📖 Info:
- New UI
- Rounded logo
- Updated mods
- Fixed a lot of bugs
🖥️ Server:
The server files are at the bottom of this page and are called "TerraCraft Server 2.2.2 (Compat 2.2).zip". Please read the "! README.txt" file before running the server.
📜 Technical Info:
- Updated Fabric Loader
- MC Version: 1.19.2
- Fabric Version: 0.16.7
⚙️ Added Mods:
- FancyMenu
- Mod dependencies
📖 Info:
Client side mods added only!
Updated mods and added QOL mods. 6 mods added.
🖥️ Server:
The server files are at the bottom of this page and are called "TerraCraft Server 2.2-2.2.1.zip". Please read the "! README.txt" file before running the server.
⚙️ Added Mods:
Xaero's Minimap: Lets you create waypoints which help you find the locations you've marked.
Xaero's World Map: Adds a full screen world map which shows you what you have explored in the world.
way2wayfabric: Waypoint sync for fabric.
Entity Texture Features: Emissive, Random & Custom texture support for entities in resourcepacks just like Optifine but for Fabric.
Entity Model Features: EMF is an, OptiFine format, Custom Entity Model replacement mod.
No More Useless Keys: Allows you to add alternative key combinations to every key binding!
📖 Info:
Updated mods and added 25 new mods.
🖥️ Server:
The server files are at the bottom of this page and are called "TerraCraft Server 2.2.zip". Please read the "! README.txt" file before running the server.
⚙️ Added Mods:
Model Gap Fix: Fixes gaps in Block Models and Item Models.
Clumps: Clumps XP orbs together to reduce lag.
Wavey Capes: The cape shouldn't be a static slab.
More Chat History: Increases the maximum length of chat history.
FastQuit: Lets you return to the Title Screen early while your world is still saving in the background!
Spark: Spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers and proxies.
Boat Item View: See your held items when in a moving boat!
Spawn Animations: Hostile mobs dig out of the ground or poof into existence when they spawn!
Pick Up Notifier: Be notified about all the things you've just collected.
RightClickHarvest: Allows you to harvest crops by right clicking.
TalkBubbles: Adds bubbles above your head when you chat.
Universal Ores: Adds ores variants for andesite, diorite, granite and tuff.
Tiny Item Animations: Adds little animations when you pick up or insert items with your mouse.
I Know What I'm Doing: Suppresses in-game tutorial hints for new game instances.
Display Case: Decorative block for beautiful storage of one item.
Panorama Screens: Enhance Minecraft menus by adding the rotating panorama background to most screens!
Inventory Tabs: Client side mod to access nearby blocks without leaving your inventory!
Screenshot Viewer: View your screenshots in game!
Better Armor Swap: Backport and enhancement of armor swapping introduced in 1.19.4.
JamLib: The platform-agnostic, Architectury based library used in all of JamCoreModding's mods.
Bookshelf: An open source library for other mods!
Dawn API: API that facilitates the creation of features.
Coordinates Display: A basic mod that displays your Coordinates on the In-game HUD.
Better Third Person: Improves third person camera view.
Chunky: Pre-generates chunks, quickly and efficiently.
📖 Info:
Updated mods and added a compatibility checker.
🖥️ Server:
The server files are at the bottom of this page and are called "TerraCraft Server 2.1.2.zip". Please read the "! README.txt" file before running the server.
⚙️ Added Mods:
Better Compatibility Checker: Changes the default server compatibility check to compare modpack versions.
📖 Info:
This update adds 7 new mods, quality of life features, new cosmetics, new wildlife mobs, and a new texture pack!
🖥️ Server:
The server files are at the bottom of this page and are called "TerraCraft Server 2.1.1.zip". Please read the "! README.txt" file before running the server.
⚙️ Added Mods:
Suggestion Tweaker: Improves the way suggestions are filtered and sorted when writing a command.
Monsters in the Closet: Highlights the mobs that are preventing you from sleeping.
ClickThrough: Click through signs and item frames to chests.
Disable Custom Worlds Advice: Minecraft asking you if you want to load a custom world is annoying. Let's fix it!
Cosmetica: Free custom capes and cosmetics for Minecraft.
Naturalist: Adds new immersive wildlife with realistic behavior!
e4mc: Open a LAN server to anyone, anywhere, anytime.
📖 Info:
Added 23 new mods, updated existing mods, made a custom texture pack for TerraCraft, and updated fabric loader.
🖥️ Server:
The server files are at the bottom of this page and are called "TerraCraft Server 2.1.zip". Please read the "! README.txt" file before running the server.
⚙️ Added Mods:
Show Me What You Got: Allows displaying your items in chat.
Totem Small pop: Small Totem pop and Small Totem of undying.
Mod Loading Screen: An advanced loading screen with the loading progress of mods.
Resourcify: In-game resource pack, data pack and shader browser and updater.
Nature's Compass: Allows you to locate biomes anywhere in the world.
Comforts: Adds sleeping bags and hammocks.
Enhanced Attack Indicator: Uses the attack indicator for more than just melee attacks.
Item Highlighter: Highlights newly picked-up items.
Drip Sounds: Adds sounds for drip particles landing.
Cherished Worlds: Favorite/pin/bookmark certain worlds, which will always be at the top of the list and cannot be deleted.
ClearDespawn: Make items blink when they're about to despawn.
Legendary Tooltips: Give your rare items a fancier tooltip!
Remove Reloading Screen: Makes resource packs load in the background.
Advancement Plaques: Replace those boring advancement popups with something flashier.
Load My Resources: Load resources on game start, like a resource pack.
Wakes: Adds splashes and wakes while traveling on water.
Item Obliterator: A modpack utility mod that allows to disable items and/or its interactions.
Main Menu Credits: Adds a way of adding information to the user's title screen.
Fabric Seasons: A simple mod that adds seasons to the game, dynamically changing biomes as you play.
Structory: Structory is a seasonally updated, atmospheric structure mod with light lore.
Incendium: Incendium is a mod that completely revamps the nether, way more than what Minecraft did in the 1.16 Nether Update.
Structory: Towers: Structory: Towers adds immersive, biome-themed towers to the world.
Tectonic: Massively altered world generation with mountain ranges, underground rivers and more!
📖 Info:
This is the biggest update for TerraCraft yet. This update adds new boss fights, backpacks, and even more performance mods.
⚙️ Added Mods:
More Culling: Changes how multiple types of culling are handled.
Concurrent Chunk Management Engine: Designed to improve the chunk performance of Minecraft.
Enhanced Block Entities: Reduce FPS lag with block entities, as well as customize them with resource packs.
No Chat Reports: Makes chat unreportable.
ImmediatelyFast: Speed up immediate mode rendering in Minecraft.
ModernFix: Improves performance, reduces memory usage, and fixes many bugs.
Chest Tracker: Lets you search for your items.
Fabric Language Kotlin: Mod dependancy.
Bosses of Mass Destruction: Adds 3 new bosses to Minecraft. Bosses drop really cool items.
Bobby: Allows for render distances greater than the server's view-distance. Lets you set your render distance higher than 32.
Simple Backpack: Adds a backpack and other useful inventory items.
📖 Info:
Updated mods and added new ones. TerraCraft will be updated more frequently. To report bugs join the discord: https://discord.gg/6hyuswzbkm
⚙️ Added Mods:
MainMenuChanger: Lets you change how the Main Menu is laid out.
Cull Leaves: Adds culling to leaf blocks, providing a huge performance boost over vanilla.
Chat Heads: See who you're chatting with!
Emoji Type: Allows you to easily type emoji and emoticons in game.
Held Item Info: Shows information (like enchantments) about the held item under its name.
More Mob Variants: Adds new variants to existing mobs.
Seamless Loading Screen: Takes a screenshot of the game when you leave a world or server, and displays it when you rejoin it.
Axolotl Buckets: Show the color and age of axolotls when in buckets.
Fabrishot: Take insanely large screenshots because why not.
📖 Info:
Updated mods and added many QOL features that make the modpack feel complete. If you notice any bugs please join the official discord server: discord.gg/6hyuswzbkm.
⚙️ Added Mods:
Nyf's Spiders: Modifies spiders to be more realistic.
Falling Leaves: Adds a neat little particle effect to leaf blocks.
Cloth Config API: Configuration Library for Minecraft Mods.
Make Bubbles Pop: Makes bubble particles pop and lets them rise realistically to the water surface.
Explosive Enhancement: Makes the explosion animation look cooler.
Blur (Fabric): Adds a blur effect to all GUI backgrounds.
Bounced: Get Your Minecraft Titles Bounced!
YetAnotherConfigLib: A builder-based configuration library for Minecraft.
Carry On: Carry On allows you to pick up Tile Entities and Mobs and carry them around!
CraftPresence: Completely Customize the way others see you play in Discord!
Smooth Swapping: Moves items smoothly in inventories.
📖 Info:
This version adds a lot of QOL mods and focuses on the user experience. For example, the sound is a lot better. This modpack is now out of the beta stage!
⚙️ New Mods:
Detail Armor Bar: Adds more information to the armor bar.
Status Effect Bars: Adds bars to the status effects overlay.
AmbientSounds 5: Adds a more vibrant ambience.
CreativeCore: Nothing else than a simple core mod.
Easy Anvils: Items stay inside the anvil and are rendered on the top.
Puzzles Lib: Mod Dependency
Forge Config API Port: Mod Dependency
Easy Magic: Enchanting tables to retain their inventory contents even after closing the interface. Allows you to reroll enchantments.
Presence Footsteps: An Overly complicated Sound Mod.
Sit: Allows you to sit on slabs and stairs.
Sound Physics Remastered: Provides realistic sound attenuation, reverberation, and absorption through blocks.
Visual Workbench: Items stay inside of crafting tables and are also rendered on top.
Better Statistics Screen: Improves the statistics screen and makes it more useful.
MidnightLib: Mod Dependency
⬆️ Updated Mods:
- Terralith
- Simple Voicechat
- Reeses Soduim Options
- Iris Shaders