Updated Loader Version:
Neoforge 21.1.93 --> Neoforge 21.1.128
Added Mods:
- Animatica Foxified
- Krypton Foxified
- Very Many Players
Updated Mods:
- Chat Heads
- ClientSort
- Controlling
- Dynamic FPS
- EMI Loot
- Entity Culling
- Falling Leaves
- FancyMenu
- Forgified Fabric API
- Fzzy Config
- Iceberg
- Immediately Fast
- Iris
- Jade
- Lithium
- MidnightLib
- ModernFix
- NotEnoughAnimations
- Polytone
- Puzzles Lib
- Resourcify
- ShulkerBoxTooltip
- Simple Voice Chat
- Sinytra Connector
- Sodium
- Xander's Sodium Options
- Yet Another Config Lib
- Disabled "Uncap menu FPS", background now spins at normal speed.
This is going to be the last update for 1.20.1
Updated Mods:
- Chat Heads
- Collective
- Double Doors
- Dynamic FPS
- EntityCulling
- Falling Leaves
- FancyMenu
- Forgified Fabric API
- Fzzy Config
- ImmediatelyFast
- NotEnoughAnimations
- Xaero's Minimap
- Xaero's minimap doesn't warn about updates by default.
- Backported 1.21.1's options menu.
This (probably) marks the end for updates to 1.20.1, unless major bugs are found.
Replaced Mods:
- Borderless Windows -> Cubes Without Borders
- Zume -> Just Zoom
Added Mods:
- Architectury
- EMI Enchants
- Entity Sound Features
- FzzyConfig
Removed Mods:
- Chime
- Enchantment Description
- WorldEdit
Updated Mods:
- 3D Skin Layers
- Bad Packets
- Better Advancements
- Chats Heads
- Cherished World
- CIT Resewn
- Cloth Config API
- Collective
- Continuity
- Double Doors
- Dynamic FPS
- Eating Animation
- Embeddium
- Embeddium Extras
- EMI Loot
- Enchantment Description
- Entity Model Features
- Entity Texture Features
- Entity Culling
- FancyMenu
- Forgified Fabric API
- Iceberg
- Immediately Fast
- Jade
- Jade Addons
- Let Me Despawn
- libIPN
- ModernFix
- NotEnoughAnimation
- Oculus
- Polytone
- Puzzles Lib
- Radium
- Resourcify
- Ryoamic Lights
- Screenshot Viewer
- Simple Voice Chat
- Sinytra Connector
- Spawn Animations
- World Host
- Xaero's Minimap
- Xaero's World Map
- Zume
Updated Loader Version:
- 21.1.73 --> 21.1.90
Removed mods:
- Screenshot Viewer (Didn't work through sinytra)
Added mods:
- Spawn Animations
Updated mods:
- 3D Skin Layers
- BetterF3
- Catalogue
- Chat Heads
- Chat Impressive Animation
- Chunks Fade In
- CITResewnNeoPatcher
- ClientSort
- Continuity
- Dynamic FPS
- Entity Model Features
- Entity Texture Features
- EntityCulling
- Falling Leaves
- Forgified Fabric API
- Fzzy Config
- GroovyModLoader
- ImmediatelyFast
- Iris
- Jade
- Kotlin For Forge
- Lithium
- ModernFix
- No Chat Reports
- Not Enough Animations
- ObsidianUI
- Polytone
- Puzzles Lib
- Resourcify
- Simple Voice Chat
- Sinytra Connector
- Sodium
- Sodium Extra
- Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks
- World Host
- Xander's Sodium Options
Updated to 1.21.1
The modpack has been completely changed giving it better performance and adding more quality of life features while removing useless mods or replacing existing ones with better alternatives that have more feature, perform better or fit more in the pack.
A 1.20.1 port of 2.0 was planned, but i don't think i will be working on anything but the latest mc version, unless its hotfixes for critical bugs. 1.21.2/1.21.3 will also not be supported as Synitra Connector doesn't work there.
Replaced Mods
- Blur (Forge) -> Inventory Blur
- Borderless Window -> Cubes Without Borders
- Embeddium -> Sodium
- Embeddium Extra -> Sodium Extra
- Inventory management -> Client Sort
- Oculus -> Iris
- Radium -> Lithium
- Zume -> Just Zoom
Removed Mods
- Chime
- Enchantment Descriptions
- Panorama screens
- World Edit
- Xaero's Minimap
- Xaero's World Map
Added Mods
- CitResewnNeoPatcher
- Chunk Animator
- EMI Ores
- EMI Enchanting
- Entity Sound Features
- Model Gap Fix
- Noisium
- Severcore
- Xander's Sodium Options
Mods To Be Updated
(Mods that will be added once they update to 1.21.1)
- ClearDespawn
- Emi Trades
- Emi Effect
- Memory Leak Fix
- Spawn Animations
- Smooth Swapping Animation
- Cleaned up and tweaked the configs
- Tweaked custom menus
- Most resource packs and shader packs don't come included with the modpack anymore
Added Mods
- FabricSkyBoxes Interop
Replaced Mods
- Replaced Just Zoom with Zume.
Updated Mods
- 3D Skin Layers
- Better Advancements
- Bookshelf
- Chat Heads
- Collective
- Connector Extras
- Craftpresence
- Embeddium
- EMI Loot
- Entity Texture Features
- Entity Culling
- Immediately Fast
- ModernFix
- NotEnoughAnimations
- Polytone
- Resourcify
- Simple Voice Chat
- World Host
- GroovyModLoader
- Kotlin for Forge