Minecraft: Java Edition
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Updated 2 weeks ago
Ahoy there matey! Have you ever wanted to sail the seven seas, narrowly avoiding Davy Jones Locker within Minecraft? Now you have the opportunity to do just that!
Welcome, to the fourth pack in the UNFOLD line of modpacks, as this modpack takes you on a pirate-themed journey full of danger, adventure, and lots and lots of islands!
Full Modlist With Credits
- [Let's Do] API by Cristelknight
- [Let's Do] Beachparty by satisfyu
- [Let's Do] BloomingNature by satisfyu
- [Let's Do] Brewery - Farm&Charm Compat by satisfyu
- [Let's Do] Farm & Charm by satisfyu
- [Let's Do] Vinery by satisfyu
- [Let's Do] WilderNature by satisfyu
- Achievements Optimizer by bigenergy
- Additional Additions by dqu1j
- Advancement Plaques by Grend
- AI Improvements by Build Broken Modding
- Ambient Sounds by creativemd
- Amendments by MehVahdJukaar
- Apotheosis by Shadows_of_Fire Curseforge Page
- Apothic Combat by muon-rw
- ApothicAttributes by Shadows_of_Fire Curseforge Page
- AppleSkin by squeek502
- Aquamirae by Obscuria
- Aquamirae Delight by tinfoilknight_
- Architect's Palette by Jsburg
- Architectury API by architectury
- Artifacts by ochotonida
- Auudio by keksuccino
- Balm by BlayTheNinth
- Better Combat by ZsoltMolnarrr
- Biomes O' Plenty by Forstride
- Block Swap by CorgiTaco
- BlockUI by Raycoms Curseforge Page
- Blueprint by Team Abnormals
- Bookshelf by Darkhax
- Breezy by codyhuh
- Burnt Basic by pxlbnk
- Call of Yucatan by Sweetygamer2
- Chalk by mortuusars
- Citadel by AlexModGuy
- Clayworks by Team Abnormals
- Cliffs by Thwonn
- Cloth Config API by shedaniel
- Combat Roll by ZsoltMolnarrr
- Controlling by jaredIII08
- Cosmetic Armor Reworked by LainMI Curseforge Page
- Create by simibubi
- Create Big Cannons by realRobotix
- Create Crafts & Additions by mrh0
- Create: Copycats+ by copycats-plus
- Create: Interactive by rubydesic
- Create: Let The Adventure Begin by NotJuno
- CreativeCore by creativemd
- Cristel Lib by Cristelknight
- Curios API by TheIllusiveC4
- Delayed Thunder by C_Lyigh
- Dis-Enchanting Table by Lupin
- Domum Ornamentum by OrionOnline Curseforge Page
- Drip Sounds (Forge) by PieKing1215
- Drippy Loading Screen by keksuccino
- Dynamic Trees for Beachparty by joe_vettek Curseforge Page
- Dynamic Trees for BloomingNature by joe_vettek Curseforge Page
- Dynamic Trees for Vinery by joe_vettek Curseforge Page
- Dungeons and Taverns by NovaWostra
- Dynamic Progression and Difficulty by Kaworru
- Dynamic Trees by MaxHyper
- Dynamic Trees - Biomes O' Plenty
- Dynamic Trees - Ecologics by MaxHyper
- Dynamic Trees - Quark by MaxHyper
- Dynamic Trees + by MaxHyper
- Dynamic Trees Upgrade Aquatic by MaxHyper Curseforge Page
- Ecologics Delight by SWUTM
- Ecologics by SameDifferent Curseforge Page
- Effect Descriptions by Fuzs
- Elysium API by ThatJadenXgamer
- Embeddium by FiniteReality
- Enchantment Descriptions by Darkhax
- Entity Culling by tr7zw
- Equipment Compare by Grend
- Essential Mod by SparkUniverse
- Eureka! Ships! for Valkyrien Skies (Forge/Fabric) by rubydesic
- Exposure by mortuusars
- Exposure Catalog by mortuusars
- Falling Leaves (NeoForge/Forge) by cheaterpaul
- FancyMenu by keksuccino
- Farmer's Deligh by vectorwing
- FerriteCore by malte0811
- Fish of Thieves by StevenKunG
- Fog Looks modern Now by shizotoaster
- Galosphere by Orcinus
- Geckolib by Gecko
- Geophilic Reforged by bebebea_loste
- Goblin's Tyranny by Paraste
- GraveStone Mod by henkelmax
- GriefLogger by DAQEM
- Guard Villagers by seymourimadeit
- Handcrafted by Terrarium
- Heracles (Questing) by Terrarium
- Hopo Better Underwater Ruins by Hoponopono
- HRB's Drills by hisRoyalty
- Iceberg by Grend
- ImmediatelyFast by RaphiMC
- Immersive Engineering by BluSunrize
- Immersive Melodies by Luke100000
- Injured Effects by Rainy Realm Creations
- Integrated API by craisinlord
- Integrated Villages by craisinlord
- Iron Chests by alexbegt
- Item Armor by DekayPlay
- Item Highlighter by Grend
- Item Obliterator by ElocinDev
- Jaden's Nether Expansion by ThatJadenXgamer
- Joy of Painting by xerca
- Just Enough Archaeology by LobsterJohn
- Just Enough Breeding (JEBr) by Christofmeg
- Just Enough Immersive Multiblocks by sguest
- Just Enough Items by mezz
- Just Enough Professions (JEP) by Mrbysco
- Just Enough Resources (JER) by way2muchnoise
- Kintsugi - Enchanting Reimagined by springogeek
- Konkrete by keksuccino
- Kotlin for Forge by thedarkcolour
- KubeJS by KubeJS
- KubeJS Create by KubeJS
- Legacy: [Let's Do] Brewery by satisfyu
- Legendary Tooltips by Grend
- Let's Forge Pirates by szczypikrul
- LibX by ModdingX
- Lithostitched by Apollo
- Lodestone by Lodestar
- Make Bubbles Pop by Tschipcraft
- Malum by SammySemicolon
- Map Atlases by MehVahdJukaar Curseforge Page
- Mediumcore by AlexModGuy
- Meds and Herbs by ChebyPattern
- Melody by keksuccino
- Memory Leak Fix by FX
- Minecards [Forge] by WorldSalad
- Minecolonies by Raycoms Curseforge Page
- Model Gap Fix by MehVahdJukaar
- ModernFix by embeddedt
- MonoLib by jason13official
- MonsterPlus by Nitespring
- Moonlight Lib by MehVahdJukaar
- More Geodes Reforged by TheDeathlyCow
- More Mob Variants by nyuppo
- Motion Capture by mt1006
- Mouse Tweaks by YaLTeR
- Multi-Piston by Raycoms Curseforge Page
- Music Maker Mod by xerca
- Musket Mod by ewewukek
- Naming Unconvention by qinactuallyfound Curseforge Page
- Necronomicon API by ElocinDev
- Nether's Delight by Umpaz
- No Chat Reports by Aizistral
- Obscure API by Obscuria
- Open Loader by Darkhax
- Overflowing Bars by Fuzs
- Packet Fixer by TonimatasDEV
- Patchouli by Vazkii
- Placebo by Shadows_of_Fire Curseforge Page
- playerAnimator by KosmX Curseforge Page
- Polymorph by TheIllusiveC4
- Pretty Rain by Leclowndu93150
- Prism by Grend
- Puzzles Lib by Fuzs
- Quark by Vazkii
- Realm RPG: Fallen Adventurers by nocubeyt Curseforge Page
- Realm RPG: Sea Dwellers by nocubeyt Curseforge Page
- Remove Reloading Screen by dima_dencep
- Resourceful Lib by Team Resourceful
- Revamped Shipwrecks by Wpgradford
- Rhino by KubeJS
- Scuba Gear by Modding Legacy
- Scurvy by HimboPlayz Curseforge Page
- Seamless Loading Screen by Minenash
- Searchables by jaredlll08
- ServerCore by Wesley1808
- Shutters by Helgerius
- Simple Voice Chat by henkelmax
- Skill Issue by hd42
- Small Ships by talhanation
- Sophisticated Backpacks by P3pp3rF1y
- Sophisticated Core by P3pp3rF1y
- Sound Physics Remastered by Henkelmax
- spark by lucko
- Spelunkery by Ordana
- Stony Cliffs Are Cool by bebebea_lobste
- Structurify by faboslav
- Structurize by Raycoms Curseforge Page
- SuperMartijn642's Config Lib by SuperMartijn642
- Supplementaries by MehVahdJukaar
- Supplementaries Delight by SWUTM
- TerraBlender by Adubbz
- The Ink Arena by TheMrCrow
- Tidal Towns by joshieman
- Tide by Lightning64
- Tips by Darkhax
- Towns and Towers by Biban_auriu
- TrashSlot by BlayTheNinth
- Tropicraft by NotActuallyTerry
- Tropicraft Delight by SWUTM
- Typewriter Day Counter by limesplatus
- Unfoldia by us :)
- Unusual Fish Mod by codyhuh
- Upgrade Aquatic by Team Abnormals
- Valkyrien Skies by rubydesic
- Villages & Pillages by Faboslav
- When Dungeons Arise: Seven Seas by aureljz
- World Preview by caeruleusDraconis
- YetAnotherConfigLib (YACL) by isxander
- You Died by GoryMoon
- YUNG's API by Refresh Studios
- Zeta by Vazkii