Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published 8 months ago
Updated 8 months ago
Experience the Unfold's Second Edition as you Embark on a series of epic quests through this medieval-themed world...will you become the legend you aspire to be, or will you be consumed by the Unfold in it's chaotic land...!
This is a fun modpack with a variety of mods that don't make the player too OP, perfect for having fun with friends! Centered around a rough medieval theme, it's bound to be an adventure!
We recommend allocating at least 8gb of ram
Full Modlist With Credits
- Aquaculture 2 by Shadow | Curseforge Page
- Alex's Mobs by AlexModGuy
- AmbientSounds by creativemd
- Amendments by MehVahdJukaar
- AppleSkin by squeek502
- Architectury API by MaxNeedsSnacks
- Argonauts by Terrarium
- Athena by CodexAdrian
- Balm by BlayTheNinth
- Bettery Archeology by Pandarix
- Better Combat by ZsoltMoinarrr
- Blueprint by bagel
- Bookshelf by Darkhax
- Bountiful by ejektaflex
- Breezy by codyhuh
- Call of Yucatán by Unusual_Squad
- Cake's Cosmetics by CrazedAerialCable
- Canary by AbdElAziz
- Captcha by Mrbysco
- CastleBlocks by jusipat
- Chalk by mortuusars
- Chipped by terrariumearth
- Citadel by AlexModGuy
- Cloth Config Api by shedaniel
- CombatRoll by ZsoltMolnarrr
- Controlling by JaredIII08
- CorgiLib by CorgiTaco
- CoroUtil by Corosus
- Cosmetic Armor Reworked by LainMI | Curseforge Page
- Create by simibubi
- Create Big Cannons by realRobotix
- Create Tab Fix by Takkom
- Create: Applied Kinetics by RuochenFu21
- Create: Crustal Clear by Cyvack
- Create: Mortar by Jiex
- Create: Numismatics by Ithundxr
- Create: Steam 'n' Rails by IThundxr
- Create: Structures by FusionSwarly
- Create: The Factory Must Grow by drmangotea
- Create: Train Perspective Fix by der_fruhling
- CreativeCore by creativemd
- Curios API by TheIllusiveC4
- Deeper and Darker by nitrodynamite18
- Do a Barrel Roll by enjarai
- Dungeon Now Loading by HexNowLoadingYT
- Dynamic Progression and Difficulty by Kaworru
- Easy Shulker Boxes by Fuzs
- Embeddium by embeddedt
- Enchantment Description by Darkhax
- Endless Biomes by MadoctheHadoc
- Enhanced Celestials by CorgiTaco
- Entity Culling by tr7zw
- Epic Knights: Shields Armor And Weapons by Magistu
- ewewukek's Musket mod by ewewukek | Curseforge Page
- Falling Leaves (NeoForge/Forge) by cheaterpaul
- Farmer's Delight by vectorwing
- FerriteCore by malte0811
- Floral Tonics And Tinctures by tonyandthetrashelementals
- Fog Looks Modern Now by shizotoaster
- Fusion (Connected Textures) by SuperMartijn642
- Geckolib by Gecko
- GraveStone Mod by henkelmax
- Guard Villagers by seymourimadeit
- Handcrafted by terrariumearth
- Heracles by Terrarium
- Ice and Fire by AlexModGuy
- Iceberg by Grend
- Immersive Armors by Luke100000
- Incendium by Starmute
- Infinity Buttons by LarsMans
- InsaneLib by Insane96
- Iron Chests by alexbegt
- Item Highlither by Grend
- Item Obliterator by ElocinDev
- Joy of Painting by xerca
- Just Enough Items by mezz
- Kambrik by Ejektaflex
- Kotlin for Forge by thedarkcolour
- Legendary TOoltips by Grend
- Lucky's Blocky Siege by prelawaverage
- Majrusz Library by Majrusz
- Majrusz's Enchantments by Majrusz
- Make Bubbles Pop by Tschipcraft
- Max Health Fix by Darkhax
- Mediumcore by AlexModGuy
- Memory Leak Fix by FX
- MidnightLib by Motschen
- Midnighttiggers-CTM-D by Midnighttigger
- MmmMmmMmmMmm by MehVahdJukaar
- Mobtimizations - Entity Performance Fixes by Corosus
- ModernFix by embeddedt
- Monobank by mortuusars
- Monster Plus by Nitespring | Curseforge Page
- Moonlight Lib by MehVahdJukaar
- ewuwukek's Musket mod by ewuwukek | Curseforge page
- Mystical Oak Tree by Plantkillable
- Necronomicon API by ElocinDev
- No Chat Reports by Aizistral
- Not Enough Animations by tr7zw
- Open Loader by Darkhax
- Packet Fixer by TonimatasDEV
- Patchouli by Vazkii
- Placebo by Shadows_of_Fire | Curseforge page
- playerAnimator by KosmX
- Polymorph by TheIllusiveC4
- Presence Footsteps [Forge] by Paint_Ninja | Curseforge Page
- Prism by Grend
- Progressive Bosses by Insane96
- Puzzles Lib by Fuzs
- Quark by Vazkii
- Realm RPG: Fallen Adventurers by nocubeyt | Curseforge Page
- Realm RPG: Sea Dwellers by nocubeyt | Curseforge Page
- Resourceful Lib by epic_oreo
- Saturn by AbdElAziz
- Seamless Loading Screen by Minenash
- Searchables by jaredIll08
- Shulker Box Tooltip by MisterPeModder
- Simple Netherite Horse Armor by JerryLu086
- Simple Voice Chat by henkelmax
- Small Ships by talhanation
- Sophisticated Backpacks by P3pp3rF1y | Curseforge Page
- Sophisticated Core by P3pp3rF1y | Curseforge Page
- Sound Physics Remastered by henkelmax
- Storage Delight- Farmer's Delight by Axperty
- Sully's Mod by GoesBySully
- SuperMartijn642's Core by Supermartijn642
- Supplementaries by MehVahdJukaar
- Tag Tooltips by J4gm
- TenshiLib by flemmli97
- TerraBlender by Adubbz
- Tetra Extras by Vinnaxy
- Tetratic Combat Expanded by Kiran
- Twigs by Ninni
- Upgrade Aquatic by bagel
- Valhelsia Core by Khytwel
- Valhelsia Structures by Khytwel
- Waystones by BlayTheNinth
- Wild West by Cozahhh | Curseforge page
- Xaero's Minimap (Fair-Play) by thexaero
- Xaero's World Map by thexaero
- You Died by GoryMoon
- Zeta by Vazkii
- [Let's Do] API by Cristelknight
- [Let's Do] Brewery by satisfyu
- [Let's Do] Meadow by satisfyu
- [Let's Do] Vinery by satisfyu
- mutil by mickelus
- playerAnimator by KosmX
- tetra by mickelus
- tetracelium by mickelus