Super DemoCraft

Super DemoCraft


Super DemoCraft is the optional modpack of the DemoCraft server

Client LightweightMultiplayerOptimization

1 follower
Created10 months ago
Updated10 months ago

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Super DEMOCRAFT is a optimized Fabric and Quilt Modpack which contain one of our most used mod on DEMOCRAFT : Cosmetica.

simply-optimized quilt discord-plural

About the mod


As a lot of our players are not using optimization mod, we decided to include the most important one in our modpack, to help players with poor performances to play better on Minecraft. There is a last step after downloading this modpack to improve even more your performances bellow


Cosmetica allow you to have custom capes and cosmetics, and we (DEMOCRAFT) have made a collection of capes and cosmetics in the theme of the sefver to equip for free!

Why choose us ?

Compare to a lot of optimization modpack, I wanted to keep this modpack simple, and lightweight. As I personnaly think that too much optilization kill optimization and as we made this modpack for user which have very, very, very poor performances and sometimes run Minecraft on Windows 7, I wanted to made this modpack lightest as possible. This also made this modpack a simple base for other modpack, as if you want to optimise your modpack and you use something like Adrenaline or FO, you will quickly have hundreds mods added to your modpack, and made your modpack more optimized that modded like you want.


You can also improve your global performances by doing this simple step : go to your video settings and set the Max FPS value to 40. Why? Beaucause the human eye cant see more than 25 images per second. So if it's 40 or 120 FPS, you have the same result but in one case, your computer make 3 times more frames. This manipulation will allow other app to run with more performances

Why made this modpack public ?

For the Modrith Moderation Team

I also made this modpack to make optimization accesible. As the half of our players dont know how to install mod, and as more and more minecraft mods became dangerous (with the latest viruses publish on Curseforge), we wanted to made the modpack simple and accesible, to let people check if the mods they are installing are safe, before running them. And as we want to focus on accesibility, making this modpack public would bring this modpack a step further on accessibility!

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID