.18.2:
- Mod Updates:
- 1.18.2:
- 3D Skin Layers
- Cosmetica
- Dynamic FPS
- Entity Texture Features
- FancyMenu
- ModernFix
- Not Enough Animations
- Resourcify
- Wavey Capes
- 1.19.4:
- Mod Updates:
- 3D Skin Layers
- Cosmetica
- Entity Model Features [CEM]
- Entity Texture Features
- Not Enough Animations
- Resourcify
- Wavey Capes
- 1.20.4:
- Mod Updates:
- 3D Skin Layers
- Better Statistics Screen (Fabric/Forge)
- Controlify
- Controlling
- Cosmetica
- Dynamic FPS
- Entity Model Features [CEM]
- Entity Texture Features
- Fabric API
- FancyMenu
- ImmediatelyFast
- Iris Shaders
- ModernFix
- Mod Menu
- More Culling
- No Chat Reports
- Not Enough Animations
- OptiGUI
- Resourcify
- Symbol Chat
- Wavey Capes
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- fix: ⚡ Remigrated to the Borderless Mining mod for 1.19.4, the Cubes Without Borders mod does not work in 1.19.4
- fix: 🐛 Fixed small theme bug in 1.19.4
- feat: ✨ Updated the version of Fabric and the required version
- feat: ✨ Migrated version control to Modpack Update Checker mod
- fix: 🐛 Removed the name Nukecraft5419 happened by mistake during the menu export
- fix: 🐛 Fixed the problem of toltip not being removed in 1.19.4
- feat: 🔥 Removed the Shaders Arc now never abandoned
- feat: 🔥 Removed all Shaders Packs and Resource Packs included in the modpack and put them only as recommended so as to lighten the modpack, dashes for Reimagined GUI
- feat: 🌐 Removed translations no longer used
- fix: 🐛 Fixed problem with loading Resource Packs in the options.txt file.
- feat: ✨ v1.0.6
We are excited about these changes and hope that they will improve the experience of our project overall. 🚀 Please take a moment to review the changes and share your feedback or suggestions.
A big thank you to all contributors! 🙌
Sincerely, The team at LifeMC Studios
What's Changed
- ✨ v1.0.6 is out! by @Nukecraft5419 and @MasterMC5801 in
Full Changelog: