Minecraft 1.21+ requires Java 21. Update your launcher here.
This verison harbors significant changed to the previous iterations in terms of mod selection and design philosophy. It was planned to update to a newer version, but many mods are still outdated due to the new changes they introduce. As of now there are a few things missing due to incompatibility, but will be added to future versions. Please direct any feedback or issues to the GitHub to be addressed.
Stormilla has a bug where shields do not render properly but I have included an additional pack download that fixes them temporarily until the issue is addressed.
Distant Horzions is included but disabled by default. You can enable it from within the settings, but it may be unstable until the come out with the new release.
Here are some mods removed and the reasoning why:
- LibJF, Polyone & Respackopts: Temporary compatability issues
- Controlify, Snow Under Trees, Supplementaries, & Zoomify: Incompatiable with Distant Horizons currently
- Leaves Us In Peace: Conflicts with Biomes O' Plenty and redundant with Falling Trees
- Lootr: Issues when enabling vanilla textures
- Repurposed Structures: Better alternatives with Hopo's & Yung's mods
- Open Parties & Claims: Causes crashes
- Xaero's Mods: Replaced with Antique Atlas and will add item component when available
Updated Advanced Netherite, Animatica, AppleSkin, Architectury API, Artifacts, Balm, Better Mount HUD, Better Suggestions, Better Third Person, Biomes O' Plenty, Bobby, C2ME, Capes, Carry On, cat_jam, CIT Resewn, Charged Charms, ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village, Chunky, CICADA, Clean F3, Cloth Config API, Complementary Shaders, Configurable Everything, Continents, Continuity, Controlify, Crate Delight, Cristel Lib, Cubes Without Borders, Debugify, Dynamic FPS, e4mc, Eating Animation, Elytra Trims, EMI, Enhanced Attack Indicator, Enhanced Block Entities, Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Entity Culling, Explorer's Compass, Explorify, Fabric API, Fabric Kotlin Extensions, Fabric Language Kotlin, Fabric Tailor, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyBoxes Interop, Fabrishot, Faster Random, FerriteCore, Forge Config API Port, GlitchCore, Handcrafted, Hopo Better Ruined Portals, Hopo Better Underwater Ruins, ImmediatelyFast, Incendium, IndyPets, Iris, JamLib, LambDynamicLights, Language Reload, LibJF, Lithium, Lithostitched, Magic Mirror, MidnightLib, Model Gap Fix, ModernFix, Mod Menu, More Chat History, More Culling, Mouse Tweaks, Nature's Compass, No Chat Reports, Noisium, Nullscape, OptiGUI, owo-lib, Paginated Advancements, PandaLib, Panda's Falling Trees, Particular, Polytone, Presence Footsteps, Puzzle, Reese's Sodium Options, Regions Unexplored, Remove Reloading Screen, Remove Terralith Intro Message, Resourceful Lib, Respackopts, Shulker Box Tooltip, Simple Hats, Simple HUD Enhanced, Simple Voice Chat, Sodium, Sodium Extra, Sound Physics Remastered, Stormilla, Stormilla Modded, Tectonic, TerraBlender, Terralith, Towns and Towers, TslatEntityStatus, Utility Belt, Vein Mining, Wavey Capes, Waystones, YetAnotherConfigLib, YUNG's Mods, Zoomify, 3D Skin Layers
Accessories, Accessories Trinkets Compat Layer, Actually Harvest, Antique Atlas 4, Cardinal Components API, Clumps, Craftsman's Bows, Custom Biome Saplings, Dark Enchanting, Distant Horizons, Enhanced Cats, Entity Sound Features, Farmer's Delight Refabricated, Fast Paintings, Fzzy Config, Grind Enchantments, Hopo Better Mineshaft, Improved Anvils, Item Obliterator, Kiwi, Krypton, Lavender, Lithosphere, Luki's Crazy Chambers, Luna Slimes, Moonlight Lib, More Delight, Necronomicon API, Nemo's Woodcutter, Not Enough Recipe Book, OctoLib, Passable Foliage, Pumpkin Pie Delight, Respawnable Pets, Riding Partners, Snow! Real Magic!, Serene Datapack, Serene Seasons, Storage Delight, Stormilla Modded Dark, Structory, Structory: Towers, Spyglass Improvements, Surveyor Map Framework, Surveystones, Tectonic, Things, Tom's Simple Storage, Traveler's Backpack, Trial Vault Restock, Useful Slime, XP Storage, XP Storage Trinkets, YDM's Weapon Master, You're in Grave Danger, YUNG's Better Mineshafts
Better Archeology, Better Statistics Screen, Blur+, Comforts, Common Network, Do a Barrel Roll, EnchantedShulkers, Hold That Chunk, Incendium Biomes Only, Indium, Lenient Death, MCA Reborn, Memory Leak Fix, M.R.U, Open Parties and Claims, Repurposed Structures, Seperated Leaves, Snow Under Trees, Soulbound, Sushi Bar, Trinkets, Wolf Port, Xaero's Minimap, Xaero's World Map, Yeetus Experimentus
Fabric Loader updated to 0.16.9
This will be the last beta given the releases of Minecraft 1.21.2 & 1.21.3. The next update will be a completed version of Serene 3.0, while work will be done for once all mods update to the newer versions.
- Updated Accessories, Accessories Trinkets Compat Layer, Actually Harvest, Balm, Cardinal Components API, CIT Resewn, Clean F3, Controlify, C2ME, Dynamic FPS, Elytra Trims, EMI, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Fast Paintings, FerriteCore, Hopo's Mods, ImmediatelyFast, JamLib, LambDynamicLights, Leaves Us In Peace, LibJF, Lootr, Mod Menu, Moonlight Lib, M.R.U, OptiGUI, owo-lib, Resourceful Lib, Respackopts, Respawnable Pets, Simple Voice Chat, Snow! Real Magic!, Stormilla Modded, TslatEntityStatus, Tom's Simple Storage, Waystones, YetAnotherConfigLib, XP Storage, XP Storage - Trinkets, Zoomify
- Added Stormilla Modded Dark, You're in Grave Danger
- Removed Lenient Death
- Updated to Fabric Loader 0.16.7
- Lootr now used vanilla chest textures
Known Issues
- Accessories GUI is 90% complete, will finalize kinks in next version and support new experimental settings
- Some modded textures are still not completed
- Minecraft verison updated to 1.21.1
- Updated Advanced Netherite, AppleSkin, Architectury API, Artifacts, Balm, Biomes O' Plenty, Bobby, Carry On, Charged Charms, ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village, CIT Resewn, Cloth Config API, Clumps, Complementary Shaders, Crate Delight, Cristel Lib, Custom Biome Saplings, C2ME, Dynamic FPS, e4mc, Elytra Trims, EMI, Enhanced Attack Indicator, Enhanced Cats, Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Entity Culling, Explorify, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Fabric Kotlin Extensions, Fabric Language Kotlin, Fabrishot, Faster Random, Forge Config API Port, GlitchCore, Hopo Better Mineshaft, Hopo Better Underwater Ruins, ImmediatelyFast, Improved Anvils, IndyPets, JamLib, Kiwi, Leaves Us In Peace, Lenient Death, LibJF, Lithium, Lithostitched, Magic Mirror, MidnightLib, Mod Menu, ModernFix, More Culling, M.R.U, Nemo's Woodcutter, Noisium, Not Enough Animations, Not Enough Recipe Book, Nullscape, Open Parties and Claims, OptiGUI, owo-lib, Paginated Advancements, Particular, PandaLib, Panda's Falling Trees, Puzzle, Regions Unexplored, Remove Reloading Screen, Remove Terralith Intro Message, Repurposed Structures, Resourceful Lib, Respackopts, Serene Seasons, Shulker Box Tooltip, Simple Hats, Simple HUD Enhanced, Simple Voice Chat, Snow Under Trees, Snow! Real Magic!, Soulbound Enchantment, Sound Physics Remastered, Stormilla, Tectonic, TerraBlender, Terralith, Tom's Simple Storage, Traveler's Backpack, Trial Vault Restock, TslatEntityStatus, Utility Belt, Wavey Capes, Waystones, Xaero's Minimap, Xaero's World Map, 3D Skin Layers
- Skipped Sodium and dependent updates as they are currently in beta and will crash
- Added Accessories, Accessories Trinkets Compat Layer, Actually Harvest, Common Network, Craftsman's Bows, Farmer's Delight Refabricated, Lithosphere, Moonlight Lib, OctoLib, Pumpkin Pie Delight, Respawnable Pets, Riding Partners, Storage Delight, Useful Slime, XP Storage, XP Storage Trinkets, YDM's Weapon Master
- Removed Blur+, Do a Barrel Roll, Memory Leak Fix, Trinkets
- Temporarily force-enabled Regions Unexplored
- Updated Fabric Loader 0.16.5
Some of the newly added mods are not yet supported by Stormilla Modded—specifically Accessories, Tom's Storage, among others. I will be releasing another beta once I update the pack later this week. I'm sorry for the delay, it's been hard to find time with work and school. Thank you for playing the modpack and I promise more is on the way!
- Updated Advanced Netherite, Architectury API, Balm, Biomes O' Plenty, C2ME, Cardinal Components API, Carry On, CICADA, Clean F3, Complementary Shaders, Configurable Everything, Controlify, Cristel Lib, Cubes Without Borders, Elytra Trims, EMI, Enhanced Attack Indicator, Entity Model Features, Entity Sound Features, Entity Texture Features, e4mc, Fabric API, Faster Random, Forge Config API Port, Hopo Better Ruined Portals, Hopo Better Underwater Ruins, Leaves Us In Peace, Lithostitched, ModernFix, More Culling, Noisium, Nullscape, Open Parties and Claims, owo-lib, Reese's Sodium Options, Remove Reloading Screen, Shulker Box Tooltip, Shulker Box Tooltip, Simple HUD Enhanced, Simple Voice Chat, Soulbound, Sound Physics Remastered, Stormilla Modded, Terralith, Tom's Simple Storage, Towns and Towers, TslatEntityStatus, Traveler's Backpack, Vein Mining, Waystones
- Added Dark Enchanting, Enhanced Cats, Hopo Better Mineshaft, Nemo's Woodcutter, Trial Vault Restock
- Updated Fabric Loader to 1.16.0
Minecraft 1.21 now requires Java 21. Update your launcher and download Java here.
This verison harbors significant changed to the previous iterations in terms of mod selection and design philosophy. Please bear that in mind and understand the nature of this alpha is experimental and do not expect to use saves from this version on the launch edition. Alphas will be for will significant mechanics are still missing which impact things like world generation, and betas will be for when there is still minor features which can feasibly added onto worlds where they're missing.
Known Issues
- Stormilla elements may not properly render the preconfigured dark mode, but relaunching the game should resolve the issue. I believe this is a problem with LibJF but will resolve it once the source of the issue is discovered
- Stormilla has not been properly updated so expect issues with that, feel free to disable it temporarily. Currently shields are not rendered properly and there have been issues with the Dark Mode UI mainly with the armor slots.
- Stormilla Modded will be updated when I can spare more time, and that will include proper support for Traveler's Backpack & Tom's Simple Storage among others.
Added Cardinal Components API, Clumps, Custom Biome Saplings, Enhanced Cats, Entity Sound Features, Grind Enchantments, Improved Anvils, Kiwi, Leaves Us In Peace, Not Enough Recipe Book, Snow! Real Magic!, Serene Seasons, Tectonic, Tom's Simple Storage, Traveler's Backpack, Yeetus Experimentus
Datapack versions of Dungeons & Taverns, Lithosphere, and Towns & Towers have been added (temporarily) as well until mod versions are released or if they are unfit for the pack upon further testing.
Better Statistics Screen, Comforts, EnchantedShulkers, Incendium Biomes Only, MCA Reborn, Seperated Leaves, Wolf Port
Updated Advanced Netherite, Animatica, AppleSkin, Architectury API, Balm, Better Suggestions, Better Third Person, Biomes O' Plenty, Blur+, Bobby, C2ME, Capes, cat_jam, Chunky, CICADA, Cloth Config API, Configurable Everything, Continents, Continuity, Controlify, Cubes Without Borders, Debugify, Do a Barrel Roll, Dynamic FPS, e4mc, Eating Animation, Elytra Trims, EMI, Enhanced Block Entities, Entity Culling, Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Explorer's Compass, Explorify, Fabric API, Fabric Tailor, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyBoxes Interop, Fabrishot, FerriteCore, Forge Config API Port, GlitchCore, Handcrafted, Hopo Better Ruined Portals, Hopo Better Underwater Ruins, ImmediatelyFast, Indium, IndyPets, Iris, JamLib, Language Reload, Lenient Death, LibJF, Lithium, Lithostitched, Magic Mirror, MidnightLib, Model Gap Fix, ModernFix, Mod Menu, More Chat History, Mouse Tweaks, M.R.U, Nature's Compass, No Chat Reports, Noisium, Nullscape, OptiGUI, Paginated Advancements, PandaLib, Panda's Falling Trees, Polytone, Presence Footsteps, Puzzle, Reese's Sodium Options, Remove Reloading Screen, Repurposed Structures, Resourceful Lib, Respackopts, Shulker Box Tooltip, Simple HUD Enhanced, Simple Voice Chat, Snow Under Trees, Sodium, Sodium Extra, Sound Physics Remastered, TerraBlender, Terralith, TslatEntityStatus, Waystones, Xaero's Minimap, Xaero's World Map, YetAnotherConfigLib, Zoomify, 3D Skin Layers
Better Mount HUD, CIT Resewn, Indium, LambDynamicLights, More Culling, Enhanced Attack Indicator, Hold That Chunk, owo-lib, Particular, Sushi Bar, Wavey Capes, Artifacts, Better Archeology, Bookshelf, Bountiful, Bountiful Fares, CarryOn, Charged Charms, Crate's Delight, Cristel Lib, CTOV, EMI Trades, Enchanted Shulkers, FriendlyFire, Glide, Incendium, Kambrik, OPAC, Radiant Gear, Regions Unexplored, Simple Hats, Soulbound, Towns & Towers, Trinkets, Utility Belt, Vein Mining, YUNG's Mods (10)
- This will be the last update for 1.20.4 with the release of 1.21
- Updated Animatica, Artifacts, Bountiful, Charged Charms, ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village, CICADA, Complementary Shaders, Configurable Everything, Controlify, Crate Delight, Cubes Without Borders, Dynamic FPS, e4mc, Elytra Trims, EMI, Enhanced Block Entities, Entity Culling, Entity Texture Features, Explorify, Fabric Kotlin Extensions, ImmediatelyFast, Indium, IndyPets, Lenient Death, Mod Menu, M.R.U, Not Enough Animations, Nullscape, PandaLib, Panda's Falling Tree's, Particular, Simple HUD Enhanced, Simple Voice Chat, Snow Under Trees, Towns and Towers, Utility Belt, Xaero's Minimap, Xaero's World Map, YetAnotherConfigLib, Zoomify, 3D Skin Layers
- Added Sushi Bar
- Iris, Controlify, Do a Barrel Roll, Zoomify latest updates skipped due to breaking changes
- MoreCulling update skipped due to launcher bugs
- Stormilla update skipped due to issues with Respackpots
- Updated Artifacts, Bookshelf, Bountiful Fares, Clean F3, Controlify, Do a Barrel Roll, Explorify, ImmediatelyFast, M.R.U, Resourceful Lib, Sound Physics Remastered, Stormilla, YetAnotherConfigLib, Zoomify
- Added Charged Charms, owo-lib, Particular, Radiant Gear, Stormilla Modded
- Removed Falling Leaves
Stormilla Modded is a resourcepack I created which adds support for modded GUIs and textures to be functional with Stormilla. It is still in it's infancy, but with time will encompass much more than now.
Serene 2.2.2
- Reverted Controlify to previous version as the latest update caused crashing
- Revert Do a Barrel Roll, Zoomify due to issues with the latest Controlify update
- Miscellaneous config changes
Serene 2.2.1
- Updated Fabric Kotlin Extensions
- Fixed Incompatibility Crash
Serene 2.2
- Updated Better Archeology, Better Suggestions, cat_jam, Configurable Everything, Continents, Continuity, Controlify, Do a Barrel Roll, Elytra Trims, Entity Culling, Fabric Language Kotlin, Friendly Fire, ImmediatelyFast, Incendium, Language Reload, Nullscape, Panda's Falling Tree's, Presence Footsteps, Polytone, Shulker Box Tooltip, Simple Hats, Simple Voice Chat, Snow Under Trees, Sound Physics Remastered, Stormilla, Terralith, Utility Belt, Wavey Capes, Wolf Port, 8 of YUNG's mods, 3D Skin Layers
- Added Faster Random, LibJF, Respackopts, Simple HUD Enhanced
- Removed Inventory HUD+
- Changed Stormilla Dark Mode to use files within main pack via Respackopts, rendering the separate resource pack unnecessary
- Updated Fabric Loader to 0.15.11
- Updated Balm, Biomes O' Plenty, Bountiful Fares, Chunky, Concurrent Chunk Management Engine, Configurable Everything, Controlify, Do a Barrel Roll, Dynamic FPS, Elytra Trims, EMI, Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Fabric Kotlin Extensions, Fabric Language Kotlin, Hopo Better Ruined Portals, ImmediatelyFast, JamLib, ModernFix, Mod Menu, Noisium, Not Enough Animations, PandaLib, Panda's Falling Tree's, Polytone, Repurposed Structures, Terralith, Vein Mining, Wavey Capes, YetAnotherConfigLib, YUNG's API, YUNG's Better Desert Temples, YUNG's Better Dungeons, YUNG's Better End Island, YUNG's Better Jungle Temples, YUNG's Better Mineshafts, YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses, YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments, YUNG's Better Strongholds, YUNG's Better Witch Huts, Zoomify, 3D Skin Layers
- Added Artifacts, CICADA, Crate Delight, Wolf Port
- Removed Mod Detection Preventer
- Enforced Fabric Loader 0.15.10
- Updated Balm, Better Archeology, Better Statistics Screen, Biomes O' Plenty, Bountiful Fares, ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village, Concurrent Chunk Management Engine, Controlify, Do a Barrel Roll, Elytra Trims, Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Falling Leaves, IndyPets, ModernFix, Mod Menu, More Culling, Mouse Tweaks, No Chat Reports, Noisium, Open Parties and Claims, Panda's Falling Tree's, Presence Footsteps, Remove Reloading Screen, Repurposed Structures, TslatEntityStatus, Waystones, Xaero's Minimap, Xaero's World Map, YUNG's Better Dungeons
- Added Advanced Netherite, CIT Resewn, Hopo Better Underwater Ruins, JamLib, Polytone, Simple Voice Chat, Soulbound Enchantment, Utility Belt
- Removed CIT, Fast Paintings
- Updated Architectury API, Better Statistics Screen, Biomes O' Plenty, Comforts, Concurrent Chunk Management Engine, Controlify, Debugify, Eating Animation, Elytra Trims, EMI, Entity Culling, Falling Leaves, ImmediatelyFast, Mod Detection Preventer, ModernFix, PandaLib, Towns & Towers, Vein Mining, YUNG's Better End Island, YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses, Xaero's Minimap, Zoomify
- Added Bountiful Fares, CIT, Cubes Without Borders, Fast Paintings
- Removed Borderless Mining
- Included additional config files
- Updated Better Statistics Screen, Biomes O' Plenty, Configurable Everything, TslatEntityStatus, Xaero's Minimap, Xaero's World Map, YUNG's Better Desert Temples, YUNG's Better Dungeons, YUNG's Better Mineshafts, YUNG's Better Strongholds
- Added EnchantedShulkers, Explorer's Compass, Glide, Mouse Tweaks, Shulker Box Tooltip, Vein Mining
- Removed Traveler's Titles
- Adjusted Towns & Towers config to make structures spawn more sparsely, which alleviates any potential crashes