Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published 11 months ago
Updated 10 months ago
A Vanilla Plus modpack to play with friends!
Mod highlights
- additionalstructures-1.20.x-(v.4.2.1).jar: Adds additional structures to the game.
- ambientsounds_fabric_v5.3.9_mc1.20.1.jar: Introduces ambient sounds to enhance the atmosphere.
- animated-doors-1.0.jar: Animates doors and combines double doors.
- antique-atlas-2.0.0+1.20.jar: Implements an antique-style atlas for navigation.
- appleskin-fabric-mc1.20.1-2.5.1.jar: Provides information about food saturation.
- bettercompatibilitychecker-fabric-4.0.1+mc1.20.1.jar: Checks for compatibility issues between mods.
- betterf3-7.0.2-fabric-1.20.1.jar: Enhances the debug screen (F3), making it much easier to read.
- betterspawnercontrol-1.20.1-4.4.jar: Allows for disabling mob spawners by placing 5 torches on it.
- bobby-5.0.1.jar: Allows you to set your render distance further than the server's view distance.
- borderless-mining-1.1.8+1.20.1.jar: Makes the fullscreen mode borderless.
- breakfree-1.2.0.jar: Lets you continue breaking a block when switching held items.
- bwncr-fabric-1.20.1-3.17.0.jar: Localizes various sounds (like the wither, lightning, etc.)
- c2me-fabric-mc1.20.1-0.2.0+alpha.11.5.jar: Allows chunk management to use multiple CPU cores.
- carryon-fabric-1.20.1- Allows picking up and carrying (tile) entities.
- chat_heads-0.10.32-fabric-1.20.jar: Displays player heads in chat messages.
- chunkloaders-1.2.8a-fabric-mc1.20.1.jar: Adds chunk loaders.
- chunky-1.3.138.jar: A world pregenerator.
- clumps-fabric-1.20.1- Clumps XP orbs together for better perfomance.
- confnportal-1.1.0.jar: Allows any shape and size for Nether Portals, as well as Crying Obsidian.
- continuity-3.0.0-beta.4+1.20.1.jar: Adds connected textures for various blocks.
- controlling-fabric-1.20.1-12.0.2.jar: Adds search functionality to keybinds.
- create-fabric-0.5.1-f-build.1335+mc1.20.1.jar: Adds various tools and contraptions based on rotational force to the game.
- create-structures-0.1.1-1.20.1-fabric.jar: Adds additional structures to the game using the Create mod.
- creeperoverhaul-3.0.2-fabric.jar: Adds biome-specific creepers to the game.
- ctov-3.4.2.jar: Overhauls villages to be more interesting.
- defaultoptions-fabric-1.20-18.0.1.jar: Provides default options for various settings.
- eating-animation-1.20+1.9.61.jar: Adds an eating animation to the game.
- entityculling-fabric-1.6.2-mc1.20.1.jar: Optimizes entity rendering for better performance.
- essential_commands-0.35.0-mc1.20.1.jar: Adds essential commands to the game.
- extremesoundmuffler-3.41-fabric-1.20.jar: Allows muffling of sounds from specific sources.
- fallingleaves-1.15.5+1.20.1.jar: Adds falling leaves to the game.
- farmers-delight-fabric-1.4.3.jar: Introduces farming- and food-related content to the game.
- ferritecore-6.0.1-fabric.jar: A mod providing optimization features.
- followersteleporttoo-1.20.1-2.4.jar: Allows followers to teleport with the player.
- graves-3.0.1+1.20.1.jar: Adds graves when a player dies to protect items after death.
- harvestwithease-1.20.1- Allows you to harvest and replant crops with right-click.
- horsebuff-1.20-2.1.2.jar: Adds various buffs for horses.
- inventorymanagement-1.3.1+1.20.jar: Enhances inventory management.
- iris-mc1.20.1-1.6.17.jar: Improves rendering performance and adds shader support.
- jade-1.20-fabric-11.8.0.jar: Shows information about what you are looking at.
- mcw-doors-1.1.0fabric-mc1.20.1.jar: Adds various door types.
- mcw-fences-1.1.1-mc1.20.1fabric.jar: Adds various fence types.
- mcw-furniture-3.2.2-mc1.20.1fabric.jar: Adds various furniture pieces.
- mcw-lights-1.0.6-mc1.20.1fabric.jar: Adds various lighting options.
- mcw-paths-1.0.4fabric-mc1.20.1.jar: Adds various path types.
- mcw-trapdoors-1.1.2-mc1.20.1fabric.jar: Adds various trapdoor types.
- mcw-windows-2.2.1-mc1.20.1fabric.jar: Adds various window types.
- measurements-fabric-1.20.1-2.0.0.jar: Provides a tool for measuring distances.
- more_mobs-v1.5.1-mc1.14x-1.20x-mod.jar: Adds more variations to hostile mobs.
- mousetweaks-fabric-mc1.20-2.25.jar: Enhances mouse interaction in the game.
- naturalist-fabric-4.0.3-1.20.1.jar: Adds features related to nature and wildlife.
- naturescompass-1.20.1-2.2.3-fabric.jar: Adds a compass for finding biomes.
- presencefootsteps-1.9.2.jar: Adds footsteps sounds based on the material.
- roughlyenoughitems-12.0.684-fabric.jar: Adds an item and recipe viewing interface.
- roughlyenoughprofessions-fabric-1.20.1-2.0.2.jar: Adds villager professions in REI.
- shards.jar: Get shards back when breaking glass.
- shearablevines-1.1.0+1.20.jar: Stop vines from growing by using shears on them.
- simpleveinminer-1.4.2.jar: Adds vein mining functionality.
- tectonic-fabric-1.20-2.3.1.jar: Improves world generation.
- terralith_1.20.4_v2.4.11.jar: Improves world generation.
- toms_storage_fabric-1.20-1.6.6.jar: Adds a vanilla-friendly storage system with wireless access.
- towns-and-towers-1.12-fabric+forge.jar: Improves world generation.
- trashslot-fabric-1.20-15.1.0.jar: Adds a trash slot for item disposal.
- travelersbackpack-fabric-1.20.1-9.1.10.jar: Adds backpacks for carrying more items.
- villagernames-1.20.1-7.3.jar: Adds names to villagers.
- waystones-fabric-1.20-14.1.3.jar: Adds waystones for teleportation.
- yungsbetterstrongholds-1.20-fabric-4.0.3.jar: Improves stronghold generation.
- yungsbetterwitchhuts-1.20-fabric-3.0.3.jar: Improves witch hut generation.
- zoomify-2.11.2.jar: Adds zoom functionality to the game.