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The Simply Optimized modpack aims to provide a base of the best optimization mods available, configured for the maximum performance achievable. Thanks to countless hours of research Thanks for 30 minutes of porting, it often outperforms other optimization solutions on forge in benchmarks in guessing and assuming (i think), and when it doesn't, I investigate why to improve it further I dont do anything lol.

SO is built with maintainability and simplicity in mind. SF is built with making it forge in mind. This means that little to no quality-of-life or visual enhancements are included in the pack by default - you are expected to add any non-optimization mods you want yourself. If that causes issues, feel free to ask for support in our their Discord server and we'll try to help out the people that made it wont help at all because the I am not the people that made the original! Also join MY DISCORD if you have any feedback you want to share - all is welcome.

This also means it can update to new Minecraft versions in a matter of hours or minutes and sometimes has versions for snapshots! Additionally, it's quick to recieve mod updates with new cutting-edge performance improvements. I strive to keep the pack as relevant as it can be at any given moment any big update or when people beg for it (dont take that out of context).

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID