- added some QoL mods
- updated to 1.20.1
- some mods are not available for 1.20.1 that were in previous versions
Known issue that Pickblockpro & visiblebarriers makes it so pickblock isn't usable, I went to PickBlockPro's github and told them about it so hopefully they add a block blacklist in order to use pickblock again so if you want to use pickblock just remove visiblebarriers from your mods list
- ViaFabricPlus - FlorianMichael
- Text Utilities - Chaws
- Accurate Block Placement - Clayborn
- NBT Editor - mega12345mega
- Skin URL Unrestricted - Joshua66252
- Let Me Play Iris - TBiscuit1
- not enough crashes - natanfudge
- symbol chat - replaceitem
- owo lib - glisco & BasiqueEvangelist
- fzmm - Zailer43
- pick block pro - Sjouwer
- server pack unlocker - hms11rn & TheMysterys
- whoami - Foksha
- Essentials - SparkUniverse
- e4mc - vgskye
- libjf - JFronny
- Shut Up Mojang - allinkdev
- Fabric Language Kotlin - modmuss50 & sfPlayer1
- Fabric API - modmuss50 & sfPlayer1
- malilib - masady & CFGrafanaStats
- litematica - masady & CFGrafanaStats
- ImmediatlyFast - RaphiMC
- Hotbars+ - VideoGameSmash12
- qfapi - Quilt Team
- Cloth Config - shedaniel
- complete config - Lortseam
- uglyscoreboardfix - Lortseam
- yetanotherconfiglibrary - isxander
- tooltipfix - kyrptonaught
- sodium - jellysquid3
- sodium extra - FlashyReese
- reeses sodium options - FlashyReese
- puzzle - Motschen
- mouse tweaks - YaLTeR
- More culling - fxmorin
- More Culling Extra - fxmorin
- mod menu - modmuss50, Prospector, NeusFear, and jackassmc
- indium - comp500
- ferritecore - malte0811
- fabrishot - ramidzkh
- entityculling - tr7zw
- entity collision fps fix - CorgiTaco
- dynamic fps - juliand665
- dark loading screen - A5b84
- c2me - ishland & duplexsystem
- mixin Conflict Helper - isxander
- iris - coderbot
- lithium - jellysquid3
- client commands - earthcomputer
- forget me chunk - BreadLoaf
- starlight - spottedleaf
- yosbr - shedaniel
- smooth boot - UltimateBoomer
- no fade - UltimateBoomer