删除了 immediatelyfast.json 中的实验性功能
更多 Mod 已添加回来:
- universal-shortcuts
- searchables
- modernfix
- controlling
- continuity
- better-ping-display-fabric
Removed experimental features in immediatelyfast.json
More mods have been added back:
- universal-shortcuts
- searchables
- modernfix
- controlling
- continuity
- better-ping-display-fabric
- (1.21.4) 添加了 masa 模组 (并且加回了更多模组)
- (1.21.4) 添加了 misans 字体。
- 使用 bobby 模组替代 hold that chunk 模组。
- 删除了自定义暂停菜单布局。
- 添加了 indium 模组。
- 修复了 options.txt 的版本
- 启用了 immediatelyfast 的实验性功能。
- (1.21.4) Added masa mods (and more mods have been added back)
- (1.21.4) Added misans font.
- Use the bobby mod instead of the hold that chunk mod.
- Removed customize pause menu layout.
- Added indium mod.
- Fixed version of options.txt
- Enabled experimental features of immediatelyfast.
- 使用 LambDynamicLights 模组替代 Dynamic Lights 模组。
- 添加 Ksyxis 模组。
- 添加 Better Add Server 模组
- 添加 BadOptimizes 和 FerritCore 配置文件。
- 添加 Particle Core 模组以优化粒子性能。
- 添加 Noisium 模组以优化世界加载性能。
- 添加 ThreadTweak 模组。
- 在 1.19.4 版本中修复了 Smooth Boot 的主要功能后,该模组仍然允许您调整线程优先级,这在某些系统上仍然可能非常有益,如在UltimateBoomer/mc-smoothboot #54中所示。
- 添加 TAA 着色器,仅有抗锯齿功能,默认关闭。
- 修复暂停菜单布局。
- 修复键冲突,确保 Zoom 键可以被使用(1.20.1)
- Use the LambDynamicLights mod instead of the Dynamic Lights mod.
- Add Ksyxis mod.
- Add Better Add Server mod.
- Add BadOptimizes and FerritCore configuration files.
- Add Particle Core mod to optimize particle performance.
- Add Noisium mod to optimize world loading performance.
- Add ThreadTweak mod.
- While the main function of Smooth Boot was fixed in 1.19.4, the mod still allows you to adjust thread priorities, which can still be quite beneficial on some systems as shown in UltimateBoomer/mc-smoothboot #54.
- Add TAA shader, anti-aliasing only, off by default.
- Fix pausing menu layout.
- Fix key conflicts that prevent Zoom keys from being used (1.20.1)
- 修复了单人游戏、局域网多人游戏、服务器多人游戏的暂停菜单布局。
- 添加了 (Neo)Forge Early Loading Screen for Fabric 模组,小狐狸回归。
The configuration files have recently been cleaned up, removing those that are no longer needed, and keeping only what is necessary in the necessary configuration files. If problems arise, they can be reported here: https://github.com/OrzMiku/lunarfox/issues.
- Fixed the pause menu layout for single-player game, local multiplayer, and server multiplayer.
- Added (Neo)Forge Early Loading Screen for Fabric mod, the little fox returns.
- 添加了FancyMenu模组。
- 定制了游戏窗口标题和图标。
- 定制了暂停菜单,“着色器”,“Masa”和“IPN”的设置入口现在可以在暂停菜单直接访问。
- 主界面添加了玩家模型。
- 常规的模组更新。
The configuration files have recently been cleaned up, removing those that are no longer needed, and keeping only what is necessary in the necessary configuration files. If problems arise, they can be reported here: https://github.com/OrzMiku/lunarfox/issues.
- Added FancyMenu mod.
- Customized game window title and icon.
- Customized the pause menu, the "Shader", "Masa" and "IPN" settings portals are now directly accessible from the pause menu.
- Added player model to the main interface.
- Routine mod updates.
This version has cleaned up the configuration files, removing unnecessary ones, and only retaining the essential content of the necessary configuration files. If any issues arise, you can report them here: https://github.com/OrzMiku/lunarfox/issues.
- Removed the Ears mod. Reason: I don’t know how to use it, and I’m too lazy to tinker with it :)
- Removed the C^2ME mod, considering that this mod may consume more memory and using it alongside Distant Horizons may reduce the efficiency of Distant Horizons, so this mod has been removed.
- Removed the ServerCore mod due to concerns that “ServerCore may disrupt the original game mechanics,” so this mod has been removed.
- Removed the threadtweak mod, as its main functions have been fixed in version 1.19.4 and are no longer needed.
- Removed the Forge early loading screen mod. This was definitely a tough decision because NeoForge's little fox is really cute, but in this version, it causes the game icon to fail to load.
- Added the Freecam mod, which was actually forgotten to be packaged in the previous version :)
- Regular mod updates.
- 移除了 Ears 模组,原因:我不会用,懒得折腾 :)
- 移除了 C^2ME 模组,考虑到此模组可能占用更多内存,并且与Distant Horizons同时使用会导致Distant Horizons效率降低,移除此模组。
- 移除了 ServerCore 模组,出于对“ServerCore可能会破坏原版机制”的担心,移除此模组。
- 移除了 threadtweak 模组,此模组的主要功能已在 1.19.4 中修复,不再需要。
- 移除了 Forge early loading screen 模组,这绝对是一个艰难的决定,因为NeoForge的小狐狸真的很可爱,但在这个版本,它会导致游戏图标无法加载。
- 添加了 Freecam 模组,实际上,是上一个版本忘了打包进来:)
- 常规的模组更新。
I hope to apply the new version number and manage the integrated package again with packwiz, so I removed the old version.
Starting from the current version, I will slow down the updates of the integration package. Trivial updates will no longer be released as separate versions on Modrinth. If you wish to follow the latest changes, you can visit the Github repository and manually export the version using packwiz.
- Added Very Many Players mod, which improves performance on servers with many players.
- Added MacOS Input Fixes, Fix Keyboard on Linux mods, which fix input issues on MacOS and Linux.
- Added ServerCore mod, which improves (singleplayer) server performance.
- Added Capes mod, which allows the use of capes from Optifine, LabyMod, Cosmetica, Wynntils, Capes++, and MinecraftCapes Mod.
- Added Entity Sound Features mod, which allows changing entity sounds based on ETF / OptiFine .properties format.
- Added Concurrent Chunk Management Engine mod, which improves Minecraft's chunk performance.
- Added Model Gap Fix mod, which fixes small gaps in item and block models.
- Added CalcMod mod, which allows quick calculation of values in chat.
- Added Krypton mod, which optimizes Minecraft's network stack.
- Added Ears mod, which provides more skin customization options for Minecraft.
- Added Main Menu Credits mod, which is used to customize the game window title.
- Added ThreadTweak mod, which optimizes Minecraft's thread scheduling.
- 添加 Very Many Players 模组,提升了大量玩家服务器的性能。
- 添加 MacOS Input Fixes、Fix Keyboard on Linux 模组,修复了 MacOS 和 Linux 上的输入问题。
- 添加 ServerCore 模组,提升了(单人)服务器性能。
- 添加 Capes 模组,允许使用 Optifine、LabyMod、Cosmetica、Wynntils、Capes++ 和 MinecraftCapes Mod 的披风。
- 添加 Entity Sound Features 模组,允许根据 ETF / OptiFine .properties 格式变化实体的声音。
- 添加 Concurrent Chunk Management Engine 模组,提升了 Minecraft 的区块性能。
- 添加 Model Gap Fix 模组,修复了物品和方块模型中的小间隙。
- 添加 CalcMod 模组,允许在聊天中快捷计算数值
- 添加 Krypton 模组,优化了 Minecraft 的网络栈。
- 添加 Ears 模组,为 Minecraft 提供了更多皮肤定制选项。
- 添加 Main Menu Credits 模组,用于定制游戏窗口标题。
- 添加 ThreadTweak 模组,优化了 Minecraft 的线程调度。