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Core Themes and Enhancements:

Enhanced Graphics and Visuals:

  • BSL Shaders, Complementary Shaders, Solas Shader: Improve visuals with advanced lighting and textures. (Developers: BSL, EminGT, Solas)

Expanded Gameplay Mechanics:

  • Botania (by Vazkii), Create (by simibubi), AdventureZ (by Globox_Z): Add new gameplay mechanics, from magic and automation to new adventures and challenges.

RPG Elements:

  • RPG Origins (by UltrusBot), Paladins & Priests (by Aureljz), Wizards Series (by FavouriteDragon): Introduce RPG elements, allowing players to explore new classes and quests.

Notable Features:

New Biomes and Dimensions:

  • TerraBlender (by ProspectorDev), Terralith (by Starmute), Better End Sky (by Beethoven92): Enrich exploration with new biomes and dimensions.

Enhanced Mob and Creature Interactions:

  • Cobblemon (by Zerokyuuni), Mythic Mobs (by Xiroc_), Chococraft (by clienthax): Add new creatures and mobs with unique behaviors.

Advanced Building and Decoration Options:

  • Adorn (by Juicebus), AmbientSounds (by CreativeMD), Architectury API (by shedaniel): Provide building and decorating options, enhancing creativity.

Improved User Interface and Quality of Life Improvements:

  • Xaero's World Map (by xaero96), BetterF3 (by cominixo), AppleSkin (by squeek502): Enhance the game's interface and player experience.

Technical and Performance Enhancements:

Performance Optimization:

  • Sodium (by JellySquid), Lithium (by JellySquid), FerriteCore (by malte0811): Optimize game performance and stability.

Customization and Configuration Tools:

  • CraftTweaker (by Jaredlll08), Forge Config API Port (by shedaniel), Mod Menu (by ProspectorDev): Allow game customization and configuration.

Special Mention:

Unique and Novel Additions:

  • Music Maker Mod (by Tschipp), Simple Voice Chat (by maxhenkel), Create: Steam 'n' Rails (by simibubi): Introduce novel features for unique experiences.

Important Note on Keybindings for the Modpack

When you start playing with this modpack, you may encounter keybinding conflicts due to the wide array of mods included. Many mods introduce their own set of default keybindings, which can overlap, leading to certain functions not working as intended.

What You Need To Do:

  1. Check Keybindings on Launch: As soon as you start the game, head to the keybindings menu in the game settings.

  2. Check Conflicts: Look for any highlighted conflicts. These are typically indicated in red, signaling that two or more actions are assigned to the same key.

  3. Rebind Keys: Go through each conflicting keybinding and reassign them to your preference. It's essential to ensure that each action has a unique key to avoid overlaps.

  4. Consider Mod-Specific Keys: Some mods like Botania, Create, or Xaero's Minimap come with their own unique set of functionalities. You might want to assign specific, easy-to-remember keys for these mods to enhance your gameplay experience.

  5. Save Your Configuration: After reassigning keys, make sure to save your settings.

Tips for Effective Keybinding:

  • Group Similar Functions: Try to assign similar functions from different mods to keys that are close to each other. This keeps your controls intuitive.

  • Use Modifier Keys: Consider using modifier keys (like Shift, Ctrl, Alt) in combination with other keys for less frequently used actions.

  • Personal Comfort: Choose keybindings that are comfortable for your playstyle. What works for one player might not be the best for another.

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID