Minecraft: Create Together

Minecraft: Create Together


Small Create mod themed modpack with Essential mod to play with friends.

Client and server AdventureChallengingMultiplayer

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Created2 months ago
Updated2 months ago

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M:CT v0.3.3.1 BETA


  • The latest version of MoonlightLib prevents you from joining the server. The player is stuck on the Joining World message.
  • I forgot to download the menu and essential config with the modpack file. Should be fixed now.

M:CT v0.3.3 BETA


In a few weeks I will complete the resource pack for the modpack. I was going to release it on the 0.4 update, so around July, but it won't take that much. At least I hope it won't.

Added mods:

  • [EMF] Entity Model Features
  • [ETF] Entity Texture Features
  • Double Doors
  • Cold Sweat
  • Beans Backpacks
  • Controlling
  • Oculus

Added resource packs:

  • MCT texturepack
  • Fresh Moves
  • Just Expressions
  • Fresh Animations


No new info

M:CT v0.3.2 BETA


I made my own texturepack which mainly changed the appearance of the UI. I wanted to slightly improve the appearance of the buttons in the menu, so in order not to copy the GREEN_POLSKA design, I only used colors that were mainly intended to reflect the feel of brass, color of schematics and andesite casing. The exact changes in appearance, as I mentioned earlier, are the buttons, which are my design and I tried to beautify the rectangular buttons with rounded ones. There will be a few more changes, but for now in this version there will only be changes to the equipment mechanics and one mod that I was supposed to add with 0.3, but I couldn't due to server problems.

[NEW] Needs replacement:

  • Just Leveling

I wanted to add a mod that gives more stats to the player but it could be really problematic if you already played on one world for some time and the tools are blocked. I changed the config of the mod that was removing all items from the locked ones. I need other mod for that purpose but I probably will just restart the locked items to normal in the next version or a few versions later. We'll see, we'll do.

Deleted mods:

  • Inventory Profiles Next

The mod was obscuring the overall UI look which wasn't really what I wanted and the mod wasn't really necessary either.

Added mods

  • ReBlured

This mod only works on the client side, so from now on I will be releasing two versions of the mod pack, which will be the standard one and the server one. You can download it on the bottom of the site where files are located.

  • Crafting Tweaks
  • Inventory Essentials
  • Thirst Was Taken


Discord server

The Discord server is still in the making and there will be no updates on this matter for at least the next few versions.

M:CT v0.3.1.1 BETA


Small config changes.

M:CT v0.3.1 BETA


Some mods were causing problems on the server side and some of them were crashing the game. The 0.3.1 is stable version for multiplayer. The 0.3 is not working for multiplayer.

Deleted mods:

  • Embeddium++
  • Oculus
  • TexTrue's Embeddium Options
  • YUNG's Menu Tweaks

M:CT v0.3 BETA

Finally, after my hard work and battle with mods not liking eachother, the version 0.3 beta is here! The changes are the mix of major and minor kind but things that definitely changed is the entirely custom menu UI, texture packs and 26 new mods that add new mechanics and new content.



The new UI is made with FancyMenu v3 which, no lie, was a huge pain for the entire development of the UI. It looks simple and there are some things that will be added.

New UI

The look of the buttons will be changed and, for example, the Language button will be replaced with the discord server one as language is already in the options menu.

Changed mods:

  • Rubidium -> Embeddium

New mods:

  • Chat Heads
  • Clumps
  • Create Central Kitchen
  • Create Enchantment Industry
  • Create Goggles
  • Create: Dreams & Desires
  • Create: New Age
  • Create: Power Loader
  • Creeper Overhaul
  • Double Doors
  • Embeddium++
  • Enderman Overhaul
  • FancyMenu
  • InvMove
  • Just Leveling
  • Leaves Be Gone
  • Let Me Despawn
  • Nyf's Spiders
  • Oculus
  • Radium
  • Rechiseled
  • TexTrue's Embeddium Options
  • Tom's Simple Storage Mod
  • Tool Stats
  • WaveyCapes
  • YUNG's Menu Tweaks

Resource Pack:


The Future

With the release of version 0.3 there will be some changes in my work flow. The Discord server is "under construction" and will hopefully be ready for you to join in a few weeks. The next updates will be major only, so there will be much fewer of them from now on. The next update will be released once the Discord server is open, and the link to it will be a button in the game's main menu.

M:CT v0.2.9 BETA


This version is the last version of 0.2s and a preparation for version 0.3 which will be released in a few days. Exactly 2 days from now, and I'm happy to announce that, I'll be adding my Discord server and also Issues & Suggestions Form in the description (This one is already there). There's a lot to do, and with my two friends, it still won't be enough. So. Any help from you will be appreciated.


  • Simple Voice Chat

Simple Voice Chat has trouble connecting to the server. I found out that this is mostly a technical issue and depends on the hosting. My server is set up on my server machine using the itzg/minecraft-server docker image. This was a port specific bug that could be easily fixed. At first I thought it was a modem problem and switching to a different one would solve the problem. If you host a server the same way you probably already know, but if not, Simple Voice Chat has a guide for that so you can search for it, I won't post it here.

Resource Packs:

In version 0.3 I want to add some looks to my modpack, so I added some resource packs for this purpose.

  • Tom's Create Storage

Yes. I'm adding Tom's Storage in 0.3.

  • Farcr's Re-Crafted
  • Farcr's Better Dirt
  • Farcr's Re-Create


First of May, "The 0.3"

I've already said this, but with the release of version 0.3 there will be some changes in my work due to Discord server and Issues & Suggestion Form, which is in the process of being done. However, as difficult as it sounds, even though I want to release version 0.3 this Wednesday, that doesn't mean there won't be any issues. There are a lot of mods that will be added, so unless a miracle happens, it may be delayed until Friday at most, and I really want this to be false. I'm really proud that I managed to create something that is appreciated and I really want it to be perfect.

More additional content

This one is mainly intended for people who are interested in this type of thing, but I tried streaming games on Twitch a while back when I had the time and I will try to do it in early June. Mainly, I'm talking about the gameplay on my private server, where I play with friends who don't really understand the Create mod, but are at least tring to do something.

M:CT v0.2.8 BETA

Added mods:

  • What Are They Up To
  • Rubidium

I replaced Sodium with Rubidium when I switched to Forge and had to delete it later because there were a few problems with it causing game to crash but I was able to fix it. Maybe I will add Oculus for shaders but it's just a maybe. We'll see, we'll do.

Deleted mods:

  • Spawn Animation

Was annoying af...


Next version

I'm preparing for a big changes because some mods don't work as they should or even completely. I will definitely remove or replace and add some.

M:CT v0.2.7.1 BETA


  • Small bug fixing update

M:CT v0.2.7 BETA


I'm adding a few addons for Farmer's Delight.

Added mods:

  • Create Slice & Dice
  • Delightful
  • Festive Delight
  • Corn Delight
  • Miner's Delight
  • Ocean's Delight
  • Crabber's Delight
  • Pick Up Notifier

Deleted mods:

  • Item Highlighter

This mod was causing some errors on server side and was constantly highlighting the same items a not only new ones when they are picked up.


I had to delete this version because when I test versions I use my server to check for problems. If you see me post a new version and delete it afterwards, that's what I'm doing.

M:CT v0.2.6.1 BETA


  • Small bug fixing update

M:CT v0.2.6 BETA


This version replaces EMI with JEI due to the lack of support for the Create mod. I know it's a bit frivolous of me not to check it before, but when adding mods I mainly looked at using new ones, which from my point of view was a good idea, but old, proven things always work best.


  • Replacing EMI with JEI due to the lack of support for the Create mod



I'm going to delay adding quests indefinitely due to the fact that the modpack is not my priority at the moment. I was supposed to start creating them in mid-May, but work and exams won't allow me to do so. If I find time to work on it for a certain period of time without any interruptions, quests will be my priority in creating a modpack.

Plan on releasing bigger updates (till release)

Nothing here is final! The release might get delayed!

Version Date Changes
v0.2.6+ Beta Through April-May Adding small things
v0.3 Beta End of June Final Forge Version that only needs a few tweaks
v0.3+ After 0.3 Release-ready version
v1.0 pre-release TBD Released version
TBD TBD Quests

M:CT v0.2.5 BETA


Adding mods for better structures.

Added mods:

  • YUNG's Better Desert Temples
  • YUNG's Better Dungeons
  • YUNG's Better EndIsland
  • YUNG's Better Jungle Temples
  • YUNG's Better Mineshafts
  • YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses
  • YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments
  • YUNG's Better Strongholds
  • YUNG's Better Witch Huts
  • Better Archeology
  • Tinkerers Smithing


World generation

It will be the last update relating to world generation.


No new info on future updates.

M:CT v0.2.4 BETA


Deleting some mods that cause errors in my server logs.

Deleted mods:

  • YUNG's Menu Tweaks
  • Nether Dungeons

M:CT v0.2.3 BETA


It's just experimental but stable Forge version for now. Some mods added and deleted because Forge.

Major changes:

  • Switching to Forge



This version is the beginning of my attempts to add quests and first questlines to the modpack. I'll try to do it quickly, at most until July, but I can't promise anything for now. I simply don't have time for it.


I mentioned why I was switching to Forge in the last changelog which was 0.2.2.

Full mod list is in description.

Plan on releasing bigger updates (till release)

Nothing here is final! The release might get delayed!

Version Date (not final) Changes
v0.2.3 Beta Today Switching to Forge
v0.3 Beta End of June Quests and full Forge version
v1.0 pre-release End of July More info on the main theme of the modpack and Release-ready version (more on that in the future)

M:CT v0.2.2 BETA


This version adds a few less important mods. Bigger changes will appear in v0.2.3.

Added mods:

  • Item Highlighter
  • Ping Wheel
  • More Mob Variants
  • Not Enough Animations
  • 3D Skin Layers
  • Spawn Animations

Info and future:

Too much work and not enough time...

Quests will be added in 0.3 at the earliest, but don't be surprised if they are delayed. I have a lot of work to do besides creating this modpack, plus I have a lot of plans for it in the future and I hope that after my final exams I will have time to develop it.


I mentioned changing the loader to Fabric some time ago, but there are many problems that are difficult to solve on Fabric. Also, there are some mods that are only available on Forge and I really don't want to miss out on adding more content, so I'll probably come back to Forge when I have the time.

My work flow for now

I'm not planing to do some work over the important things like final exams which I adressed earlier but I have some plans for work on it. I will release newer versions at least monthly even if they have small changes or adding a few mods. I'll give you a plan here on how I'm going to deal with the next versions, and I hope that having more time after the exams will give me some relief from everything else.


I have some projects that need time to be revealed. Some are about the modpack. You will see in the future.

Plan on releasing bigger updates (till v0.4)

Version Date (not final) Changes
v0.2.3 Till the start of May Switching to Forge
v0.3 End of May or Start of June Quests and full Forge version
v0.4 End of July More info on the main theme of the modpack

M:CT 0.2.1 BETA


  • Modpack is changing it's name to the final one: "Minecraft: Create Together"
  • Switched modloader from Forge to Fabric

Because of my mods choice I had to change modloader to Fabric. That change allows me to use better mods for specific needs that will be required in further development of the modpack.

Switched mods from Forge version to Fabric:

  • Create and it's addons
  • EMI and it's addons
  • Embeddium to Sodium
  • And some other mods...

Added mods:

  • Better Ping Display
  • Better Third Person
  • Farmer's Delight Refabricated
  • Heracles
  • Sounds
  • Terralith
  • BetterEnd
  • BetterNether
  • Chat Heads
  • Chat Animation
  • Chat Signing Hider
  • Create: Structures
  • Create Deco
  • Create: Interiors
  • EMI Enchanting
  • Map Atlases
  • Mod Menu
  • Sodium Extra
  • Simple Voice Chat

Deleted mods:

  • Oculus (was supposed to be changed to Iris in 0.2)

I am deleting Oculus because there are problems with shaders when I changed it to Iris. Game keeps crashing while shaders are on in game and for now I am not going to fix this problem because I am more focused for adding more content.

Further changes:

More mods will be added and some of the main features will finally be available such as quests in future versions.

Old Forge version

Project members






Official Discord Moderator

Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID