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The Ultimate Creator Banner

This modpack is made for creating the best videos in minecraft which makes it super useful for content creators. The modpack contains mods to make your Minecraft more beautiful, useful tools to record videos, mods for better communication with others and mods to improve your performance and give you further distance, so you can be the director in your own movie! The mods are all client-side so you could use them on multiplayer and singleplayer. All this on the latest Minecraft version, 1.20.2! Replay Mod and EBE will be included when updated to 1.20.2.

More info here comming soon...


Of course, good performance is important in Minecraft, especially when creating content, you shouldn't miss a frame! There are many mods in the modpack that improve your performance. Some mods such as sodium will provide more fps. And other mods like lithium for example will provide chunks that load faster and an overall smooth experience. Nvidium is also included in the mod pack, which ensures incredibly high fps with a high render distance for people with an NVIDIA 16 graphics card or newer. If you do not have this, the mod will disable itself. There is much more that I will not explain separately here, but it will help you get the best performance in Minecraft. All performance mods are below.

The Ultimate Creator Banner 200+ fps with 64 chunks render distance on a RTX 2060!

Optimization mods: - Concurrent Chunk Management - Debugify - Enttity Culling - FerriteCore - Indium - Language Reload - LazyDFU - Lithium - Methane - ModernFix - Nvidium - Sodium - Sodium Shadowy Path Block - Server Pinger Fixer - ThreadTweak - Lazy Language Loader - Client Side Noteblocks - Async Pack Scan

Quality Of Life


Quality Of Life mods: - AppleSkin - Better Mount HUD - Better Selection - Better Suggestions - BetterHandBobbing - Boat - Chat Notify - Controlling - Draggable Lists - Essential Mod - Edgeless Chat Screen - KeybindsGalore - MixinTrace - Mod Menu - More Chat History - No Weather Effects - Raised - Recursive Resources - Reese's Sodium Options - Restore Chat Links - Server Pack Unlocker - Show Yourself - Sodium Extra - Splasher - Status Effect Bars - Suggestion Tweaker - Title Fix Mod - Toggle Scoreboard - Tooltip Scroll - WI Zoom - Wider Tab

Content creation mods


Content creation mods: - 3D Skin Layers - BactroMod - Better Clouds - Biome Fog - Blur - Bobby - Bounced - Camera Utils - Capes - Continuity - Creator Overlays - Do a Barrel Roll - Eating Animation - Euphoria Patches - Explosive Enhancement - Falling Leaves - Freecam (Modrinth Edition) - Gamma Utils - Iris Shaders - Isometric Renders - LambDynamicLights - Make Bubbles Pop - Not Enough Animations - PanoramicShot - Particle Rain - Partcle Tweaks - Player Visibility - Resourcify - ScreenFX - Show Me Your Skin - Symbol Chat - Telepistons - Tiny Item Animations - VTDownloader - Vectorientations - Visuality - Wakes - Wavey Capes

Sound mods


Content creation mods: - AmbientSounds - ImmersiveThunder - Presence Footsteps - Quality Sounds - Sonance

Resourcepack Mods

There are some mods needed for adding resourcepack functions like optifine.

Resource Packs mods: - Chime - FabricSkyboxes - Entity Model Features - Entity Texture Features



library mods: - Architectury - Cloth Config API - CreativeCore - Fabric API - Fabric Language Kotlin - LibJF - Searchables - YetAnotherConfigLib - owo-lib

Resource Packs and Shaders


Resource Packs and Shaders: - Complementary Shaders - Reimagined - Embrace Pixels - Fresh Animations - No World Border - Ore Variants - Torchcraft Lobby Panorama


If you have any problems, ideas, or other feedback about this project, please contact me via discord or email. You can contact me on Discord by sending a friend request, so you can send me a message.

Discord: tibodp


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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID