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Techno Biodiversity is an immersive 1.12.2 forge modpack that combines technology (electricity, computers, reactors...), space, nature (biomes, trees, animals, weather), food, furniture, trains, better caves and much more.

The technical side is powered by many mods, such as IC2C, AE2, BuildCraft, Thermal Foundation mods, Industrial Foregoing. But... that's not everything 👀

But Techno Biodiversity doesn't stop there. It also presents a stunning variety of biomes and animals through the Biomes O' Plenty mod. It's enhanced by Better Animals Plus, Exotic Birds, Dynamic Trees, Weather2 and custom caves generation by YUNG's Better Caves.

When you've had enough, you can go to space. TCHBD contains GalactiCraft that adds beautiful space system. We also have several add-ons that add additional planets.

This modpack contains a lot more stuff, if you want to check everything, check the mod list or play it 😅

⚠️ Keep in mind that this modpack is only published because we figured that maybe someone would like to play such a technical modpack as well.

  • We have GitHub repository, if you have an idea or something to fix, please contact us via discord or create issue on GitHub.
  • It is possible that with each version the mods will go up, but they certainly won't go down, so you don't have to worry about compatibility.
  • A port to newer versions is not planned and probably never will be


  • Optifine is highly recommended, you can install it here
  • We launched this modpack using MultiMC-based launchers on 5GB, and it worked great


You can ignore this, it's due to licenses. For real modlist look at versions tab

Thermal Logistics
GTC Classic
xhyrom's fork GTC Expansion, original

Better Caves permissions

Biomes o' Plenty permissions

OCDevices + Commons0815 permissions

Industrial Craft 2 Classic permissions

Exotic Birds permissions

Octahedroid permissions

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID