Latest update for POTS
- Latest Pony Origins bundled, adds minor fixes for things
- Simplified oil detection, still only works with some mods (not-fluid fluids are a pain)
- Fixed not shaking off water/ice/oil when under cover (it's raining but you're not in the rain)
- Creatures lighter than human can run on top of water if they are running the entire time. Don't slow down or you sink.
- Updated serveral mods that hopefully fixes some things
The Pony Origins 2.0 Alpha Update
Friendship, Teamwork,
and this Gun I crafted
This update bundles the latest alpha of Pony Origins 2.0, which completely overhauls everything. You will have to rechoose your origin on first join.
- AMECS, to increase the possible keybinds (Shift,Ctrl,Alt,etc.+key is now supported)
- Due to the danger posed at night, ETI is now permitting the use of firearms for self defense.
- Added three simple gun mods for testing (Ranger talent would find use of these)
- Every mod is up to date
- Pony Origins 2.0 Alpha embedded, see the Discord or Github for more details on progress
Notes for the future:
The Pony Origins Data folder is within a few kb of the 2MB file size limit, which means packet errors may end up happening if I pack in anything more in Pony Origins. Thus, I am now working on going back through Pony Origins, and trimming the fat on anything I can to save a few kb on the datapack. One of the possible changes, is the addition of eggolib as a dependency, which would allow me to use Resource Calculation actions, which would reduce the file size of the mod by removing several large if-else-list trees, replacing them with one or two eggolib:calculate_resource actions. In addition, Apugli is now dead, and thus, won't be usable in a future version of Origins and Pony Origins, when the jump to 1.21 or the future is made. I am currently looking into replicating functionality provided by Apugli with vanilla Origins, functions, or eggolib.
The Figura and Food Update Beta 2
This update to the Pony Origins Test Pack includes the latest Pony Origins beta, which fixes the food problem. Beware, you will need to log on / load, exit / log off, and log on / load again the first time you join/load after the update for Origins to work properly.
Also included is a transitionary period where Figura and Mine Little Pony are both installed by default and configured to work side by side. In order to use a Figura model instead of a MineLP model and have it not be corrupted:
1: Clear your server-side MLP HD Skin in the HD Skins menu
2: Upload a Human type skin on your Minecraft Account and set your cape to None
3: Acquire your Figura avatar and load it in Figura.
4: Profit!
Several other mods have been brought up to date as well. Beware, Hybrid Aquatic may be next on the chopping block.