Host your Minecraft server on BisectHosting - get 25% off your first month with code MODRINTH.

I recommend using BSL or Complementary Shaders - both are installed by default, but not enabled.

Also features RandomMcSomethin's FallingLeaves.

In my take on the classic Vanilla+ pack, I wanted to add some extra content on top of the usual optimizations and Quality-of-Life improvements other packs in the genre do (like extra food, furniture, archeology, shader support, expanding upon the nether & end, and more).

Featuring my usual amount of Quality of Life features (including a vast array of recipes), you'll be able to experience Minecraft in a new way - but without the usual magic & tech bloat.

Note: The following mods are missing from this version as Modrinth doesn't allow them:

I'll re-add them if the devs upload them to modrinth, give permission, etc. - but for now, they'll remain absent.

Join the Discord if you want to ask me something or need support!

Enjoy the pack? Send me a dollar or two on Ko-Fi!

Partnered with BisectHosting. Use promo code vizthex for 25% off.

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Technical information

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