주요 변경사항
기본 설정 값 변경
- 기본 그래픽 설정을 '빠르게' 에서 '화려하게' 로 변경
- 우측 상단에서 핑 표시 삭제
새 모드 추가
- 서버의 시야 거리와 관계 없이 자신이 불러온 청크를 클라이언트의 시야 범위에 맞게 저장하는 모드 추가
자세한 변경사항
모드 추가
- Fzzy Config
- Hold That Chunk
모드 삭제
- CompleteConfig
모드 업데이트
- Cloth Config
- CIT Resewn
- BadOptimizations
- Clean F3
- EntityCulling
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Dynamic FPS
- ImmediatelyFast
- Fast IP Ping
- Zoomify
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- Particle Core
- CustomHud
- Inventory HUD +
리소스팩 업데이트
- Chat Reporting Helper
- Sodium Translations
- 기본 그래픽 설정을 '빠르게' 에서 '화려하게' 로 변경
- CustomHud 의 설정 파일 구성을 업데이트에 맞게 변경
- CutomHud 업데이트로 추가된 단축키 비활성화
- 우측 상단에서 핑 표시 삭제
- Fabric Loader 0.16.9로 업데이트
Key Changes
Modified default setting values
- Changed default graphics settings from 'Fast' to 'Fancy'
- Removed Ping Hud at top right screen.
New Mod Added
- Added a mod that saves chunks loaded by the player according to the client's render distance, regardless of the server's view distance.
Detailed Changes
Added Mod
- Fzzy Config
- Hold That Chunk
Removed Mod
- CompleteConfig
Updated Mod
- Cloth Config
- CIT Resewn
- BadOptimizations
- Clean F3
- EntityCulling
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Dynamic FPS
- ImmediatelyFast
- Fast IP Ping
- Zoomify
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- Particle Core
- CustomHud
- Inventory HUD +
Updated Resourcepack
- Chat Reporting Helper
- Sodium Translations
- Changed default graphics settings from 'Fast' to 'Fancy'
- Updated CustomHud Configs to work with latest version.
- Disabled newly added keybinds introduced in the CustomHud update.
- Removed Ping Hud at top right screen.
- Updated Fabric Loader to 0.16.9
경고! Alpha 빌드는 일부 모드 및 기능이 누락되어 있습니다. 사용에 주의가 필요합니다.
누락된 모드
- LambDynamicLights
- Exordium
- Game Menu Remove GFARB
- Old Potions
- Main Menu Credits
- CIT Resewn
- EntityCulling
- Debugify
- In-Game Account Switcher
- Dynamic FPS
- BadOptimizations
모드 추가
- Fzzy Config
- Hold That Chunk
모드 제거
- CompleteConfig
모드 업데이트
- AppleSKin
- Better Mount Hud
- Better Ping Display
- Capes
- Cloth Config
- Continuity
- Cubes Without Borders
- Custom Window Title
- CustomHud
- Edgeless Chat Screen
- Enhanced Block Entities
- Fabric API
- FabricSkyBoxes
- FabricSkyBoxes Interop
- Fadeless
- Fast IP Ping
- FastQuit
- FerriteCore
- FreeLook
- Gamma Utils
- ImmediatelyFast
- Indium
- Inventory Hud +
- kennytv's epic force close loading screen mod
- Krypton
- Lazy Language Loader
- Lithium
- MidnightLib
- Mod Menu
- Model Gap Fix
- ModernFix
- More Chat History
- More Culling
- No Chat Reports
- Nvidium
- Particle Core
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Server Pinger Fixer
- Server Resource Pack Checker
- ServerAddressSpaceFix
- Sodium
- Sodium Extra
- ThreadTweak
- Title Fixer
- ukulib
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- Zoomify
리소스팩 업데이트
- Low On Fire
- Subtly Glowing Ores
- Chat Reporting Helper
- Sodium Translations
기본 설정 값 변경
- 기본 그래픽 설정을 '빠르게' 에서 '화려하게' 로 변경
Warning! Alpha build lacks of some critical mods and features. Use at your own risk.
Missing Mod
- LambDynamicLights
- Exordium
- Game Menu Remove GFARB
- Old Potions
- Main Menu Credits
- CIT Resewn
- EntityCulling
- Debugify
- In-Game Account Switcher
- Dynamic FPS
- BadOptimizations
Added Mod
- Fzzy Config
- Hold That Chunk
Removed Mod
- CompleteConfig
Updated Mod
- AppleSKin
- Better Mount Hud
- Better Ping Display
- Capes
- Cloth Config
- Continuity
- Cubes Without Borders
- Custom Window Title
- CustomHud
- Edgeless Chat Screen
- Enhanced Block Entities
- Fabric API
- FabricSkyBoxes
- FabricSkyBoxes Interop
- Fadeless
- Fast IP Ping
- FastQuit
- FerriteCore
- FreeLook
- Gamma Utils
- ImmediatelyFast
- Indium
- Inventory Hud +
- kennytv's epic force close loading screen mod
- Krypton
- Lazy Language Loader
- Lithium
- MidnightLib
- Mod Menu
- Model Gap Fix
- ModernFix
- More Chat History
- More Culling
- No Chat Reports
- Nvidium
- Particle Core
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Server Pinger Fixer
- Server Resource Pack Checker
- ServerAddressSpaceFix
- Sodium
- Sodium Extra
- ThreadTweak
- Title Fixer
- ukulib
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- Zoomify
Updated Resourcepack
- Low On Fire
- Subtly Glowing Ores
- Chat Reporting Helper
- Sodium Translations
Modified default setting values
- Changed default graphics settings from 'Fast' to 'Fancy'
모드 삭제
- Shulker Box Tooltip
- FeyTweaks
모드 업데이트
- Cubes Without Borders
- Dynamic FPS
- Edgeless Chat Screen
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Inventory HUD +
기본 설정 값 변경
- 비포커스/비가시/대기중 일 때의 프레임레이트 기본값을 1에서 60으로 변경
Removed Mod
- Shulker Box Tooltip
- FeyTweaks
Updated Mod
- Cubes Without Borders
- Dynamic FPS
- Edgeless Chat Screen
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Inventory HUD +
Modified default setting values
- Changed default framerate from 1 to 60 when the screen is unfocused/invisible/abandoned
모드 추가
- Custom Window Title
- FeyTweaks
- FastChest
- Clean F3
모드 업데이트
- Borderless Mining
버그 수정
- Zoomify 설정이 제대로 적용되지 않던 문제 수정.
- 테두리 없는 전체화면 창모드가 작동하지 않던 문제 수정.
Added Mod
- Custom Window Title
- FeyTweaks
- FastChest
- Clean F3
Updated Mod
- Borderless Mining
Bug Fix
- Fixed the issue that Zoomify settings were not being applied.
- Fixed the issue that Windowed Fullscreen was not working.
모드 추가
- Edgeless Chat Screen
- Krypton
- ServerAddressSpaceFix
- Freelook
모드 삭제
- FastAnim
- Noxesium
- AntiGhost
- Perspektive
모드 업데이트
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- BadOptimizations
- Continuity
- CustomHud
- Dynamic FPS
- Enhanced Block Entities
- EntityCulling
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Fast IP Ping
- ImmediatelyFast
- Indium
- In-Game Account Switcher
- Inventory HUD +
- Mod Menu
- No Chat Reports
- Server Resource Pack Checker
- Shulker Box Tooltip
- Zoomify
리소스팩 업데이트
- SodiumTranslations
- Chat Reporting Helper
Added Mod
- Edgeless Chat Screen
- Krypton
- ServerAddressSpaceFix
- Freelook
Removed Mod
- FastAnim
- Noxesium
- AntiGhost
- Perspektive
Updated Mod
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- BadOptimizations
- Continuity
- CustomHud
- Dynamic FPS
- Enhanced Block Entities
- EntityCulling
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Fast IP Ping
- ImmediatelyFast
- Indium
- In-Game Account Switcher
- Inventory HUD +
- Mod Menu
- No Chat Reports
- Server Resource Pack Checker
- Shulker Box Tooltip
- Zoomify
Updated Resourcepack
- SodiumTranslations
- Chat Reporting Helper
모드 삭제
- Mod Detection Preventer
모드 업데이트
- BadOptimizations
- CIT Resewn
- CustomHud
- Debugify
- Dynamic FPS
- Fabric API
- ImmediatelyFast
- In-Game Account Switcher
- Mod Menu
- Modern Fix
- More Culling
- No Chat Reports
- Noxesium
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- Zoomify
리소스팩 업데이트
- SodiumTranslations
- Chat Reporting Helper
Removed Mod
- Mod Detection Preventer
Updated Mod
- BadOptimizations
- CIT Resewn
- CustomHud
- Debugify
- Dynamic FPS
- Fabric API
- ImmediatelyFast
- In-Game Account Switcher
- Mod Menu
- Modern Fix
- More Culling
- No Chat Reports
- Noxesium
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- Zoomify
Updated Resourcepack
- SodiumTranslations
- Chat Reporting Helper
이게 1.20.1 마지막 업데이트입니다. 업데이트할 시간이에요!
모드 삭제
- Mod Detection Preventer
모드 업데이트
- BadOptimizations
- CIT Resewn
- Dynamic FPS
- Fabric API
- ImmediatelyFast
- In-Game Account Switcher
- ModernFix
- More Culling
- YetAnotherConfigLib
리소스팩 업데이트
- SodiumTranslations
- Chat Reporting Helper
This is the last update for 1.20.1. Time to update!
Removed Mod
- Mod Detection Preventer
Updated Mod
- BadOptimizations
- CIT Resewn
- Dynamic FPS
- Fabric API
- ImmediatelyFast
- In-Game Account Switcher
- ModernFix
- More Culling
- YetAnotherConfigLib
Updated Resourcepack
- SodiumTranslations
- Chat Reporting Helper
모드 삭제
- Ugly Scoreboard FIx
모드 업데이트
- ModDetectionPreventer
- Model Gap Fix
- Badoptimizations
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- ModernFix
- ImmediatelyFast
- EntityCulling
- Fabric API
- Gamma Utils
- kennytv's epic force close loading screen mod for fabric
- Zoomify
- CIT Resewn
리소스팩 업데이트
- SodiumTranslations
- Chat Reporting Helper
- Irochi's Pick
기본 설정 값 변경
사용되지 않는 키 설정 값 삭제
Removed Mod
- Ugly Scoreboard Fix
Updated Mod
- ModDetectionPreventer
- Model Gap Fix
- Badoptimizations
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- ModernFix
- ImmediatelyFast
- EntityCulling
- Fabric API
- Gamma Utils
- kennytv's epic force close loading screen mod for fabric
- Zoomify
- CIT Resewn
Updated Resourcepack
- SodiumTranslations
- Chat Reporting Helper
Modified default setting values
- Removed unused keybind settings
모드 삭제
- Ugly Scoreboard FIx
모드 업데이트
- ModDetectionPreventer
- Model Gap Fix
- Badoptimizations
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- ModernFix
- ImmediatelyFast
리소스팩 업데이트
- SodiumTranslations
- Chat Reporting Helper
- Irochi's Pick
기본 설정 값 변경
사용되지 않는 키 설정 값 삭제
Removed Mod
- Ugly Scoreboard Fix
Updated Mod
- ModDetectionPreventer
- Model Gap Fix
- Badoptimizations
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- ModernFix
- ImmediatelyFast
Updated Resourcepack
- SodiumTranslations
- Chat Reporting Helper
Modified default setting values
- Removed unused keybind settings
경고! 베타 버전에는 일부 모드가 누락되어 있습니다.
누락된 모드: CIT Resewn, Ugly Scoreboard Fix
버그 수정
- Modrinth App 에서 설치가 되지 않던 문제 해결
모드 업데이트
- BadOptimizations
- Dynamic FPS
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Server Resource Pack Checker
- ukulib
리소스팩 추가
리소스팩 업데이트
- SodiumTranslations
- Chat Reporting Helper
- Subtly Glowing Ores
- Irochi's Pick
리소스팩 삭제
- Legacy Glint
기본 설정 값 변경
- 기본 소리 음량을 50%로 설정
- syncChunkWrites 비활성화
Warning! Beta build may lacks of some mods.
Missing mods: CIT Resewn, Ugly Scoreboard Fix
Bug FIx
- Fixed the issue that modpack cannot be installed on Modrinth App
Updated Mod
- BadOptimizations
- Dynamic FPS
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Server Resource Pack Checker
- ukulib
Added Resourcepack
Updated Resourcepack
- SodiumTranslations
- Chat Reporting Helper
- Subtly Glowing Ores
- Irochi's Pick
Removed Resourcepack
- Legacy Glint
Modified default setting values
- Changed default master volume to 50%
- Disabled syncChunkWrites
버그 수정
- Modrinth App 에서 설치가 되지 않던 문제 해결
모드 업데이트
- BadOptimizations
- Dynamic FPS
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- YetAnotherConfigLib
리소스팩 추가
리소스팩 업데이트
- SodiumTranslations
- Chat Reporting Helper
- Irochi's Pick
리소스팩 삭제
- Legacy Glint
기본 설정 값 변경
- 기본 소리 음량을 50%로 설정
- syncChunkWrites 비활성화
Bug FIx
- Fixed the issue that modpack cannot be installed on Modrinth App
Updated Mod
- BadOptimizations
- Dynamic FPS
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- YetAnotherConfigLib
Added Resourcepack
Updated Resourcepack
- SodiumTranslations
- Chat Reporting Helper
- Irochi's Pick
Removed Resourcepack
- Legacy Glint
Modified default setting values
- Changed default master volume to 50%
- Disabled syncChunkWrites
경고! 베타 버전에는 일부 모드가 누락되어 있습니다.
누락된 모드: CIT Resewn, Ugly Scoreboard Fix
모드 추가
- FastAnim
- Server Ping Fixer
기본 설정 값 변경
- Sodium Extra 안개 설정 비활성화
Warning! Beta build may lacks of some mods.
Missing mods: CIT Resewn, Ugly Scoreboard Fix
Added Mod
- FastAnim
- Server Ping Fixer
Modified default setting values
- Disabled Sodium Extra setting's Fog option
모드 추가
- Gamma Utils
- BadOptimizations
- Mod Detection Preventer
- fast-ip-ping
- Title Fixer
모드 제거
- BetterHurtCam
- Starlight
- Boosted Brightness
기본 설정 값 변경
- 마인크래프트 설정의 피해 흔들림 비활성화
- AntiGhost 의 단축키 비활성화
- 감마 변경 키 기본값: 'G'
리소스팩 업데이트
Added Mod
- Gamma Utils
- BadOptimizations
- Mod Detection Preventer
- fast-ip-ping
- Title Fixer
Removed Mod
- BetterHurtCam
- Starlight
- Boosted Brightness
Modified default setting values
- Disabled Minecraft setting's Damage Tilt option
- Disabled AntiGhost default keybind.
- Fullbright key default: 'G'
Updated resourcepacks
경고! 베타 버전에는 일부 모드가 누락되어 있습니다.
누락된 모드: CIT Resewn, Ugly Scoreboard Fix
모드 추가
- Gamma Utils
- BadOptimizations
- Mod Detection Preventer
- fast-ip-ping
- Title Fixer
모드 제거
- BetterHurtCam
- Starlight
- Boosted Brightness
기본 설정 값 변경
- 마인크래프트 설정의 피해 흔들림 비활성화
- AntiGhost 의 단축키 비활성화
- 감마 변경 키 기본값: 'G'
리소스팩 업데이트
Warning! Beta build may lacks of some mods.
Missing mods: CIT Resewn, Ugly Scoreboard Fix
Added Mod
- Gamma Utils
- BadOptimizations
- Mod Detection Preventer
- fast-ip-ping
- Title Fixer
Removed Mod
- BetterHurtCam
- Starlight
- Boosted Brightness
Modified default setting values
- Disabled Minecraft setting's Damage Tilt option
- Disabled AntiGhost default keybind.
- Fullbright key default: 'G'
Updated resourcepacks
경고! 베타 버전에는 일부 모드가 누락되어 있습니다.
누락된 모드: CIT Resewn, Ugly Scoreboard Fix
모드 추가
- Gamma Utils
- BadOptimizations
- Mod Detection Preventer
- Fast ip ping
모드 제거
- BetterHurtCam
- Starlight
- Boosted Brightness
기본 설정 값 변경
- 마인크래프트 설정의 피해 흔들림 비활성화
- AntiGhost 의 단축키 비활성화
- 감마 변경 키 기본값: 'G'
Warning! Beta build may lacks of some mods.
Missing mods: CIT Resewn, Ugly Scoreboard Fix
Added Mod
- Gamma Utils
- BadOptimizations
- Mod Detection Preventer
- Fast ip ping
Removed Mod
- BetterHurtCam
- Starlight
- Boosted Brightness
Modified default setting values
- Disabled Minecraft setting's Damage Tilt option
- Disabled AntiGhost default keybind.
- Fullbright key default: 'G'
모드 추가
- AntiGhost
- More Chat History
모드 제거
- Krypton
리소스팩 추가
- Chat Reporting Helper
불필요한 기본 설정값 삭제
- 없는 모드인 Iris의 기본 설정값이 들어있었던 문제 수정
Added Mod
- AntiGhost
- More Chat History
Removed Mod
- Krypton
Added Resourcepack
- Chat Reporting Helper
Removed unused mod's default configuration value.
- Removed Iris's configuration value since it got removed in older version.