Host your Minecraft server on BisectHosting - get 25% off your first month with code MODRINTH.
Filter channels...
  • New! Add Stardust Origins
  • New! Add hexalia
  • New! Add letsdo-candlelight
  • New! Add letsdo-meadow
  • New! Add slimeorigin
  • Fix crash #2 (Update letsdo-API)
  • Remove UsefulSlime
  • Remove magitekmechs
  • Remove knightquest
  • Update BetterAdvancements
  • Update hearths
  • Update Pehkui
  • Update azurelib
  • Update collective
  • Update frostiful
  • Update garnished
  • Update moonlight
  • Update mru
  • Update mythicmetals
  • Update naturespirit
  • Update thermoo

Improve chunk generating speed

  • New! Add betterendrod
  • New! Add dinos
  • New! Add furnacetntexplode
  • New! Add medievalorigins
  • New! Add noisium
  • New! Add spell_power
  • Remove Fastload (fixes bug)
  • Update AmbientSounds
  • Update Bookshelf
  • Update CreativeCore
  • Update ImmediatelyFast
  • Update MaxHealthFix
  • Update Ping-Wheel
  • Update YetAnotherConfigLib
  • Update azurelib
  • Update balm
  • Update betteraddserver
  • Update bettercommandblockui
  • Update cave_dust
  • Update cc-tweaked
  • Update chunksfadein
  • Update cicada
  • Update createoreexcavation
  • Update emi
  • Update entity_texture_features
  • Update entityculling
  • Update entropys-chosen
  • Update extra-advancements
  • Update fabric-api
  • Update garnished
  • Update geckolib
  • Update indium
  • Update interloper
  • Update knightquest
  • Update letsdo-bakery
  • Update letsdo-brewery
  • Update letsdo-herbalbrews
  • Update letsdo-nethervinery
  • Update letsdo-vinery
  • Update mantidicae
  • Update minecells
  • Update modernfix
  • Update moonlight
  • Update packetfixer
  • Update skinlayers3d
  • Update sliceanddice
  • Update sodium
  • Update umbra
  • Update upgraded-mobs
  • New! Add emi_enchanting
  • New! Add entropys-chosen
  • New! Add ethergeist
  • New! Add extra-mod-integrations
  • New! Add interloper
  • New! Add mantidicae
  • New! Add origins-dietary-delights
  • New! Add origins-mox
  • New! Add spore-springer
  • New! Add umbra
  • Update TerraBlender
  • Update collective
  • Downgrade pehkui
  • New! Add AE2CCBridge
  • New! Add PowerAE2CCBridge
  • New! Add ae2-emi-crafting
  • New! Add ae2wtlib
  • New! Add appliedenergistics2
  • New! Add createaddition
  • New! Add knightquest
  • New! Add magitekmechs
  • Update AmbientSounds
  • Update ArchaeologyBanners
  • Update Chunky
  • Update Coins
  • Update CreativeCore
  • Update Dungeon Now Loading
  • Update ImmediatelyFast
  • Update Incendium
  • Update Pehkui
  • Update PresenceFootsteps
  • Update PuzzlesLib
  • Update SnowUnderTrees
  • Update TerraBlender
  • Update YetAnotherConfigLib
  • Update YungsApi
  • Update YungsBetterJungleTemples
  • Update advancementframes
  • Update alternate-current
  • Update azurelib
  • Update betteraddserver
  • Update betterarcheology
  • Update camps_castles_carriages
  • Update cat_jam
  • Update cicada
  • Update collective
  • Update continuity
  • Update creatediselgenerators
  • Update do_a_barrel_roll
  • Update dummmmmmy
  • Update dynamiccrosshair-compat
  • Update entityculling
  • Update exposure
  • Update fabric-language-kotlin
  • Update fasterrandom
  • Update fish_of_thieves
  • Remove flow
  • Remove gipples_galore
  • Update letsdo-bakery
  • Update letsdo-bloomingnature
  • Update letsdo-brewery
  • Update letsdo-herbalbrews
  • Update letsdo-nethervinery
  • Update letsdo-vinery-fabric
  • Update merequester
  • Update minecells
  • Update minecraft-comes-alive
  • Update moonlight
  • Update mru
  • Update naturespirit
  • Update packetfixer
  • Update paperdoll
  • Update resourcefullib
  • Update skinlayers3d
  • Update sound-physics-remastered
  • Update squidnoglitch
  • Update upgraded-mobs
  • Update options.txt

Return back creatediselgenerators, extendedgears

  • New! Add Dungeon Now Loading
  • New! Add YungsBetterJungleTemples
  • New! Add carnivoroussponges
  • New! Add clockwork
  • New! Add dye_depot
  • New! Add minecells
  • New! Add nyctophobia-dread
  • New! Add valkyrienskies
  • Update Bookshelf
  • Update Chipped
  • Update CleanF3
  • Update Clumps
  • Update FarmersDelight
  • Update ImmediatelyFast
  • Update Kiwi
  • Update LegendaryTooltips
  • Update MouseTweaks
  • Update PacketFixer
  • Update PresenceFootsteps
  • Update Searchables
  • Update SmartBrainLib
  • Update Sniffer+
  • Update SnowRealMagic
  • Update ctov
  • Update TorchesInWater
  • Update YetAnotherConfigLib
  • Update YungsBetterDungeons
  • Update apolloparrot
  • Update azurelib
  • Update betterarcheology
  • Update bettercombat
  • Update bettercommandblockui
  • Update betterstats
  • Update bounced
  • Update camps_castles_carriages
  • Update cc-tweaked
  • Update chalk
  • Update cicada-lib
  • Update collective
  • Update createdeco
  • Update createutilities
  • Update ctov-fabric
  • Update do_a_barrel_roll
  • Update duckling
  • Update emi
  • Update emi_loot
  • Update entity_texture_features
  • Update expandeddelight
  • Update exposure
  • Update extraorigins
  • Update fabric-api
  • Update fallingleaves
  • Update fasterrandom
  • Update flow
  • Update frostiful
  • Update fzzy_core
  • Update hearths
  • Remove kyubion-wanted
  • Update letsdo-bakery
  • Update letsdo-brewery
  • Update letsdo-nethervinery
  • Update letsdo-vinery
  • Update mavapi
  • Update mavm
  • Update mes
  • Update modernfix
  • Update moonlight
  • Update moremobvariants
  • Update mythicmetals
  • Update naturespirit
  • Update new_soviet
  • Update packetfixer
  • Update panda-temple
  • Update porting_lib
  • Remove refined-advancements
  • Update scorchful
  • Update servercore
  • Update simplyswords
  • Update skinlayers3d
  • Update sliceanddice
  • Update sodium-shadowy-path-blocks
  • Update thermoo
  • Update tridents_n_stuff
  • Update upgraded-mobs
  • Update yet-another-config-lib

Return back Steam_Rails, creategoggles

  • Add mastodon link to esc menu
  • New! Add TorchesInWater
  • New! Add cccbridge
  • New! Add gipples_galore
  • New! Add guarding
  • New! Add muffins_picnic
  • Update ImmediatelyFast
  • Update Pehkui
  • Update PuzzlesLib- Update
  • Update SnowRealMagic
  • Update advancementframes
  • Update betterstats
  • Update cc-tweaked
  • Add cicada
  • Update createoreexcavation
  • Update createutilities
  • Update do_a_barrel_roll
  • Update eating-animation
  • Update emi
  • Update extraorigins
  • Update fallingleaves
  • Update fasterrandom
  • Update frostiful
  • Update garnished
  • Update letsdo-bakery
  • Update letsdo-bloomingnature
  • Update letsdo-brewery
  • Update letsdo-herbalbrews
  • Update letsdo-nethervinery
  • Update letsdo-vinery
  • Update modelfix
  • Update modernfix
  • Update moonlight
  • Update resourcefullib
  • Update scorchful
  • Update thermoo

Temporary removed this mods: Create: SandPaper Overhaul, Create: Extended Cogwheels, Create Big Cannons, Create: Diesel Generators, Create Goggles, Create: Steam 'n' Rails

  • New! Add blocky_bass
  • New! Add cave_dweller
  • New! Add create_jetpack
  • New! Add flow
  • New! Add hamsters
  • New! Add kyubion-wanted
  • New! Add letsdo-bakery
  • New! Add letsdo-brewery
  • New! Add letsdo-herbalbrews
  • New! Add letsdo-nethervinery
  • New! Add letsdo-vinery
  • New! Add qualitysounds
  • New! Add scorchful
  • New! Add Alternate-Cavedweller
  • Remove brewery
  • Remove create-sodium-fix
  • Add create fabric
  • Update Ad-Astra-Giselle-Addon
  • Update CreativeCore
  • Update ItemsDisplayed
  • Update Kiwi
  • Update Ping-Wheel
  • Update PresenceFootsteps
  • Update YungsApi
  • Update YungsBetterNetherFortresses
  • Update architectury
  • Update athena
  • Update balm
  • Update betterstats
  • Update cc-tweaked
  • Update cherishedworlds
  • Update collective
  • Update create_enchantment_industry
  • Update createoreexcavation
  • Update difficultylock
  • Update do_a_barrel_roll
  • Update emi
  • Update expandeddelight
  • Update exposure
  • Update fabric-language-kotlin
  • Update fasterrandom
  • Update frostiful
  • Update fzzy_core
  • Update garnished
  • Update gear_core
  • Update geckolib
  • Update letsdo-bloomingnature
  • Update modernfix
  • Update moonlight
  • Update more-geodes
  • Update mythicmetals
  • Update netherportalspread
  • Add porting_lib
  • Update refined-advancements
  • Update scorched
  • Update sliceanddice
  • Update thermoo
  • Update trinkets
  • Remove you-thief!
  • New! Add Chunky
  • New! Add Controlling
  • New! Add ItemsDisplayed
  • New! Add Searchables
  • New! Add Steam_Rails
  • New! Add apolloparrot
  • New! Add bellsandwhistles
  • New! Add camps_castles_carriages
  • New! Add cc-tweaked
  • New! Add create-new-age
  • New! Add create-origins
  • New! Add create-sodium-fix
  • New! Add create-structures
  • New! Add create_enchantment_industry
  • New! Add create_high_pressure
  • New! Add create_so
  • New! Add create_trimmed
  • New! Add createbigcannons
  • New! Add createdeco
  • New! Add creatediselgenerators
  • New! Add creategoggles
  • New! Add createoreexcavation
  • New! Add createutilities
  • New! Add entity_texture_features
  • New! Add exposure
  • New! Add extendedgears
  • New! Add fzzy_core
  • New! Add garnished
  • New! Add gear_core
  • New! Add letsdo-bloomingnature
  • New! Add naturespirit
  • New! Add panda-temple
  • New! Add serverpingerfixer
  • New! Add sliceanddice
  • New! Add spawn
  • New! Add tempad
  • New! Add tridents_n_stuff
  • New! Add villagesandpillages
  • New! Add you-thief!
  • Update AmbientSounds
  • Update CreativeCore
  • Update PacketFixer
  • Update Tips
  • Update betterstats
  • Update bounced
  • Update do-a-barrel-roll
  • Update moonlight
  • Update Ad-Astra-Giselle-Addon
  • Update AmbientSounds
  • Update Bookshelf
  • Update chipped
  • Update ExtendedDrawers
  • Update FogLooksGoodNow
  • Update Highlighter
  • Update ImmediatelyFast
  • Update Kiwi
  • Update PacketFixer
  • Update PuzzlesLib
  • Update SnowRealMagic
  • Update snow-under-trees
  • Update TerraBlender
  • Update TravelersTitles
  • Update UsefulSlime
  • Update YungsApi
  • Update ad_astra
  • Update advancementframes
  • Update architectury
  • Update azurelib
  • Update betterarcheology
  • Update bettercombat
  • Update betterstats
  • Update botarium
  • Update bounced
  • Update chunksfadein
  • Update collective
  • Update comforts
  • Update creeperoverhaul
  • Update ctov
  • Update deeperdarker
  • Update desiredservers
  • Update difficultylock
  • Update dummmmmmy
  • Update dynamiccrosshair
  • Update dynamiccrosshair-compat
  • Update emi
  • Update extra-advancements
  • Update fabric-api
  • Update fabric-language-kotlin
  • Update fasterrandom
  • Update fish_of_thieves
  • Update frostiful
  • Update geckolib
  • Update graves
  • Update indium
  • Update memoryleakfix
  • Update minecraft-comes-alive
  • Update modernfix
  • Update moonlight
  • Update mythicmetals
  • Update paperdoll
  • Update reimaginedmenus
  • Update resourcefulconfig
  • Update resourcefullib
  • Update simplyswords
  • Update skinlayers3d
  • Update sodium
  • Update spyglass_astronomy
  • Update thermoo
  • Update water-resistance-potion
  • Update yet-another-config-lib
  • New! Add graves
  • Update collective
  • Update expanded_ecosphere
  • Update mythicmetals
  • Remove sleep tight
  • Downgrade collective
  • Update do-a-barrel-roll
  • Remove TooManyOrigins
  • Remove origins-plus-plus
  • Downgrade mythicmetals
  • Remove dehydration
  • Update CleanF3
  • Update moonlight
  • Update mythicmetals
  • Update resourcefulconfig
  • Update 3dskinlayers
  • Remove spawnanimations

Holiday update

  • Update Trigger-Happy
  • Update collective
  • Update dynamiccrosshair
  • Update moonlight
  • New! Add BetterAdvancements
  • New! Add Decorative Blocks
  • New! Add Display Case
  • New! Add MaxHealthFix
  • New! Add MerchantMarkers
  • New! Add PacketFixer
  • New! Add Stoneworks
  • New! Add Tips
  • New! Add TravelersTitles
  • New! Add another_furniture
  • New! Add athena
  • New! Add chipped
  • New! Add crawl
  • New! Add dehydration
  • New! Add dynamiccrosshair-compat
  • New! Add emi_loot
  • New! Add emitrades
  • New! Add extraalchemy
  • New! Add immersive_armors
  • New! Add mes
  • New! Add rpgdifficulty
  • New! Add spawnanimations
  • New! Add videotape

Project members


Inherited Owner







Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID