Lost Remnants

Lost Remnants


"Lost Remnants" is an immersive Minecraft modpack set in a post-apocalyptic world inspired by "The Last of Us." Journey through a desolate landscape where remnants of civilization lie in ruins, and nature reclaims its dominion.

Client AdventureCombatMultiplayer

Createda year ago
Updateda year ago

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Lost Remnants

"Lost Remnants" is an expansive and immersive Minecraft modpack that transports you to a post-apocalyptic world, heavily inspired by the atmospheric and gritty world of "The Last of Us." Set in a desolate landscape where civilization has crumbled, you find yourself amidst the remnants of what was once a thriving society. Nature has taken over, and the echoes of human existence linger, providing a haunting backdrop for your journey.

In "Lost Remnants," survival is paramount. As you traverse this unforgiving world, you'll encounter hordes of infected creatures, mutated by the devastating fungal strain that brought about the downfall of society. Your wits, resourcefulness, and combat skills will be put to the ultimate test as you fight for your life against relentless foes.

To survive, you'll need to scavenge for resources, carefully managing your supplies and crafting essential tools, weapons, Explore abandoned buildings, decaying cities, and underground facilities to uncover hidden caches of supplies, valuable artifacts, and remnants of a forgotten past. But beware, for danger lurks around every corner, and hostile survivors may see you as a threat or an opportunity.

How to Config Lost Cities : The Lost Cities Wiki

Require Mod

- Blood and Gore
- Connectivity

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID