Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published last month
Updated 3 weeks ago
What is this?
PVP Optimizations is a modpack that aims to improve performance by as much as possible, while adding various QOL features to aid in PVP scenarios.
What does it add?
An armour display next to your hotbar so you can always see if you armour durability is running low
Allows you to see your saturation on your hunger bar which can significantly aid in PVP
Makes you see when the shield cooldown runs out and attacks will be blocked
Adds potion effect timers on the hud so you can see what effects are running low
Mod list
- AppleSkin
- BadOptimizations
- Better Ping Display
- BetterHurtCam
- Chat Heads
- Cloth Config v17
- Clumps
- Controlling
- Crosshair Indicator
- Debugify
- Dynamic FPS
- EffectTimerPlus
- Enhanced Block Entities
- Entity Texture Features
- EntityCulling
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Fast IP Ping
- FerriteCore
- Gamma Utils
- ImmediatelyFast
- Lithium
- Mod Menu
- Model Gap Fix
- ModernFix
- More Chat History
- More Culling
- No Chat Reports
- Noisium
- Placeholder API
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Searchables
- Shield Status
- Shulker Box Tooltip
- Sodium
- Sodium Extra
- TierTagger
- TotemCounter
- Very Many Players
- Walksy's Complete Shield Fixes
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- Zoomify
- kennytv's epic force close loading screen mod for Fabric
- uku's Armor HUD
- ukulib