- Name changed to remove the ":" so windows won't get angry
- Removed the premade world (it was unnecessary) use the seed "Skyblock Infi-Crea 1" if you want the seed used in that world.
- Added Quark
- Removed Axolotl Buckets (replaced by quark)
- Removed Double Doors (replaced by quark)
- Replaced Create: New Age with Create: Crafts&Additions
- Added Untitled Duck Mod
- Heavy nerf to the rock generators
- Added JER
- Added custom datapack that has an Electrum recipe
- Configured Iron Jetpacks [Added Brass Jetpack and Electrum Jetpack. Removed forge ore jetpacks that were unneeded.](I'll add zinc and andesite alloy jetpacks at some point I'm too lazy to do it rn.)
- Added Musical Foxes
- Added more recipe things to ensure compat
- Removed crappy recipes
- Added Curvy Pipes (the mod is awesome)
- Some other small things
- Actually tested stuff
This update took way too long lol. I hope the mods release me from perpetual Under Review-ness soon.