Added the following mods:
- Quark
Updated the following mods:
- A Cold Day in the Nether
Added new materials to the 'Truly Modular' mod with built in data pack.
- A cold day in the Nether: Tungsten
- Create: Brass
- Create: Zinc
- Iron's Spells & Spellbooks: Arcane
- Adjusted the Ruby and Sapphire materials appearance.
Added the Following Mods:
- Trashslot
Updated the Following Mods:
- A Cold Day In The Nether
- Alex's Caves
- Ambient Sounds
- Chat Heads
- Cold Sweat
- Create
- Create Steam 'n'Rails
- Enchantment Descriptions (Client)
- Just Enough Items
- Moonlight
- Serene Seasons
- Supplementaries
- Trials Chambers [1.20.1 Backport]
- Yung's Cave Biomes
Tweaked the modpack's default 'Inventory Profiles Next' settings
Added the Following Mods:
- Create Slice & Dice
- Create Enchantment Industry
- Chat Heads
- Enchantment Descriptions
- Trading Post
- Diagonal Fences
Updated the Following Mods:
- Alex's Caves
- A Cold day in the Nether
- Amendments
- Create
- Create: Steam 'n'Rails
- Friends & Foes
- Just Enough Items
- Puzzles Lib
Edited the Battlemusic Config
Added music to encounters with:
- Iron's Spellbooks: Necromancer, Pyromancer, Cryomancer & Apothecarist
- Look: Deerclops
Removed Enhanced AI and Guard Villagers due to performance issues. Configs will be left in pack if you desire to re-add them
Added The Following Mods: SereneSeasonsfix Inventory Profiles Next
Added the Following Resource Packs: Colourful Containers GUI
Adjusted the volume of the Battle Music to be a bit louder. Asjusted some other default settings.