Minecraft: Java Edition
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Why choose WynnX?:
As a long-time player of Wynncraft, one struggle I've seemed to have is constantly being forced to download/complile/trouble-shoot my mods for the server since nobody has really created a modpack that has stood the test of time. Luckily, I enjoy doing this, and would like to start posting and religiously updating my pack publicly so everyone will no longer have such issues.
We have made an easy-to-run pack with all the mods deemed fit for Wynncraft. This will include graphical enchancement mods, quality of life mods, and most importantly performance mods all of which will be listed below along with what they do so you know exactly what you are getting upon downloading.
Graphical Enhancements
Iris Shaders: A simple shaders mod, I've also included 'Complementary Shaders' alongside it. (For lower end PCs you can turn down the settings and you may be able to use it; if not you can toggle it off which it will be by default)
3D-Skin-Layers: A mod that makes all player skins 3D including 'human' NPCs on Wynn. (This should not affect performance very much)
Shoulder Surfing Reloaded: Removes 2nd person, and allows you to use 3rd person more freely.
Sodium: The main Minecraft peformance mod on Fabric
Sodium Extra: An extension of Sodium
Reese's Sodium Options: Allows you to control more graphical settings in your options menu
Lithium: General purpose optimization mod fixing a number of things including physics, mob AI, block ticking, etc.
Particle Core: Particle culling mod; particles outside of your view will no longer be generated
Entity Culling: Entities outside of your view will no longer be generated
Quality of Life
Wynntils: The main Wynncraft mod
Wynn-Spell-Caster: A mod that has finally solved the age-old-problem of having issues casting spells. No more manual casting or configuring macros. (You will need to disable/unbind Wynntils spell caster which is on by default, and then bind Wynn-Spell-Caster's)
Zoomify: Allows you to zoom in
Controlling: Allows you to search in keybinds menu
Kenny's-Force-Close-Loading-Screen: Allows you to load the game faster
Note: All other mods included are dependencies which means the mods listed above require them to be able to run.
So why use WynnX? To make your life 10x easier! Let a team who has a decade of experience modding Wynncraft handle it for you! Everything will be constantly updated to the latest versions and uploaded to Modrinth, the easiest client to use for Wynncraft by far.
If the modpack requires an update to be playable or has any other major issues feel free to message xephar999 on discord.