Modrinth Tech Rat

Modrinth Tech Rat


Immersive Tech modpack for friends and family, where you can invite others to your single player world. Includes automation, space travel, guns, cars, planes, many mobs and instantly deploying buildings too :).

Client and server AdventureCombatKitchen SinkMultiplayerOptimizationTechnology

Createda year ago
Updated5 months ago

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1.20.1 v2

by NeosSkopos on Feb 10, 2024


  • Added Daily Dad (by MrBysco)
  • Added Hybrid Aquatic (by
  • All mods updated to latest versions, except FrozenLib (1.6.1 crashes on world load) and Ad Astra (still in beta)

1.20.1 v1

by NeosSkopos on Jan 27, 2024

First 1.20.1 version! :D


  • All mods updated to latest versions, except Cave Dust (v2+ has a world load freeze)

Upgrade warning:

  • Bookshelves will loose their inventory. First go move out all items from your bookshelves if you're not ok with loosing it.
  • Scout pouches and their contents will be lost, so first remove their contents before updating to the 1.20.1 version.
  • Campanion items will be lost (the mod is not for Minecraft 1.20.1 yet.). Grappling hooks, sleeping bags and rope bridges, etc., all now have replacement mods for similar functionality.
  • Daily Dad jokes not 1.20.1 compatible yet :(.
  • Defensive Measures mod not 1.20.1 compatible yet, so you'll loose those traps, turrets and cannons.
  • Many mob mods (e.g: Goodall, Mega Parrots, etc.) were not 1.20.1 compatible yet, so those mobs will be gone.
  • ItemSwapper removed - not so ideal with modded, so I stopped using it.
  • Your keybindings will be reset to modpack defaults for 1.20.1 (which differs from the 1.19.2 version)
  • Some Prefab materials might be missing, so some prefab structures might have their walls gone, for example.
  • Remember to always first do a backup of your world.

Version 19: Version 19: PlayerEx, More Bows, Visual Overhaul, Antighost, Bag of Holding.

Added Mods:

  • Advancement Info - Shows what's needed for the advancements.

  • Antighost - Type "/ghost" to reload blocks around you.

  • Bag of holding - Similar to shulker boxes, but in your inventory.

  • Bobby - Allows further render distance than the server's view distance.

  • Enhanced Attack Indicator - Shows the indicator for more usages.

  • More Bows Restrung - Upgrade bows and includes special bows.

  • PlayerEx - Level up your character for better stats.

  • Rare Ice - Find random items in ice sometimes.

  • Visual Overhaul - Nicer looking ovens. (Looking forward to the 1.19.4 modpack with this.)

Updated all mods to latest versions.

Version 18: Completionist Index! Also more Fuzs mods and new music.


  • Mining Cooldown Fix Updated - This was causing way too many difficulties when using fast pickaxes in your own base.

Added Resource Packs:

  • Rain World Music - Nicer (in my opinion) than Minecraft default music.

Added Mods:

  • Advancement Plaques - Nicer looking advancements.

  • Not Enough Animations - Some nice player animations.

  • Completionist Index - Keeps a checklist of all items in the pack that you've collected.

  • Held Item Tooltips -When switching items.

  • Bartering Station - For piglin bartering.

  • Universal Bone Meal - bonemeal more things.

  • Tiny Skeletons - more variety in hostile mobs.

  • Nether Chested - Holds more stacks per stack.

  • Echo Chest - Collect items and xp nearby.

Updated all mods to latest versions.

Version 16: Fixes and hotbar functionality


  • Ender Zoology update now fixes the crash when dire wolves were spawning as a pack.

Added Mods:

  • Jingle - plays a ding when your world loaded

  • Slot Cycler - allows cycling hotbar for the currently active column

  • AutoHUD - automatically hides/shows your HUD (can be customised or deactivated)

  • Switcheroo - Automatically select the appropriate tool for the task

Updated all mods to latest versions.

Version 16: Mobs, decorations and fixes!


  • Updated default keys

  • FINALLY the bug is fixed that caused a crash if you loaded an existing world without first going to the "Create new world" screen. (It was caused by an advancements bug in Minecraft.)

Added Mods:

  • Cooking for blockheads - Adds kitchen appliances for easier food crafting

  • Beetlebox - Adds beetle mobs and related armors

  • Variety Aquatic - many ocean-based mobs

  • Wunderreich - Adds Wunderkiste (shared storage for everyone + chunk loader), slabs, stairs, walls, a building trowel, Villager trading influencing.

  • Critters and Companions - more mobs and related items (Beavers can crack open pearls)

  • Additionally Additions - Climbable rope, glow sticks, gilded netherrite, copper redstone, wrench to turn blocks, bundles, rose gold, etc.

  • Chipped - Super amounts of new building blocks via these crafting stations

  • CTM Refabricated - Connected textures for some of the blocks from "Chipped"

  • Air Hop - Leggings enchantment

  • Gliders - For early game, before you have elytras

  • Ender Zoology - More mobs (mostly hostile)

  • Plenty Plates - Customised trigger plates

  • Added Paper Doll - shows a mini version of you in the top right

  • Mob Lassos - Catch a mob into your inventory

  • Advancements Debug - This fixes the error that happened upon world load (if you didn't first go to "Create new world")

  • Too many binds - So you can search for a keybind dynamically in-game

  • Origins: Classes - More character customisation by choosing a class as well.

Removed Mods:

  • Halo HUD - While nice, it was a bit unnecessary and distracting sometimes.

Added Mods:

  • Traveler's Backpack - customisable backpacks with liquid storage, abilities, etc.
  • Cloud Boots - negates fall damage and gives jump boost. (For when Steampunk Boots no longer give enough protection.)
  • Icarus - Elytra based mod
  • Fastload - Loads the game faster :)
  • Added Lexicon (an in-game manual)
  • Added Explosive Enhancement
  • Added Default Options - Especially useful due to many key conflicts that existed by default. (This will work on new installations and will not override your already custom settings!)

Removed Mods:

  • CraftPresence - Didn't really find much use of this in Discord and it was one extra shortcut conflict to maintain.
  • Companion - The teleporting of pets caused my pets to do when going to the Nether.
  • Utility Belt - Was just causing way too many crashes. Traveler's Backpack can do some of the tool swopping features instead.

Replaced Mods:

  • Replaced Keymap with Amecs - allowing us to use multiple functions for a button.


  • Added Complimentary Reimagined 2.1
  • Updated BSL to v8.2.03

Updated all other mods to their latest versions.

WARNING! You still need to go to "Create New World" screen before trying to load any single-player world. (Still searching for the culprit.)

Issues fixed:

  • EMI and Tom's Storage compatibility in the crafting terminals.


  • Create Origins
  • Artifacts
  • Halo HUD (important things (e.g: life) show in your cursor when low)
  • Basic Shields Fabric (better shields)
  • Guarding (Parry attacks with good timing)
  • Fabric Shieldlib (Dependancy for "Basic Shields")


  • Updated all mods to their latest versions (except Ad Astra, whose latest version has a dependancy that's not yet at that required version on Modrinth.)

WARNING! You still need to go to "Create New World" screen before trying to load any single-player world. (Working on this, if possible to fix.)

Removed Mods:

  • Recipe Book is Pain (This was causing the Tom's Storage crash when searching at its terminals)


  • Biome Particle Weather
  • Inventory Totem
  • Portable Tables


  • Balm
  • Better Combat
  • Better Statistics Screen
  • Combat Roll
  • Crafting Tweaks
  • Craft Presence
  • Emi
  • Energised Power
  • Entity Texture Features
  • Entity Culling
  • Extended Drawers
  • Fabric API
  • Geckolib
  • Kiwilib
  • Modern Industrialisation
  • Mythic Metals
  • Player Animator
  • Super Fancy Clouds
  • Trash Slot
  • Yung's API
  • Yung's Better Nether Fortresses

Could not update these mods:

  • Forgero. Still on 0.10.6, because 0.10.7+ causes a crash when loading or creating a world

Server mods for version 13. In case you're someone like me who wants a server running even though you can invite friends to your single player worlds :).

To set up a server, in short:

  • Down this version as a seperate instance.
  • Go to:
  • Download the installer jar, run the jar, specify your output folder, tell it to download the 1.19.2 jar too and generate startup scripts too.
  • Then run the start.bat.
  • Then rerun after agreeing to the eula to generate the standard server files.
  • Then stop server, copy over your mods into the ./mods folder and run start.bat again.

You should now be able to connect to it with the standard version.

Server mods for version 12. In case you're someone like me who wants a server running even though you can invite friends to your single player worlds :).

To set up a server, in short:

  • Down this version as a seperate instance.
  • Go to:
  • Download the installer jar, run the jar, specify your output folder, tell it to download the 1.19.2 jar too and generate startup scripts too.
  • Then run the start.bat.
  • Then rerun after agreeing to the eula to generate the standard server files.
  • Then stop server, copy over your mods into the ./mods folder and run start.bat again.

You should now be able to connect to it with the standard version.

WARNING! You still need to go to "Create New World" screen before trying to load any single-player world. (Working on this, if possible to fix.)


  • Yungs Better Nether Fortresses
  • Replaced "Universal Graves" with "Forgotten Graves"
  • "Get off my lawn reserved" for land claims
  • "Adaptive Tooltips" to wrap the tooltip text
  • "Stacks to nearby chests"
  • "Cherished Worlds" to favorite/pin/bookmark worlds
  • "Naturalist" for more animals
  • "Glow ink plus" to add wool lighting with glow ink sacks.
  • "Better Climbing" to move faster on ladders


  • Alloy Forgery
  • BCLib
  • Better End
  • Better Nether
  • Collective
  • Combat Roll
  • Create
  • EMI
  • EMIffect
  • Energized Power
  • Forge Config API Port
  • FrozenLib
  • Geckolib
  • Grindstone Sharper Tools
  • Kiwi Lib
  • Mod Menu
  • Pick Up Notifier
  • Resourcefulconfig
  • Simply Swords
  • SuperFancyClouds Refabricated
  • Tom's Simple Storage Mod
  • Wilder Wild
  • Yung's API
  • BSL Shaders

Could not update these mods:

  • Forgero. Still on 0.10.6, because 0.10.7+ causes a crash when loading or creating a world

Config changes:

  • Removed the energy requirement for "Scannable" scanner
  • Replantingcrops doesn't need a hoe (so you can vein mine crops now)


  • "Right Click Harvest" with "Replanting Crops"


  • Equipment Compare
  • Iceberg
  • Scout
  • The Printer
  • Vanity Slots
  • Energized Power
  • Why Stacks of 16
  • Replanting Crops
  • Lanterns Belong On Walls
  • EMI Trades
  • EMIffect
  • Better Statistics Screen
  • TCD Commons
  • Notebook
  • Stendhal
  • Recipe Book is pain
  • Better Recipe Book


  • Ad Astra!
  • Agree (aka, Scannable)
  • Architectury
  • Create
  • Frozenlib
  • Iris
  • Jade Addons
  • Journeymaps
  • Simple Copper Pipes
  • Simply Swords
  • Splashfox
  • Superfancyclouds: Refabricated
  • Wilder Wild

If hosting an own server, these are the mods and configs for version 11.

Removed "Almost Unified", as it was hiding some recipes.

Mods loaded to the server.

Mod note:

  • Polymorph now on Modrinth (this was previously the only mod I didn't get from Modrinth, making this a fully Modrinth pack again.

Mods added:

  • Simple Voice Chat (proximity voice chat)
  • Jade Addons Fabric (support for Create and Modern Industrialization)
  • Combat Roll
  • Fat experience orbs
  • Better Ladders (Place ladders without support blocks)
  • Ping Wheel
  • Things (Various equipment)
  • Better Mod (Place books in bookshelves)
  • Modern Industrialization (Big automation tech mod)
  • Almost Unified
  • Super Apple (Apples granting buffs)
  • Defensive Measures (Turrets)
  • Easy Anvils (Repair costs won't escalate)
  • Better F3
  • Enchanting Table Descriptions
  • Idwtialsimmoedm
  • Bridging Mod (Place block behind block you're looking at)

(Updated all existing mods to latest versions, except "Simple Copper Pipes".)

Reverted Copper Pipes version. (was causing a crash)


  • Animal Feeding Trough
  • Armor Statues
  • Frozenlib


  • Fastanim (Was preventing "Essential" emotes.)

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID