TCP 4.2
on Oct 9, 2024Added
- ChatPatches
- ChatAnimation
- Show Me What You Got (Display Items on Chat)
- Crawl
- Effortless Structures (AKA Effortless Building) (Replaces Building Wand)
- Inventory Sorter
- Create Copycats+ (Crashing seems to be resolved after the September 15th update)
- Iris (Shaders)
- Bobby (Higher Render Distance)
- More Chat History (Replaced by ChatPatches)
- Antique Atlas (Unfortunately no one used it since there was already an map mod)
- Building Wand (Replaced by Effortless Structures)
- Nicer Skies (Shaders already do that)
- Fixed version number on menu
- Fixed Better Compatibility Checker
- Fixed Rich Presence