ADDED (Mod) Patchouli (Mod) Ribbits (Mod) Philips Ruins (Lib) YungsAPI (Util) Global Packs
UPDATED Doggy Talents Next to version 1.18.27 Geophilic to 3.1.1 Lithostitched to 1.1.8 JEI to Storage Drawers to 12.0.4
CHANGES (Quark) deactivated auto-crafter (Quark) increased cooldown for feeding through (Quark) deactivated simple harvest for XP harvesting mechanic (traveler's backpack) slight changes to capacity (playerrevive) activated glowing on death (Immersive Weathering) changed stone cutter quantity for stone bricks and deepslate bricks (Geore) added reverse crafting for shard blocks