- 3D Skin Layers 1.7.4
- Amendments 1.2.18
- AmbientSounds 6.1.4
- Bad Optimizations 2.2.1
- Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded 3.17.2
- cat_jam 1.3.1
- Chat Heads 0.13.13
- Cherished Worlds 6.1.7
- Chipped 3.0.7
- Clutter 0.6.0
- Collective 7.91
- Complementary Shaders - Reimagined r5.4
- Complementary Shaders - Unbound r5.4
- Continuity 3.0.0
- Create Fabric 1631
- Create: Copycats+ 2.2.0
- Create: Interiors 0.5.6
- Create: Steam 'n' Rails 1.6.9
- Cubes Without Borders 3.0.0
- Double Doors 6.1
- Dynamic Crosshair 9.3
- End's Delight 2.5
- Entity Culling 1.7.2
- [EMF] Entity Model Features 2.4.1
- [ETF] Entity Texture Features 6.2.9
- Explosive Enhancement 1.3.2
- Exposure 1.7.9
- Fabric API 0.92.3
- Fabric Language Kotlin 1.13.1+kotlin.2.1.10
- Farmer's Delight Refabricated 2.2.6
- First-person Model 2.4.8
- ForgeConfigAPIPort-v8.0.1
- Framework 0.7.12
- Friends & Foes 3.0.7
- Fresh Animations 1.9.2
- Grass Seeds 3.4
- Gravestones 1.0.12
- Iceberg 1.1.25
- ImmediatelyFast 1.3.4
- Immersive Aircraft 1.1.8
- Jade 11.12.3
- Jei
- Kiwi 11.8.28
- Ksyxis 1.3.3
- Lithium 0.11.3
- Lithosphere 1.4
- Lootr
- Moonlight Lib 2.13.62
- MRU 1.0.4
- ModernFix 5.20.2
- More Delight 25.01.13
- MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod: Refurbished 1.0.9
- Not Enough Animations 1.9.2
- Paladin's Furniture Mod 1.3
- Packet Fixer 1.4.5
- Polymorph 0.49.8
- Porting Lib 2.3.8
- Presence Footsteps 1.10.0
- Simple Voice Chat 2.5.26
- Snow Under Trees 2.5.4
- Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks 3.4.1
- Sounds 2.2.1
- Sound Physics Remastered 1.4.8
- Supplementaries 3.1.12
- Supplementaries Squared 1.1.18
- Wakes 0.4.0
- Wallpapers 1.5b
- Xaero's Minimap 25.1.0
- Xaero's World Map 1.39.2
- XXL Packets 1.0.4
- Zoomify 2.14.2
- YetAnotherConfigLib 3.6.2
Fabric Loader Version 0.16.10
- Create: Optimization 1.0.1
- MixinTrace 1.1.1 (helps reading crash logs)
- CopperandTuffBackport 1.2 (add copper bulb and tuff variants from 1.21)
- Mellow (light shaderpack with dh support)
- Dusty Decorations 1.1
- Infinite Trading 4.6
- Villager Professions Plus 0.1.1
- Trims Expanded 1.4.1
- Dramatic doors
- Tabletop Craft
- Reddens Stone Lantern
- Dusty Decorations
- Concurrent Chunk Management Engine
- PneumonoCore
- View Distance Fix
- ThreadTweak
- Noisium
Enabled various create items with custom recipies.
- Update SOL Regions to not display the region banner more - than once a day.
- Update SOL tribes to remove the particle effects
- Update DH
- Update IRIS
- Update Flywheel
- Removed All JEI addons and downgraded jei back to
- I added a recipe to turn the region's unexplored dirt/grass into normal grass and dirt.
- Fixed narrow tracks recipes not working.
Removals: Bad Wither, Bad Optimization, C2ME, Modern Fix, Sleep Warp, Custom Skin Loader, Drip Sounds, Mighty Mail (Included in MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod), All legacy "Let's Do" mods, Show Me What You Got
Additions: Chalk & Chalk Color, Let's Do Furniture, MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod, Let's Do Farm & Charm, Just Outdoor Stuff, Bells & Whistles, Let's Do WilderNature, Night Lights, Wallpapers, Paladin's Furniture Mod, Create Interiors, Hand Crafted
Downgrade: Ice Boat (V16)
Updated mods: Copycat, Create, Steam 'n' Rails, Cicada, Sound, Better Arch, More Delight, Clutter, Comforts, Horseshoe & Hybrid, Farmer’s Delight, Iris & Flywheel, Aircraft, Indium, Let Sleeping Dogs Lie, Regions Unexplored, Sodium Mods, Supplementarity Mods, Wakes, Minimap & World Map, Small Ships, Moonlight, Let’s Do Meadow, Sit, Chat Heads, Better Statistics, Camera Util, Dyed, Cultural & End Delight, Exposer, Expanded Delight, Even More Instruments, Fabric API & Kotlin Libraries, Genshin Instruments, Friends and Foes, First Person Model, Immediately Fast, All JEI Mods, Joy of Paint, Lootr, Dual Ride, More Bubbles Pop, Nifty Cart, Not Enough Animations, Nullscape, Polymorph, Packetfixer, Noisium, Netherchest, Vinery, Zoomify, EMF ETF, Trinkets, Snow Under Trees & Real Magic, 3D Skin Layers, M.R.U. (Fabric v16.5), Amendments, Complete Config, Configured, Collective, Cloth Config, Barrel Roll, Double Door, Creative Core, Cubes Without Borders, Cursor Centered Fix, Entity Culling, Dynamic FPS, GeckoLib, Grass Seeds, Horse Armor Stands, Hide Experimental Warning, Jade, Item Displayed, Item Obliterator, Kiwi, Lithosphere, Armor Poser, Ambient Sounds, More Music Disc, Puzzle Lib, Resourceful Lib, Sushi Bar, Sounds, Sparse Structure, Smart Brain, Terrablender, Yet Another Config Lib, Let’s Do WilderNature & related mods
Removals: Bad Wither, Bad Optimization, C2ME, Modern Fix, Sleep Warp, Custom Skin Loader, Drip Sounds, Mighty Mail (Included in MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod), All legacy "Let's Do" mods, Show Me What You Got
Additions: Chalk & Chalk Color, Let's Do Furniture - The Bin, MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod, Let's Do Farm & Charm, Just Outdoor Stuff, Bells & Whistles, Let's Do WilderNature, Night Lights, Wallpapers, Paladin's Furniture Mod, Create Interiors, Hand Crafted
Downgrade: Ice Boat (V16)
Updated mods: Copycat, Create, Steam 'n' Rails, Cicada, Sound, Better Arch, More Delight, Clutter, Comforts, Horseshoe & Hybrid, Farmer’s Delight, Iris & Flywheel, Aircraft, Indium, Let Sleeping Dogs Lie, Regions Unexplored, Sodium Mods, Supplementarity Mods, Wakes, Minimap & World Map, Small Ships, Moonlight, Let’s Do Meadow, Sit, Chat Heads, Better Statistics, Camera Util, Dyed, Cultural & End Delight, Exposer, Expanded Delight, Even More Instruments, Fabric API & Kotlin Libraries, Genshin Instruments, Friends and Foes, First Person Model, Immediately Fast, All JEI Mods, Joy of Paint, Lootr, Dual Ride, More Bubbles Pop, Nifty Cart, Not Enough Animations, Nullscape, Polymorph, Packetfixer, Noisium, Netherchest, Vinery, Zoomify, EMF ETF, Trinkets, Snow Under Trees & Real Magic, 3D Skin Layers, M.R.U. (Fabric v16.5), Amendments, Complete Config, Configured, Collective, Cloth Config, Barrel Roll, Double Door, Creative Core, Cubes Without Borders, Cursor Centered Fix, Entity Culling, Dynamic FPS, GeckoLib, Grass Seeds, Horse Armor Stands, Hide Experimental Warning, Jade, Item Displayed, Item Obliterator, Kiwi, Lithosphere, Armor Poser, Ambient Sounds, More Music Disc, Puzzle Lib, Resourceful Lib, Sushi Bar, Sounds, Sparse Structure, Smart Brain, Terrablender, Yet Another Config Lib, Let’s Do WilderNature & related mods
Bug Fixes
- Shadowy Path Block
- Anti Ghost
- Removed Starlight (fixes no lighting in copycats)
Feature Updates
- Diet Sugar Rework (removed sugar debuff and reduced speed buff)
- Copycat Update (added copycat doors, wedges and multi-block placement)
- Renewable Sand and Gravel (Stone/Cobblestone can be put in a stonecutter to make Gravel, Gravel in the stonecutter makes Sand)
- More Sandstone options
- Renewable Blackstone
- Updated Exposure
- Updated Fabric Language
- Updated Hybrid Aquatic
- Updated Clutter (Fixed mob overspawning issues)
- Updated Let's Do Mods
New Content
- Added Macaw's Holidays Mod
- Harvestable Flowers (all flowers can be bonemealed for more)
- Added the Tribes and Regions Mod
- Added What are you up to? Mod
- Added Create Steam and Rails and Create Deco Mods (not all features are enabled)
- Enabled more Create blocks such as Steam Whistle and Create redstone items
Quality of Life
- Why stack of 16
- Added Trowel Mod
- Added Copper Hoppers
- Added Exposure Catalogue to allow for image exporting
- Hybrid Aquatic
- Small ships - to fix crashes
- Nixie tubes, Industrial iron and Clipboard- from the create mod
**Changed recipe: **
- Train doors, Observers, Signals - from the create mod
- Fixed the sign bug
- amecs
- exordium
- Iris flywheel compat mod
- Made fresh animations able to be toggleable
- Changed the food logic - Spice of Fabric mod
- lets do bakery
- lets do beach
- lets do brew
- lets do candleight
- lets do herbal
- lets do vinery
- lets do nether vinery
- diagonal walls and windows
- fabric seasons extra
- mighty mail
- dependancies
- [Let's Do Addon] Compat
- Updated Better archeology to disable totem of torrents
- Other server-side changes, including elytra rocket boost removal