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LifeMC 1.0.7+1.19.4


👋 Hello everyone,

Here's the latest news! 🚀 This update introduces many significant improvements and updates to our project. The following are the highlights:

  1. feat: ✨ Beginning development v1.0.7 (including 1.20.6)
  2. chore: 🎨 Improved the bug_report.yml
    • Removed PolyMC and added LifeMC Launcher, GDLauncher and improved the layout in the Launcher options
  3. feat: 🔥 Removed GitLens from the recommended extensions on vscode and replace it with Git Graph
  4. feat: 🔥 Removed auto-saving of files when changing windows in vscode to avoid problems
  5. feat: ✨ Updated the version of Fabric and the required version to 0.15.11
  6. feat: 📦 Package Updates:
    • 1.18.2:
      • Mod Updates:
- 3D Skin Layers
- Entity Texture Features
- Fabric Language Kotlin 
- FancyMenu
- Not Enough Animations
- Resourcify 
- Wavey Capes
- Reimagined GUI (Dark)
- Reimagined GUI (Light)
  • 1.19.4:
    • Mod Updates:
- 3D Skin Layers
- Continuity
- Entity Model Features [CEM]
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Language Reload
- Not Enough Animations
- Resourcify
- ShulkerBoxTooltip
- Wavey Capes
- Reimagined GUI (Dark)
- Reimagined GUI (Light)
  • 1.20.4:
    • Mod Updates:
- 3D Skin Layers
- Chat Patches
- Continuity
- Entity Model Features [CEM]
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- FancyMenu
- ImmediatelyFast
- Language Reload
- No Chat Reports
- Not Enough Animations
- Polytone
- Resourcify
- Screenshot Viewer
- ShulkerBoxTooltip
- Wavey Capes
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- Zoomify
- Reimagined GUI (Dark)
- Reimagined GUI (Light)
  1. fix: 🐛 fixed the problem of resource packs in the options.txt file of 1.20.4
  2. feat: ✨ Start of development of v1.0.7+1.20.6-alpha.1
  3. feat: ✨ Updated the tag and version of packwiz for v1.0.7+1.20.6-alpha.1
  4. feat: 🔥 Removed lifemc.json file from 1.20.6 that will not be used
  5. feat: ✨ Updated fabric_loader_dependencies.json for v1.0.7+1.20.6-alpha.1
  6. feat: ✨ Updated Modpack Update Checker for v1.0.7+1.20.6-alpha.1
  7. feat: 📦 Updated all initial packages for development 1.20.6
  8. feat: 🔥 Removed the mod Mod Detection Preventer considered unsustainable by the developer himself
  9. feat: 🔥 Removed mod Map Compass has not been updated for 9 months
  10. feat: ✨ Lengthen the version tag in all menus
  11. fix: 🐛 Fixed the version tag bug in the loading screen
  12. feat: ✨ Improved the list of included servers
  13. feat: 🔥 Transferred the crowdin-sync bot to the repository Translations for LifeMC
  14. feat: ✨ Switched from the LoadMyResources mod to the Translations for LifeMC pack.
  15. feat: ✨ Updated the Data version of 1.20.6
  16. feat: 🔥 Temporarily removed some mods from 1.20.6
- CIT Resewn
- Enhanced Block Entities
- Exordium
- LambDynamicLights
- Raised
- Simple Discord RPC

We are excited about these changes and hope that they will improve the experience of our project overall. 🚀 Please take a moment to review the changes and share your feedback or suggestions.

A big thank you to all contributors! 🙌

Sincerely, The team at LifeMC Studios

What's Changed

Full Changelog:



LifeMC-1.0.7+1.19.4.mrpack(7.12 MiB) Primary Download

Project members

LifeMC Studios

LifeMC Studios


Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID